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Joey Deadcat

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When Im invited to get togethers I always feel that I am wanted there but not THAT wanted there. I feel Im never that person everyone wants there.

Hey, cabin weekends, we really want you there. You're awesome!

I feel that way too (about myself, I mean). I also feel like the only reason I get invited to stuff is because my husband gets invited, like he's the one eveyone wants there, and I'm just the crappy accessory that just happens to come with the really cool thing.

With movie nights, it's the other way around. We love having you but eternal is that crazy freak that comes with. But we love him too.

I'm terrified of bees, too. I scream like a little girl when they come near me.

"I like my women like I like my coffee ... covered in bees!" -Eddie Izzard

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Do tell, do tell... :evil:


1) I know the idiots who bought tombstone statuary from a crackhead who lifted it out of Cemetery One in New Orleans in 1998. I also know where they hid it temporarily before they decided it was too hot to sell and broke it up and buried it when the FBI got involved. (Total morons, really.)

2) I met a woman who (fatwa on her head and I think she deserves it) tore a page out of the illustrated Koran in the Hagia Sophia. (She was a friend of the morons who bought the hot statuary.)

3) I have taken illicit substances illicitly.

4) I very nearly had sex with a 14 year old before I discovered she was only 14.

5) I didn't have sex with a 14 year old before I discovered she was only 14. j/k

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I am afraid of being alone forever....

I hid the pregnancy of my 2nd daughter cause of my severe depression and the fact I was getting beat on and really didnt want another kid.

Iv got more im sure but i must confess its time to go to work :X

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Guest Megalicious

I am afraid I will put all this effort into this "life" and not be happy...

Clowns freak me out.

I love the smell of the preservative they use on cadavers..

I hate the idea, and feeling of being in love.

I really do believe some people deserve to die. Some more than others and some in a slow, painful and horrid way (example:child molesters). And I don't feel bad about feeling this way.

I have an obsession with hands.

I sing in the shower- always.

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I secretly feel I'm the least attractive DGNer.

Wow! You know everyone is thinking "Are you kidding me?"

You really have it going on.

And you act like you know it.

Without flaunting it.

That's hot.

From what I've observed,

AFTER confidence, the sexiest thing a man can do to attract women is 'cool'

AND you are chock full of cool.

You don't have to say anything.

It's just there.

Here's a confession---I'm jealous of your ability to exhibit cool without even trying.

After what I just wrote, some of you may think I had another confession coming, but no I don't have a mancrush on Prick.

It's still for Phee. Because he's awesome.

But seriously Prick, you're so way ahead of most of the guys on this board, it's not even funny.

Which brings me to my next confession.

Due to my low self-confidence, I would think I'm the least attractive too, but

there's seriously a LOT of ugly dudes on the board and at City Club.

Women too. But not as many as the guys.

But ladies, it's not for lack of trying.

Despite your superior beauty, a TON of you try to make up for this "unfortunateness" by dressing completely inappropriately for your body

So many of you have such pretty features that could make you hallowed.

But instead of accentuating all the curves you possess, not to mention all the the little things (that make women like bean so amazingly pretty)

you mistakenly think skin at all costs, as if all men are neanderthal flesh magnets,

and so you choose to show off your rolls and arm fat as if they were being processed for shipment out of an irregular sausage factory

I confess I'm a little snobby.

I confess I fear the reaction from women, because I feel that there's this unwritten rule of what comments are ok for women to say

but completely off-limits for men to say.

I confess I hate fashion and makeup and all those girly things, but I have this small catty gay side of me that can't help but make comments like that and judge you when you dress against the natural beauty so many of you possess.

It also means that, although I won't watch those top model shows , I WILL be one of the few men to watch those annoying Joan and Melissa post awards shows where they make fun of celebrity fashions, and I will throw in a few barbs of my own.

I confess that I think it's qualities like that is one of the reasons why I didn't get laid more when I was younger.

Some women thought I was gay.

I confess bean has really drawn out the man in me. :spank:whip And I love her for it. :wub:

NO thats me good sir...you have me beat there...thats not sayin much but still

I have felt this many a times

While not as attractive and cool as prick (because few are) you also have no reason to feel the way you do.

A friend of mine used to want to bang the crap out of you.

Which I think might be painful, so I don't recommend it.

But seriously, you are undervaluing yourself.

THAT SAID--the least attractive things to women (since I told you the two most attractive things)

is acting desperate and creepy

and acting insecure and whiny about people not liking you or wanting you.

GOOD NEWS---Neither of you ever have a problem with the first one, but now that you've confessed you'll have to accept

that women like you and want to be around you.

Because if you don't you WILL become that which you fear.

When Im invited to get togethers I always feel that I am wanted there but not THAT wanted there. I feel Im never that person everyone wants there.

OMG, stop it!

You're Prick!

There is no one like Prick.

When people see you they say "Oh cool. There's Prick"

I'm not here to embarrass others, so I won't, but there are tons of people that blend in completely, so much so that they're not even noticed if they're gone. That's not you.

If I have a get together, I never have a one person that I want there.

I have a wish list of people I want there, and you're on it!

there's always those people that I think, "Oh that's awesome ______ is there!"

And you're one of them.

Except Brew and View. I expect you there and am pissed off when you're not.

I feel that way too (about myself, I mean). I also feel like the only reason I get invited to stuff is because my husband gets invited, like he's the one everyone wants there, and I'm just the crappy accessory that just happens to come with the really cool thing.

OK, I'm not really cool. Never have been.

And that's such garbage.

You make people happy.

You are that quiet yet engaged in conversation person that everyone thinks is interesting because you make them feel interesting.

You are wanted in your own right.

At times, I become too much, and I guarantee there are some people that prefer your company.

Everyone loves being around you, because you're so easy going and ready to laugh or nod or just be there for people.

You're the person no one realizes how much they need until you're not there.

And you're beautiful too.

And that counts for a lot.

thats totally untrue....thats why yall are Beternal

Do see what you just did! You just MADE her a crappy one-letter accessory to me.

Be gone Gimp! That is until you get it right.

It's beanternal


I confess I can't stand when people don't leave their voice recording on their voicemail. Instead it's this robotic, "You have reached 313-555..."

I'm looking at you Meg. (and others)

We all hate our voices on tape, but our friends love ti!

When I call and get a friends voicemail, I think "Oh that's my friend."

And I'm happy

When I call and get "You have reached 313" I think, oh I hope this the right number.

Wait, did I mix this up?

I dialed 313-555 didn't I?


What if I leave this personal message and it turns out to be someone else and they'll listen thinking

"Who is this jackass and why is he leaving a message on my machine?

And why is he giving his address and asking me to come over?

Oh, I'll come over all right, and I'll kill him for leaving rambling messages on my machine.

What a dipshit. Your number's up now dipshit"

So, thank you for making me feel like I'm encouraging a bipolar homicidal maniac to come to my house and teach me a lesson

with a hatchet and a blowtorch, which they will use to make a game called eternal ball hackey nutsack.

MY DEATH and my testicules being volleyed around on some killers heels

all because you were too vain to leave your voice on a recording.

I hope you're happy

My blood is on your hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK maybe I exaggerated a wee bit there.

Now everyone, go leave recordings on your voicemails.

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i have to confess i live like 3 blocks from the brew and view and yet i dont go eternal you need to send me some reminders so as i dont forget like i always do unless its wednesday then i have to go to drum circle since that to is close to me.

also i confess i like to be verbally abused in the bedroom while having sex i know wierd right. :p

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i have to confess i live like 3 blocks from the brew and view and yet i dont go eternal you need to send me some reminders so as i dont forget like i always do unless its wednesday then i have to go to drum circle since that to is close to me.

That sucks!

Brew and View is only Wednesday and Thursday.

So you're knocking out 50% of Brew and Views

I would have posted for this Wednesday because it's going to be killer, but I may have to do court prep.

I confess that BECAUSE my ex has made my life hell BY

taking way more money than what I'm supposed to pay based on my meager income---leaving beanternal severely in debt

taking someone away from me,

regularly threatening me and filing bogus charges against me that have been dismissed

because of all these things and more that although I don't wish it,

I confess that if she died tomorrow, beanternal wouldn't mind. (I checked with the bean part to get the all-clear on the last part--so it's a confession for her too)

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hey beanternal you guys could always come out to the drum circles its only a couple miles away from the brew and view and theres never a cover.

and as far as your ex goes i feel for you there that sucks nobody should be that much of a bitch.

and now for another confession i totally love ABBA

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