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:: Saturday 04.10.10 :: Progression :: @ City Club ::

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Forgot it at the club again but after reading your post I got annoyed. I can't believe you got me to walk back to work after a 5 hr night there. Posting set list whe nI wake up. Actually a good chunk of the new music listed and ALL of the songs/bands that I personally mentioned have already been out for the last 2 weeks some for longer. You probably are not aware so let me also clue you in in a little fact. Labels give club DJ's early promo service. While E.U. labels don't normally give U.S. DJ's advance works if you are referred to them by a band or someone you have made a connection with you can get service. Although in your case it will probably take more than a sig at the bottom of your forum posts claiming to be a DJ at a night that no longer exists. They tend to verify that you actually are a DJ at a nightclub. Not some guy who just puts DJ in front of his name as if wishing would make it so. Also refer back to our facebook page from Monday with my post about tons of new music and the responses from the customers saying they enjoyed the new material. We posted about new music on Monday and then 2 days later Saint posted they were a doing a Progression night this week. Without a doubt this was planed by Saint long before my post and was not in the least bit influenced by us. It was none the less announced after we did our thing so DO NOT try to make this as if we were trying to copy his event. So get you facts straight. One last note never played 17 from Repo I normally use Zydrate.


Someone is mad.


2st, Just because I am not currently DJing doesnt mean I cant advertise myself as one for potential events in the future.

3nd, I dont care enough to change my sig, but making insults at my online persona is funny as hell, im so hurt.

4rd, I dont have facebook, but if I did...Why would I bother looking at a facebook page of a night I dont support?

5th, Yea, you wish you were saint, its ok. We all know you started playing his music after kicking him out of necto, its only natural that you follow his coattails.

6th, according to your "customers saying they enjoyed the new material" you played several songs off of repo, including zydrate and 17. But thats ok too, we know you dont want to look bad to your fan club of 18 year olds. Heck, I was one before I realized other stuff existed. You even started playing CC's lady gags joke from what I heard as well, good job.

Its interesting that the moment someone posts an cool new idea. You come in and post that you do it all the time, which is an obvious lie, but thats already been said. Also, you NEVER post set lists. You rarely post at all tbh. We can keep this going if you really want to, but its just going to make you look silly.


If you actually do post a set list, make sure to do it in a different thread, dont want people getting confused.

Edited by DJ Nocker
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Someone is mad.

4rd, I dont have facebook, but if I did...Why would I bother looking at a facebook page of a night I dont support?

5th, Yea, you wish you were saint, its ok. We all know you started playing his music after kicking him out of necto, its only natural that you follow his coattails.

6th, according to your "customers saying they enjoyed the new material" you played several songs off of repo, including zydrate and 17. But thats ok too, we know you dont want to look bad to your fan club of 18 year olds. Heck, I was one before I realized other stuff existed. You even started playing CC's lady gags joke from what I heard as well, good job.

Its interesting that the moment someone posts an cool new idea. You come in and post that you do it all the time, which is an obvious lie, but thats already been said. Also, you NEVER post set lists. You rarely post at all tbh. We can keep this going if you really want to, but its just going to make you look silly.


If you actually do post a set list, make sure to do it in a different thread, dont want people getting confused.

Yes I was Mad. When someone spouts off on something they know NOTHING about just to talk shit I tend to get annoyed. After you read my response please do elaborate and explain what in the world you mean when you say "started playing Saints music after kicking him out of Necto?" I was not aware saint had his own music. I can find rock,jazz electronic but no Saint's music. He was not kicked out nor was he part of the night when it started. About 1/2 way through our first first year we booked a few DJ's to come in once a month only. Saint palyed for about a year before we decided to move in a different direction. He wasn't kicked out he was simply replaced by Darks Choir to offer the crowd a greater variety of DJ's to hear. I have not rode on anyone's coattails but spent 6 years with the help from others to build a truly unique night of music every week that I'm damn proud of. .Build something of your own that can attract more than 10 people before you can snipe at what others who are actually doing something.

Also lets be blunt you used to be a regular at Necto and only stopped coming weekly when we banned you. Remember when you were running your mouth to a customer and he punched you. You were screaming at the top of you lungs that you were going to sue the guy and sue us for not protecting you from yourself. Thats why you stopped supporting us because we wouldn't let you in anymore.

Your own words betray your bias in this matter. When I simply brought up the fact that I posted 2 days prior to saint about new music with responses so it was obviously there before saint post. You refused to let the truth get in the way of a good tirade. All it would have taken was 2 mouse clicks to see you were wrong. You claim I am obviously lying. The truth is clearly there for anyone to see. Yet you turn a blind eye to anything that would change your views on the subject.

As for one you bringing up Lady Gaga and 17(again) 17 as far as I know has not been played unless Void or Dark dropped it. Never been ion our rotation. The credit for GAGA in the goth bars all goes to Void 6. He was the FIRST and as far as I know the ONLY DJ who played/plays GAGA. Never played I don't even have it on my case. He took the chance first as a joke but confident it would work and you know what it's a good thing. You can use that song as an example of being a bad DJ but he had more people dancing at CC and Necto the first time he played it then you have EVER been able to make dance in your entire time as a DJ. That is the truth. We don't need to replicate what other clubs are doing or playing. I would feel comfortable putting the amount of songs from this year and last that we play on a weekly basis with any other thriving club(AKA more than a 20 people a week) in The U.S. Bunker and Miami excluded. I have seen posts stating Detroit is not open to new music well Ann Arbor has been and continues to be very open to new material. If you doubt that I'll send a PM to Void to bug him to post last months set list since he took it home. I don't post my set lists often for a a few reasons. None of them do I feel like explaining to you.

To your last point I have no desire to go on with this. Not of fear of looking silly to you. Most of what you have said has no basis in fact rather some delusional construct you have made in your mind to justify all the impotent rage you feel towards us. You trash the club all the time but that's all you can do make snide posts from a computer. Your just another pissed off fanboy trying to defend a DJ better than yourself on something that was not offensive towards him or CC in any way if you want to bring up the word coattails.

BTW not mad anymore now.


Edited by Jinx
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My 2 Cents....!

Hatz off to the Djz who play new stuff..and who can get the crowd moving...!

This is not an easy thing to do.....!

I have Djed at clubs / cities where everything i spun everything that were dancefloor fillers / that worked at other venues but did not work at that venue.... any one who has djed for awhile has experienced this occurrence.

It pays to know your crowd...!

If you can carve out a niche / crowd all the better...... great job....!

No ill will towards anyone - just keep them dancing and coming back for more...!


P.S - i would love to hear one DJ play the Chicken Dance or mash it in with an INDUSTRIAL track......!

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My 2 Cents....!

My roommate/ opener Betamax and I have just packed a bong and are now combing through our current weekly set lists and new tracks looking to create that mash up. AS God as my witness that pure stroke of Genius will be realized this Monday. We have no guest DJ this week so other than 9 - 10:30 shift I have plenty to time to drop it in. You are FULL OF WIN SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


P.S - i would love to hear one DJ play the Chicken Dance or mash it in with an INDUSTRIAL track......!


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My 2 Cents....!

My roommate/ opener Betamax and I have just packed a bong and are now combing through our current weekly set lists and new tracks looking to create that mash up. AS God as my witness that pure stroke of Genius will be realized this Monday. We have no guest DJ this week so other than 9 - 10:30 shift I have plenty to time to drop it in.

You are FULL OF WIN SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay? I will bite? Full of Win? = ? i missed that memo and that term? or did you forget the D and the end of Win?


P.S - curious to hear what the Chicken dance was mixed to! :jamin

Edited by Darus313
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Full of win means exactly what it sounds like you sir are full of everything that wins. Heard that phrase from my niece who is in 3rd grade and it kinda stuck. Nice to stay hip to what jive the young cats are saying. Can you dig it man?

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Well, I will say that I do agree with a few of the things you say (like me getting punched by the DJ booth). Although you are over doing it quite a bit( me threatening to sue, was much more worried about icing my eye at the time). As I stated in a previous post, I did like going to necto alot a few years ago, and went damn near every week. I have necto to thank for breaking me into the club scene. But after a while I began showing up less and less and learn that there is more. Its not my thing anymore and I do not like what its become. Me getting punched by some drunk is not a reason for me to stop going some place, other wise I would have stopped going to harpo's years ago (lol). My room mate still tries to get me to go, I just dont want to. As a matter of fact, I didnt even know I was actually "banned" until now, but its of little relevance.

I will say that making stabs at a competing clubs attendance is pretty lame, as most people just want the scene to be cool and have a diverse outlet as apposed to CC and necto. Not all of us are so lucky as to be set up in a college town (necto) or have an ancient reputation (CC). I have stated several times my hatred for city club, so dont think I am targeting only necto.

And its true, I am a fan of DJ saint, he is one of the most talented DJ's in the detroit scene and has offered to help teach me alot along the way. Same with Wilhelm K. I respect them for there skill. This conversation is geting old, and PROGRRESSION happened and im sure it was cool. As for what you play at the club, I can just ask people who actually go to the bar and see what is true and what isnt.

Brap on.

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Full of win means exactly what it sounds like you sir are full of everything that wins. Heard that phrase from my niece who is in 3rd grade and it kinda stuck. Nice to stay hip to what jive the young cats are saying. Can you dig it man?

Well for once i am glad i don't that phrase or you would be calling me a pedophile...!~


P.S - Thanks :respect:

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ironic that a post about a new music night at CITY CLUB degrades itself to such BULL SHIT. But I suppose by now I'd expect nothing less from one of the parties involved (guess who!?) who's been pulling the same kind of addlebrained storytelling for 5+ years now...

Regardless, Progression was a great night. An entire evening of new music and tons of inquiries from people on what was played. Playlist will be posted shortly.

Now then onto other things...

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addlebrained storytelling

Really now. I did not make this personal at all. I merely defended myself from your fanboy. In what way did I offend you? I did not try to steal your thunder of a progression night. BTW every week you work should be a progression night not a big deal because you are updating your set list. Looking at what you played just 1 week before 3/26/10 in this forum I count ONE and ONLY ONE song from 2010. We are in April already and 1 song is all you could muster in the 6 hrs the club is open. AGAIN AS POSTED BEFORE THE FACTS. I announced days before you that I was pushing out a lot of new music this week. Not really a big deal. We try to do that every week. I just got in more new music this week than normal. Then you posted a nifty flier announcing a new music night that you were doing 4 days later. These are not stories but documented facts that can be easily verified Ala facebook. I was smeared for trying to replicate your idea when it wasn't. The attack was not based on facts but a desire to start shit where there was none. Also to be frank didn't see much that you played that actually came out this week many of what your version of new has already been out and already played at Necto and other clubs. I know you have not been out to Necto since I replaced you with Darks Choir but come on out on Monday. I'll put you on the guest list and give you a free booth. See how new material works and maybe this whole "theme night" can turn into a weekly thing for you. You have posted that Detroit is not open to new material well guess what Einstein that is partly your fault and part of the reason why Mondays continues to grow.

Edited by Jinx
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Per the request of several people this thread will be closed until further notice. There is an "aftermath" thread for this event (at which I had a great time :) ) and any NICE comments from now on should be posted in there. At this point this thread has threadjacked itself into oblivion and is beginning to become nasty.

If anyone has an objection or any questions as to this action, please send all inquiries to my PM box (or as always, the PM box of another moderator). Thanks to everyone for their anticipated cooperation with this matter.

(For people who can't read the yellow with their browser)

Per the request of several people this thread will be closed until further notice. There is an "aftermath" thread for this event (at which I had a great time :) ) and any NICE comments from now on should be posted in there. At this point this thread has threadjacked itself into oblivion and is beginning to become nasty.

If anyone has an objection or any questions as to this action, please send all inquiries to my PM box (or as always, the PM box of another moderator). Thanks to everyone for their anticipated cooperation with this matter.

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