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Joey Deadcat

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  On 11/10/2010 at 10:52 PM, kat said:

I confess that I did something really stupid last night when I posted my TMI confession.

I think it was really fucking strong of you to pour out your heart like that.

I think you deserve a lot better in life than what you've gotten.

You have been really forthcoming with your confessions, and I really respect someone who can be so

honest without being, at the same time a nihilistic self-centered asshole who thrives on laughing at others pain.

(Not that anyone on this board is like that or anything)

You should never be ashamed to be Lost in Emotion Que sera Que sera

I confess I must be scared of success, because I work SO hard to make such little money.

And I seem to under cut every gain I make (like owing the company over $1k for a mistake)

I confess I've been putting off taking my ex to court to right heinous financial wrongs, because her and her well-funded cadre of lawyers terrify me.

I confess, although I'm terrified of death, since I havent made anything of myself, I also think all the time about the financial windfall my insurance policies (yes plural) would give my wife.

I confess I love the 80s, wayyy too much.

I confess I ALWAYS trust a big butt and a smile


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It is absolutely irritating when men drool over women who are average/boring looking, or who are borderline ugly.

I can't stand when people say that they are "random." I find that those are the least random and most predictable people.

I trust someone's body language far more than the words that they say.

I have a really hard time accepting compliments.

I am extremely self-conscious.

I have a problem with jealousy and envy.

I hate my nose. I think the end of it is too big.

My husband is the first person I've had a relationship with that hasn't physically or emotionally abused me.

I think that the people in my class that ask idiotic questions every single class should be evaluated as to whether or not they should be allowed to stay in the program. The class I'm taking right now is very important to the profession, and it scares the shit out of me that there are going to be people out there that are completely clueless.

I am a perfectionist when it comes to certain things.

I haven't seen my biological father since I was 6 years old, and I don't know if it is because he didn't want to see me, or if it was because my mother prevented him from seeing me. I think I found my father, but I'm not sure if I should pursue trying to meet him.

I rarely have good dreams, and most nights I have horrible nightmares. I used to wake up in the middle of the night screaming.

I can't stand people who are completely full of themselves.

It doesn't take a lot to make me cry, but I hate crying in front of people.

Edited by bean
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I confess that I fear falling in love, when I think its going to happen I turn the other way and run. I confess that I am really really shy in person and sometimes on here, I've been a member since 08 and I just now started getting active on here due to being shy.

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And I confess that I am completely psychotic about my grades. I'm angry that I had a 4.0 in my class, but my stupid paper dropped my grade to a 3.9, and because of that stupid paper, the highest grade I can get in my class is a 3.9, even if I get all the points on my final.

I also really love documentaries on all different topics.

I may also be a borderline nerd.

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i confess i really hate people 90% of the time yet have a social job and go out to the bar o.o

i confess i have an unhealthy addiction to coffee

i confess i like sleep waaaaaaaaay to much

i confess that i don't think i'm ment for anyone really i always seem to find the girl that always sees me as a "friend" or a "brother"

i confess i'm sick and tired of people saying oh don't worry it just takes a while and you'll find someone soon...dose that not contradict what the fuck you just said to me to cheer me up or try to atleast?

i confess i have never felt really loved by the opposite sex.

i confess people who are to bouncy and cheery piss me off and i wanna hit em with a brick

i confess that if i hear one more female bitch about the relationship shes in with an asshole and how she only dates assholes I'm making a collect call to Wayne Brady so he can choke a bitch

i confess that often i think i feel empty a lot of the time and feel....out of place? if that makes sense.

i confess i hate having pleasant dreams for some reason

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I confess that I feel like everyone thinks I'm boring so I barely talk unless its one on one which in turn makes people think I'm boring. Self fulfilling prophecy and all that.

I confess that when I used to drink I never really enjoyed it all that much, I did it to make myself more outgoing. Of course it never really worked unless I was wasted at which point I'd usually get sick or forgetful. So what was the point really?

I confess I would still get drunk though depending on where it was at and if I had a reliable dd.

I confess that I want to go back to school because I'm dissatisfied with where my life is at, but I have no clue what for. Already have a 2 year in CIS that's collecting dust because I have no interest in networking or programing. When I put in the time/money for another one I want to be sure I'm going to use it.

I confess I should be sleeping right now.

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