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And, as with the many school shootings, it will come out later that the attacker was on antidepressant drugs. No one ever seems to want to address that.

Most likely. And there will be the whole "blame the victim" bit too. I don't know what she said to this kid to have set him off but it doesn't matter. Two wrongs do not make a right. He kicked the girl's head like it was a soccer ball with his steel-toed boots. She will probably never fully recover and if she does, it will take a long time.

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And, as with the many school shootings, it will come out later that the attacker was on antidepressant drugs. No one ever seems to want to address that.

I'll just say my two cents before this thread turns into a shit storm like the last one..

1)I take anything faux news with a grain of salt and will find better sources to the related subject as they have been busted for giving dramatized and souped up stories that have stretched, and in some cases, not even been relevant truths to the situation being covered by them.

2)I would not blame antidepressants at all NG, not for the cause at least***. I would however, take the notion that if the attacker was on antidepressants, that could be a clue to another problem the pills were in place to help correct. However the notion that antidepressants would drive a person over the edge like that is stretching it to me for two reasons, one, because of the number of people on these pills, if it were the case, we'd be in a near state of anarchy with everyone snapping and shooting schools, work, ect up. and two, somebody is probably pretty damn close to that edge already if they're needing prescribed pills to help them cope with whatever their demons are. If any of you want a scapegoat lets look at these possible options, the girl herself (yes the girl, considering the story faux gave) for possibly provoking or antagonizing the boy over the suicide of his brother. The boy's family, he beat her ass, his brother committed suicide, just makes me thing wtf is up with that family? The school it's self, mine had hall moniters, actual employed hall moniters. Where was the staff to keep peace and order hm? Kids will be kids, that's why it's not too far fetched for me to suggest the girl provoked the beatings she got. She obviously doesn't deserve what she got however. Either way the situation was just fucked at any angle you could look at it.

Now i'm dodging out before the shit storm in this thread starts!

*** I wanted to throw in this edit to add, I read your statement and can see it being interpereted 2 ways possibly by other viewers. AT first glance it looked like you were saying you believed the antidepressants to be a valid cause to erratic behavior. I did not catch the sarcasm that the media, like a timed pain killer, throws that out as a scapegoat to the public. I'd just like to apologize for any misunderstanding I had of your post and not to take my response the wrong way if I got what you said wrong.

Edited by Epic_Fail_Guy
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A lot of people rip on Fox News, but CNN/MSNBC report stories the way they want their viewers to interpret it just as much as Fox News does. It doesn't matter either way because people believe who they want to believe. News media in general sucks. For instance, my friend and her patient were murdered a few months ago in Detroit, she was a home-care nurse who was making her weekly visit to check on her patient. It was only mentioned maybe once or twice. And it wasn't even reported in that much detail until a week or so later. It was just "two bodies found shot and burned in Detroit", the media was too busy reporting about Kwame's money.

Edited by KatRN05
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2)I would not blame antidepressants at all NG, not for the cause at least***. I would however, take the notion that if the attacker was on antidepressants, that could be a clue to another problem the pills were in place to help correct. However the notion that antidepressants would drive a person over the edge like that is stretching it to me for two reasons, one, because of the number of people on these pills, if it were the case, we'd be in a near state of anarchy with everyone snapping and shooting schools, work, ect up. and two, somebody is probably pretty damn close to that edge already if they're needing prescribed pills to help them cope with whatever their demons are. If any of you want a scapegoat lets look at these possible options, the girl herself (yes the girl, considering the story faux gave) for possibly provoking or antagonizing the boy over the suicide of his brother. The boy's family, he beat her ass, his brother committed suicide, just makes me thing wtf is up with that family? The school it's self, mine had hall moniters, actual employed hall moniters. Where was the staff to keep peace and order hm? Kids will be kids, that's why it's not too far fetched for me to suggest the girl provoked the beatings she got. She obviously doesn't deserve what she got however. Either way the situation was just fucked at any angle you could look at it.

If you look at the side effects associated with antidepressant/psychotropic drugs, you see that, when you're talking about children and teenagers, they often have the opposite effect of causing suicidal and violent behavior. Just doing a quick Google search, I found this abstract from the Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol. 78, Issue 1, January 2004. The problem is that doctors rely on published drug research in making decisions to prescribe and the drug manufacturers only publish the results they want to. In 2004, the New York State Attorney General prosecuted GlaxoSmithKline for withholding vital information concerning the side effects of Paxil on children. It turned out that GSK conducted five clinical trials on children and teens, but only one of them produced favorable results. The doctor sees only the trial results that the drug company wants him to see. Similar hijinks have been perpetrated by Pfizer, Eli Lilly, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson (the family company!), and Janssen. We also have a situation - and this ventures into the territory of my opinion - of children being diagnosed with AD/HD and similar "disorders", simply because they act like children. If a child doesn't have a "chemical imbalance" and is given psychoactive drugs, what are the risks? According to a 2008 report, 30% of the nation's children and teens, age 19 and under, are on long-term prescription medication. The number of girls on prescription antidepressants rose a staggering 72% from 2001 to 2007. Today, we have well over 17 million children and teens on antidepressants. We now medicate children under the age of three for depression. Fewer than half of the children on these drugs receive any kind of therapy in conjunction with the medication.

The biochemistry of children and teens is different from mature adults. This is why we have an escalation of school violence, but not an overall state of Anarchy.

Now i'm dodging out before the shit storm in this thread starts!

I'd never flame anyone for stating a well-thought-out opinion. :)

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2)I would not blame antidepressants at all NG, not for the cause at least***. I would however, take the notion that if the attacker was on antidepressants, that could be a clue to another problem the pills were in place to help correct. However the notion that antidepressants would drive a person over the edge like that is stretching it to me for two reasons, one, because of the number of people on these pills, if it were the case, we'd be in a near state of anarchy with everyone snapping and shooting schools, work, ect up. and two, somebody is probably pretty damn close to that edge already if they're needing prescribed pills to help them cope with whatever their demons are. If any of you want a scapegoat lets look at these possible options, the girl herself (yes the girl, considering the story faux gave) for possibly provoking or antagonizing the boy over the suicide of his brother. The boy's family, he beat her ass, his brother committed suicide, just makes me thing wtf is up with that family? The school it's self, mine had hall moniters, actual employed hall moniters. Where was the staff to keep peace and order hm? Kids will be kids, that's why it's not too far fetched for me to suggest the girl provoked the beatings she got. She obviously doesn't deserve what she got however. Either way the situation was just fucked at any angle you could look at it.

I would. It's because there is overwhelming scientific research indicating that this is actually true and a serious problem. Remember Paxil? You know why you don't see it anymore? Because it did shit like this. I know because one of my best friends was on it in high school and it caused her to start cutting, doing drugs, drinking, fucking everyone, hating herself, crying all day, and she almost offed herself several times. She and millions of others have a class-act lawsuit against the company (I believe it's Pfizer...?)

The way these companies get around this and keep releasing the same shit (or VERY similar shit) with a different name. Remember Ritalin and the huge hype of the 1990s when it destroyed the lives of more children than it helped? It's called Adderol now. What happened to Paxil...? Wellbutrin my friend!

All to make a buck fucking you over. Gotta love big pharma and how far their lobbyists have their dicks up the government's collective ass (and pocket book). You think big pharma is disturbing...look up shit on the FDA. Just as bad.

Not even just antidepressants. Think of all these lawsuit commercials you keep seeing on TV because these out of control monster companies are allowed to run around unchecked releasing dangerous chemicals to the population in order to "help us" without even testing the shit first. Yaz...? Gone. That one heart med that starts with a V....(GRR can't remember the name!) Gone. You see more recalls and lawsuits over prescriptions now than success stories. That's why I say "no thanks...fuck that shit." And I'm not saying there aren't SOME success stories, but let's just say that big pharma had to crack one toooooo many eggs to make THAT omelet.

(For the non-yellowers)

I would. It's because there is overwhelming scientific research indicating that this is actually true and a serious problem. Remember Paxil? You know why you don't see it anymore? Because it did shit like this. I know because one of my best friends was on it in high school and it caused her to start cutting, doing drugs, drinking, fucking everyone, hating herself, crying all day, and she almost offed herself several times. She and millions of others have a class-act lawsuit against the company (I believe it's Pfizer...?)

The way these companies get around this and keep releasing the same shit (or VERY similar shit) with a different name. Remember Ritalin and the huge hype of the 1990s when it destroyed the lives of more children than it helped? It's called Adderol now. What happened to Paxil...? Wellbutrin my friend!

All to make a buck fucking you over. Gotta love big pharma and how far their lobbyists have their dicks up the government's collective ass (and pocket book). You think big pharma is disturbing...look up shit on the FDA. Just as bad.

Not even just antidepressants. Think of all these lawsuit commercials you keep seeing on TV because these out of control monster companies are allowed to run around unchecked releasing dangerous chemicals to the population in order to "help us" without even properly testing the shit first. Yaz...? Gone. That one heart med that starts with a V....(GRR can't remember the name!) Gone. You see more recalls and lawsuits over prescriptions now than success stories. That's why I say "no thanks...fuck that shit." And I'm not saying there aren't SOME success stories, but let's just say that big pharma had to crack one toooooo many eggs to make THAT omelet.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Wow you guys are all blaming the wrong things...obviously cigarettes and the intense heat in that area due to global warming are the main factors...

Who cares what did it or who is to blame? IT IS ALREADY DONE! Now would be the time to offer prayers or whatever your beliefs allow you to do. There are other people that can investigate the legal parts of this messed up occurrence...we should just help by staying out of that part...

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Most likely. And there will be the whole "blame the victim" bit too. I don't know what she said to this kid to have set him off but it doesn't matter. Two wrongs do not make a right. He kicked the girl's head like it was a soccer ball with his steel-toed boots. She will probably never fully recover and if she does, it will take a long time.


Can we say assault with intent to do grievous harm...or maybe, assault with a deadly weapon...

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If you look at the side effects associated with antidepressant/psychotropic drugs, you see that, when you're talking about children and teenagers, they often have the opposite effect of causing suicidal and violent behavior. Just doing a quick Google search, I found this abstract from the Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol. 78, Issue 1, January 2004. The problem is that doctors rely on published drug research in making decisions to prescribe and the drug manufacturers only publish the results they want to. In 2004, the New York State Attorney General prosecuted GlaxoSmithKline for withholding vital information concerning the side effects of Paxil on children. It turned out that GSK conducted five clinical trials on children and teens, but only one of them produced favorable results. The doctor sees only the trial results that the drug company wants him to see. Similar hijinks have been perpetrated by Pfizer, Eli Lilly, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson (the family company!), and Janssen. We also have a situation - and this ventures into the territory of my opinion - of children being diagnosed with AD/HD and similar "disorders", simply because they act like children. If a child doesn't have a "chemical imbalance" and is given psychoactive drugs, what are the risks? According to a 2008 report, 30% of the nation's children and teens, age 19 and under, are on long-term prescription medication. The number of girls on prescription antidepressants rose a staggering 72% from 2001 to 2007. Today, we have well over 17 million children and teens on antidepressants. We now medicate children under the age of three for depression. Fewer than half of the children on these drugs receive any kind of therapy in conjunction with the medication.

The biochemistry of children and teens is different from mature adults. This is why we have an escalation of school violence, but not an overall state of Anarchy.

I'd never flame anyone for stating a well-thought-out opinion. :)

I know what you say is true, I've even personal experience by being prescribed different antidepressants throughout my teen years and early 20's. Eventually, I just said fuck it all and decided that what they were telling me, that I needed these medications, was in fact, utter bullshit. Did my own research, and did find similar related issues with what you just stated. So, already heated from that, for my next checkup I contfonted my doctor about it, first I said I was doing great (wich wasn't a lie) and have been feeling great for the past month (checkup was every 6 months) I didn't tell him however, that 2 months ago, I stopped taking the shit. He then tried telling me that I was getting used to the medication and would soon be back to my own mental "handicap" so he wanted to up the dosage or change the medication. That's when I dropped the bomb and told him I had stopped taking it, what I found out, and that I refuse to take any more meds.

However, I do know common sense plays a big roll. So I was a little fucked up, but when I started taking the pills, i got even more fucked up (as i slowly realized) but at the same time, I would NEVER dream about doing anything that flippin crazy like the article here or any other reports of being on meds. I truely feel the pills don't "make" you do these things. You gotta be unstable enough to do these things from the get go, the only thing the pills would do, is provide a little encouragement. So while the guy was kickin the shit out of her face, the only thing the pills would be doing is cheering on saying, "KICK HARDER!!"

Pills or not, it still boils down to self control. If pills were to blame, then EVERYONE on these pills would be flipping a wig and it would be anarchy. But less than 10% of these people on the pills are doing stupid shit.

I'm NOT, however, trying to defend the drug industries by ANY means. However, that monster made from a combination of the insurance companies, drug companies, politics, and profit is just too much to tackle in one post, and I feel I don't have to say anything about that mess because it would be like preaching to the choir.

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Wow you guys are all blaming the wrong things...obviously cigarettes and the intense heat in that area due to global warming are the main factors...

Who cares what did it or who is to blame? IT IS ALREADY DONE! Now would be the time to offer prayers or whatever your beliefs allow you to do. There are other people that can investigate the legal parts of this messed up occurrence...we should just help by staying out of that part...

I wouldn't say I'm pointing the finger at who's fault it is and who to burn at the stake. That punk got out of line, that punk should get what's coming to him.

I think the main reason why we are bringing up possible causes is to try to identify the triggers to help prevent that sort of thing from happening in our own lives.

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I wouldn't say I'm pointing the finger at who's fault it is and who to burn at the stake. That punk got out of line, that punk should get what's coming to him.

I think the main reason why we are bringing up possible causes is to try to identify the triggers to help prevent that sort of thing from happening in our own lives.

That is what happened after almost every single school shooting and if it did anything it made people more paranoid which set-up weird rules in school setting...and if there is something it didn't do it would be the fact that the violence is still going on.

Look, putting many people into one setting can be asking for a number of things to go right or wrong because all of their interactions are the drastically different. In THIS particular environment it is not only a bunch of humans in one spot...it is YOUNG humans which can compound the complications more than we can comprehend. Everything is to blame and nothing is to blame.

The best we can do in these situations is to stop that certain individual and help and comfort the victims. If we try to stop stupid, random violence at schools by banning shit or tightening restrictions on things we are going to be about as successful as George Bush was when he tried to read Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.

Our big problem is that we have no clue how to handle these situations other than to develop a bad case of rage, point fingers, and bitch about the attacker while cooing over the victim. No wonder we couldn't handle a disaster like Katrina...we LOVE the drama that comes from this shit!

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Can we say assault with intent to do grievous harm...or maybe, assault with a deadly weapon...

I believe he is being charged with attempted murder as he should be. If she dies anytime in the near future, he should and probably would be charged with murder as his assault is what ultimately caused her death.

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