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Alright nerds/geeks, time to spill it! Time to discuss everything star wars, from movies, to silly debates to what in canon and what total BS about some of the best sci fi films ever made. STAR WARS!

Whos your fav character

whats your favorite movie

come on I know you know...

Who love Star Wars? I know I do. I love the whole series. Obviously the original 3 are the best though. I dont read the books though.

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Guest Megalicious

Favorite Character - Boba. Close second- Yoda (Mine, MINE, MINE!!!) :p

Favorite Movie - Empire, hands down.

Yes I love Star Wars, I grew up fantasizing about flying X-wings. I am a board-game playing, BSG loving, video game playing, girl DORK - of course I love Star Wars. :happy:

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Whos your fav character: Boba is cool of course.... so is Vader.... BUT - I usually like the unsung ones the most, Wedge Antilles for the good guys... did a lot more crap then Luke and got less credit... And for the Empire: Admiral Piett, I always thought of him as sort of the Empires Rommel

whats your favorite movie: Empire.... no question

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I don't think that the Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith were all that bad, and I don't think that A New Hope was all that good.

The Empire Strikes Back is a masterpiece, and the other two are completely irredeemable shit.

Fave Character: Lando Calrissian.

never cared about the toys, comics, fanfic, whateva.

Edited by SpammerOvTheGods
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Guest Megalicious

I heard this on NPR (Wait, Wait don't tell me) the other day. Some school wants to make Admiral Ackbar their mascot (they are the Rebels). I thought they were joking but it was the true story.... I laughed and then thought "that is pretty awesome" I wonder what Lucas thinks.

Awesome linkage.

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Guest Megalicious

A question for the boba lover...he didnt do anything in the movies...do you like him for book reason or just think he looks cool?

Being a child Boba was not favorite (that would be Yoda), he only became my favorite after I reading the story where he escapes from the Giant Sand Worm... *nod* Boba is fucking bad ass.

And yeah, it helps that he looks totally awesome and has an amazing presence even though he says and does little. I love his back story as well.

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I've never read the Boba back stories myself but I've heard that they're awesome and that he really is a bad ass.

Myself, my first crush was Han Solo and I still think Harrison Ford is hot even if he is an old man (plus, he was also Indiana which is another great character).

I think that I always liked "Jedi" the best because I really like Jabba and Rancor, I have to say that Empire is a close second and probably superior but again...Jabba. I liked the new Star Wars as well though I hate JarJar. I though that Episode 2 was the best of the three.

My brother had all the toys when we were kids and so we played Stars Wars all the time. My brother would get mad because I always wanted to make Leia kiss Han and he didn't like that one bit. lol. I've recently introduced my two boys to Stars Wars and was pretty excited to pass down such a great story to them.

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Jabba the Hutt is my favorite Star Wars character. Return of the Jedi was the first non-animated, non-Disney movie that I ever saw and his appearance in the beginning was an integral part of my formative childhood years. He was like nothing that I ever saw before. Prior to this, I had also been shown aliens that were simple, green, big-headed manipulators that wanted to take over the Earth. Jabba looked, acted and sounded like nothing I had seen before or since. A landmark in puppetry too.

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I'm a guy.. I have 2 heads, one has a brain, one doesn't.. but they both have opinions on the matter. One is obviously going to be extremely predictable.

First, the opinion of my head with the brain..

My favourite character is a toss between Han Solo And R2D2. Han because hell, I like being a scoundrel and can relate to his shenanegans and his motives in the beginning, also his hot shot personality kinda relates to mine in a bit. R2 for one simple fact, he just straight up doesn't give a fuck about fear or danger. That seems to be the only character, for when things get totally clusterfucked, to say, "Fuckin pussies, I got this shit! What.. Me worry?" For favorite movie.. I would say even as a child, and now.. Empire Strikes back. As a kid, reasons were sorta rediculous, I was obsessed with exploring and was always fascinated with caves.. The cavern Luke fell down after Vader sliced his hand off (and found a new "girlfriend" lulz!) triggered my fascination with caves.. i saw it very similar to "the bottomless pit".. a very sci-fi techno enhanced bottomless pit lol. Now though, i still like that movie because hell, this'll sound like clerks but.. it's just a series of downers. And that's just life, you can't win every gamble, or every challenge. Sometimes, even with your best efforts put forth, you're still gonna fail. But it's the perserverence that shown through to that.

Now for the head without a brain.....

Leigha in the metal bikini (or that dancer slave that gets PWNT by Jabba's monster)

Favorite movie, Return of the Jedi because it shows the most sexy chicks lol!

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I like the original three (now IV, V, and VI.) Star Wars was the first film I saw in the theaters at the age of 5 in 1977 (good gods, that is really dating me...) Han, Luke and Ben were my favorites.

I have since seen all the original movies in the theaters in both the original run and the Special Edition.

As for I, II, and II. They were OK. I wish that we had more with Qui Gon Jinn, tied with Yoda and Obi Wan for my favorite characters in those episodes.

Geek time:

-All the novels have to be reviewed by Lucas, and he has to sign off on them so they maintain continuity. I don't know if that is recently changed or not. So the working theory is they are canon.

-As I have friends who wrote for West End Games, who originally made the Star Wars RPG, they also had to have all supplements reviewed and signed off by Lucas to maintain continuity. (The friend's are Sterling Hershey and Miranda Horner.)

-I actually playtested the d20 version of Star Wars. I personally was underwhelmed at the lack of epicness that I came to love in the WEG version, but I got a free book out of it. (For those that know my last name, I am in the list of playtesters in the original d20 version, and at least 3.5 last time I read.)

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The greatest thing ever to come out of the Star Wars universe:


No way. The B-wing's are cooler by far. Asymmetry is where it's at.


As for the other questions:

Fave character: Young Obi Wan Kenobi

Movie: Empire

I have some of the "Art of Star Wars" books that showed illustrations from the making of the movies.

I also Bit Torrented a file that has most of the known Star Wars books in it. There's a few hundred. I haven't read any of those but have read a few paperbacks.

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The greatest thing ever to come out of the Star Wars universe:


Originally designed by the Rebels since the outbreak of open war, the A-wing was assembled with three things in mind: rugged dependability, speed, and power. It was assembled with equipment readily available to the Rebels, and could be maintained well.

A-Wing stats:

  • Length: 9.6 meters
  • Crew: 1 pilot
  • Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1 (lower the multiple, the faster the hyperdrive. Millennium Falcon has a multiplier of 1/2.)
  • Nav Computer: Can be pre-programed for 2 jumps
  • Sublight Speed: 6d (d=d6's rolled, this is added to the pilots skills for chases, etc., so the higher, the better.)
  • Maneuverability: 4d
  • Hull: 2d+2
  • Weapons: Two Laser Cannons (fire linked) Fire Control(FC): 3d, Combined Damage (D): 5d
  • Shields: 1d

No way. The B-wing's are cooler by far. Asymmetry is where it's at.


Slayn & Korpil B-Wing Assault Starfighter. Heavy assault fighter, Most heavily armed starfighter in the galaxy. It gyro stabilizes the cockpit (which has all sensors, life support, communications, and computers,) to reduce g-forces on the pilot to allow the rest of the body to roll to avoid fire and sweep its weapons in a circle of death. The gyroscopic system is a nightmare to maintain, and can freeze in combat, leaving the pilot to deal with g-forces and an awkward configuration.

B-wing stats:

  • Length: 16.9 meters
  • Crew: 1 pilot
  • Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
  • Nav Computer: 2 jumps
  • Sublight Speed: 3d
  • Naneuverability: 1d+1
  • Hull: 3d
  • Weapons: Medium Ion Cannon x3 (Fire Control 4d, Combined Damage 4d); Proton Torpedo Launcher x2 (FC 3d, D 9d); Laser Cannon x1 (FC 1d, D 9d); Auto Blaster x2 (FC 2d, D 3d)
  • Shields: 2d

Note: If the gyro system freezes, sublight goes down by 2d, and Fire Control goes down by 1d.

Source: Star Wars Sourcebook, 1987.

Personally, I always liked all starfighters in the movies.

Edited by StormKnight
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It's okay, StormKnight. I saw Episode IV in 1977, too. Of course I was only three. :p

My favorite character is a toss up between Chewbacca and R2D2, and of course, I'm going with Empire. I hated the prequels. I thought the writing was some of the worst in cinematic history and both Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christiansen were horrid.

My son plays with my old Star Wars toys. :)

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Favorite characters...as a kid Luke was my hero. He had dreams. He rose to the challenge. He had his hand cut off and accepted that he had to fight his father. He was a whiny douche for a minute, but ended as a hardcore wise badass Jedi effin Knight! Just a great protagonist for anyone to admire.

Favorite villain is most definitely Vader. Plus he was played by James Earl Jones. That's like black Patrick Stewart IMO.

Favorite movie = Return of the Jedi. But honestly I hate having to decide on the first the movies. As a trilogy it was just beyond epic and for it's time was more than simply groundbreaking.

On a little side note, favorite "catchy" character =


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Im sure many of you were waiting for me to reply. Im such a Star Wars geek that I have an entire room dedicated to it. I have posters, a few hundred figures, vehicles, card board life size Chewie, an exact replica of Vaders lightsaber in Empire strikes back, more books and novels I care to count, comic books, regular size and giant Pez dispensers, a voice changing Vadar helmet, dollar bills with Lukes, Hans, Chewies and Leias faces on them and much more. Favorite character is Chewbacca. Favorite movie is of course Empire!

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A-Wing stats:

  • Weapons: Two Laser Cannons (fire linked) Fire Control(FC): 3d, Combined Damage (D): 5d

I liked it in the X-Wing computer game when they also gave the A-Wing concussion missiles. Now that rocked!

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I liked it in the X-Wing computer game when they also gave the A-Wing concussion missiles. Now that rocked!

Have that. I am working on getting a G4 cube to spec to run it and a few other games. Looking for a Graphics card and a monitor.

In the RPG, the launchers aren't standard, but an add-on.

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Sorry guys, but the Tie-Interceptor is the most badass star wars vessel.


"Your generic TIE grunt is just plain suicidal. And the TIE Defender jockey is bloodthirsty. But the TIE Interceptor pilot, he's suicidal and bloodthirsty.

When you see a squad of those maniacs flying your way, you'd better hope your hyperdrive is operational."

―Kyle Katarn

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