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Xenophobia? Really? I assume this is some kind of joke.

1. Do you really think having a non-citizen run your country would be a good idea?

2. History. It's a wonderful thing. It was the Democrats that opposed freeing the slaves. It was the Democrats that opposed giving Blacks the Right to vote. It was the Democrats that opposed Women's Sufferage. It was the Democrats that fought against Desegration and the Cival Rights movement.

As you may have overlooked I said "at least at the moment."

IE: not talking about in decades past.... as in right now, currently....

I am not sure what you are disagreeing with here.

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Oh... I thought that was rhetorical...

( since I never said anything about being okay about having some none citizen running the country... I am not sure why it was asked )

But you did say that if Obama was a Republican the Dems would not being going after him for his less than clear birthplace because they are not xenophobic.. which implys that Republicans are. You even said it was in their war chest.

I'm calling you on that.

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2. History. It's a wonderful thing. It was the Democrats that opposed freeing the slaves. It was the Democrats that opposed giving Blacks the Right to vote. It was the Democrats that opposed Women's Sufferage. It was the Democrats that fought against Desegration and the Cival Rights movement.

Gaf, I know that you've studied enough to know that the Civil War era Democratic party was nothing like the one we know today.


The less we fight along partisan lines, the better. By taking sides (really, two sides of the same coin) and having a "Republicans suck! No, Democrats suck!" argument, our attention is diverted from the evils the Republicrats are visiting upon the People.


My main concern is twofold:

1. Is every President required to publicize his/her birth certificate?

2. What does the Republican leadership have to say about the Democrats' assertion that Obama has demonstrated to Congress his qualifications?

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But you did say that if Obama was a Republican the Dems would not being going after him for his less than clear birthplace because they are not xenophobic.. which implys that Republicans are. You even said it was in their war chest.

I'm calling you on that.

No I didn't... I was responding to this:

I bet if Obama was a Republican, Democrats would breathe holy hellfire demanding to see it.

I simply stated that they would not "breathe holy hellfire" I never said that they would not go after him... just not in the "Holy Hellfire way"... So You are calling me on nothing.

And yes... todays republicans seem to be a bit more Xenophobic. I never said that Dems were not Xenophobic.

(You seem to be taking what I say out of the gray and into the black and white... I am not talking in absolutes, so please don't say that I am or imply thats what I mean when I did not say these things. )

The only thing you have gotten correct about what I have said thus far is that the Xenophobia is in their war chest.

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Gaf, I know that you've studied enough to know that the Civil War era Democratic party was nothing like the one we know today.


The less we fight along partisan lines, the better. By taking sides (really, two sides of the same coin) and having a "Republicans suck! No, Democrats suck!" argument, our attention is diverted from the evils the Republicrats are visiting upon the People.


My main concern is twofold:

1. Is every President required to publicize his/her birth certificate?

2. What does the Republican leadership have to say about the Democrats' assertion that Obama has demonstrated to Congress his qualifications?

You are right, the Democrats of old were just a hatefull bunch of hicks.. now... they are a hateful bunch of control freaks worshipping at the alter of a false messiah. I'm sorry, I have no love for the Democratic party because I know thier history.

As to your main concerns.. those are mine too. From what I can find CAnidates are sopposed to prove they are eligable before taking office.

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No I didn't... I was responding to this:

I simply stated that they would not "breathe holy hellfire" I never said that they would not go after him... just not in the "Holy Hellfire way"... So You are calling me on nothing.

And yes... todays republicans seem to be a bit more Xenophobic. I never said that Dems were not Xenophobic.

(You seem to be taking what I say out of the gray and into the black and white... I am not talking in absolutes, so please don't say that I am or imply thats what I mean when I did not say these things. )

The only thing you have gotten correct about what I have said thus far is that the Xenophobia is in their war chest.

Perhaps you could be more clear in your posts. Didn;t you get into a pissing match with Rev recently because your were not being allthat lcear on what you meant?

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A mob demanding it; Lol, so the American people are a mob? that's funny.

Sorry, poor choice of words. I meant a very large group of irate citizens, some of whom have ulterior motives (not the majority, but some) whose demands are enough to overwhelm a department. A facsimile of the document WAS produced, but then the department was overwhelmed with naysayers who claimed that document was false and then demanded the original.

You aren't suggesting that Americans can't be a mob, are you? If that's the case, BOTH (major) parties are woefully misplaced in having police presence with riot gear at their national conventions.

Americans aren't generally given to mobs, but they can be incited to violence or made to panic, e.g. trampling deaths on Black Friday--and that's over a "good" thing.

What if Obama was a Republican?

I bet if Obama was a Republican, Democrats would breathe holy hellfire demanding to see it.

Perhaps some Democrats would want some proof if the issue was highly contentious. That is only responsible. But, then, it is my sincere hope that once a document was produced, even in facsimile, but an approved and accredited facsimile, the issue would be dropped and focus returned to something more productive, just as it was when McCain's eligibility was questioned.

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Perhaps you could be more clear in your posts. Didn;t you get into a pissing match with Rev recently because your were not being allthat lcear on what you meant?

you would have to ask him... people other then him who were reading my posts did not seem to have that issue.

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