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Raymond Loewy - The Man Who Designed America

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"Arguably the most influential industrial designer of the 20th century, French-born Raymond Loewy (1893 - 1986) fashioned or utterly re-imagined a dizzying array of products and brands during a career spanning seven decades. Writer, illustrator, and co-founder of the Web's best blog, BoingBoing, Mark Frauenfelder has been fascinated by Loewy's work for years. In this gallery, Mark celebrates his favorite Loewy projects, and muses on the man's enduring appeal."


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Yes!! Everything was streamlined in the Art Deco era... stuart.gif

I think your thinking of the Streamline movement. I literally grew up in an antiuqe store.. it was part of the house. That pencil sharpner doesn't have any of the hallmarks of Art Deco.

But back on topic... Raymond Loewy was a kick ass designer. I see a Studebaker Avanti on my way to work every day and on my way home. The owner and I work the same hours but travel in opposite directions. It's an odd looking car to say the least.

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I think your thinking of the Streamline movement. I literally grew up in an antiuqe store.. it was part of the house. That pencil sharpner doesn't have any of the hallmarks of Art Deco.

But back on topic... Raymond Loewy was a kick ass designer. I see a Studebaker Avanti on my way to work every day and on my way home. The owner and I work the same hours but travel in opposite directions. It's an odd looking car to say the least.

Deco, streamline and streamlined moderne all coexisted and some of the influences blended between them although some were decidedly opposite. My History of Design prof was very big on Loewy as well as Bauhaus movement, and Buckmeister Fuller.

The Avanti in it's original form wasn't bad at all, except for that front end. :yucky:

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