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anti depresents xanex


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And as for the Xanax, why the hell are these doctors not trying buspar first? It has no addictive quality and has the same effect... IT DRIVES ME UP THE FUCKING WALL. *rant about Xanax over*

I'm not saying it is NEVER needed, but I'm with OMG here, THERE MUST be more focus on teaching REAL COPING SKILLS and not just handing out pills because it is more convenient for everyone.

That being said Rayne has an excellent point. There are some disorders that are functional, or perhaps the better word is dysfunctional, on a bio level. This small percentage of mentally ill CANNOT lead normal or functional lives with out their meds - I say that with the QUALITY of life they lead in mind. Can they function without them, yes. But is their (and the people that love them) quality of life compromised - you better believe it. I believe as long as it is used responsibly, in the smallest doses needed, and is only enhancing the life of my patient, I am all for it.

However, even people that suffer from these types of disorders are HIGHLY OVER MEDICATED. Some of them even seen as a "lost cause" and are just walking around like fucking zombies - its fucked up, it's sad and it's WRONG.

The lack of trying bu-spar first really puzzles me too. As soon as I first did some research into it I was thinking uh.. ok WTF? Why is this like number 97 and not number 1 or 2 in the line of treatments.

There is a systemic problem with the doctors that they are trained to diagnose and prescribe substances. Often I think to myself with the HELL hasn't a single doctor in all this time suggested diet changes and exercise for some of my problems? Its as if medication is the ONLY thing they think of as a legitimate solution far to often.

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The lack of trying bu-spar first really puzzles me too. As soon as I first did some research into it I was thinking uh.. ok WTF? Why is this like number 97 and not number 1 or 2 in the line of treatments.

There is a systemic problem with the doctors that they are trained to diagnose and prescribe substances. Often I think to myself with the HELL hasn't a single doctor in all this time suggested diet changes and exercise for some of my problems? Its as if medication is the ONLY thing they think of as a legitimate solution far to often.

i'm willing to bet that the doctors to whom you're referring are MD's - i always go to DO's as they tend to lean more towards/are more open to a holistic approach to health. my last Do even did spinal manipulations, which is how i decided to pursue chiropractic care. MD's, in my experience, just prefer to throw meds at every single issue the come across.

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This is why i don't take them. Most anti-depressent can lead to suicidal/homicidal thoughts. This is a result of the chemicals in your brain being changed and levled out. However, if you try taking yourself off them or just quit without leaning yourself off the effects of them can be far worse.

Xannax is usually used for anti-anxiety i've never heard of someone taking them for an anti-depressent. A lot of people I know on Xannax take them for sleep. It should never be mixed with alcohol even if it's just a little. Most of the time it results in the person blacking out.

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This is why i don't take them. Most anti-depressent can lead to suicidal/homicidal thoughts. This is a result of the chemicals in your brain being changed and levled out. However, if you try taking yourself off them or just quit without leaning yourself off the effects of them can be far worse.

Xannax is usually used for anti-anxiety i've never heard of someone taking them for an anti-depressent. A lot of people I know on Xannax take them for sleep. It should never be mixed with alcohol even if it's just a little. Most of the time it results in the person blacking out.

As a person who's been on various anti-depressants for the past 12 years, it takes time to find the right drugs for a certain person. For example, the drug Prozac for me was HORRIBLE, the more the doctor put me on the worse I got mean the more times I tried to kill myself. But I know people who do absolutely wonderful on Prozac. Yes, sometimes it's a crap shoot when it comes to medication, but if it really helps you in the end it's worth it. You just have to be aware of all possible side effects of the medications before you start taking them so you know what to watch for, and if by chance you have them call your doctor immediately. And yes, never stop taking a medication without doctor supervision, or drink while taking the medication if you don't know how they will react together.

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As a person who's been on various anti-depressants for the past 12 years, it takes time to find the right drugs for a certain person. For example, the drug Prozac for me was HORRIBLE, the more the doctor put me on the worse I got mean the more times I tried to kill myself. But I know people who do absolutely wonderful on Prozac. Yes, sometimes it's a crap shoot when it comes to medication, but if it really helps you in the end it's worth it. You just have to be aware of all possible side effects of the medications before you start taking them so you know what to watch for, and if by chance you have them call your doctor immediately. And yes, never stop taking a medication without doctor supervision, or drink while taking the medication if you don't know how they will react together.

Wise wise lady.

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i'm willing to bet that the doctors to whom you're referring are MD's - i always go to DO's as they tend to lean more towards/are more open to a holistic approach to health. my last Do even did spinal manipulations, which is how i decided to pursue chiropractic care. MD's, in my experience, just prefer to throw meds at every single issue the come across.

It's funny because it used to be the opposite. People would seek out MDs over DOs because, technically, DOs are not as qualified medically (so I've been informed). That's why they don't technically have the "doctor" title.

It's funny because it used to be the opposite. People would seek out MDs over DOs because, technically, DOs are not as qualified medically (so I've been informed). That's why they don't technically have the "doctor" title.
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It's funny because it used to be the opposite. People would seek out MDs over DOs because, technically, DOs are not as qualified medically (so I've been informed). That's why they don't technically have the "doctor" title.

Actually, they have a bit more in the lines of pain management with their osteopathic maneuvers. There are limits to it. I'm not sure what they are missing in the academic background, however.

There are two license tracks, both legal in the eyes of the law and in practice; the DO license and the MD license. There are exams for both licenses (COMLEX for DOs, USMLE for MDs,) DOs are eligible to take the board exams to hold an allopathic (MD) license. In some states in necessary for them to work, as it is up to the states to recognize DOs' license as valid. Met good and clueless MDs and DOs.

The big DO/MD issue was that MDs at the time DOs came about (late 1800's,) were still using arsenic, and other known poisons as part of their medications. Hence their holistic approach.

Nowadays, as medical studies undergo review and re-examiniation for best evidence for treatment, the two paths cross over quite a bit. (the reason the Cochrane Review exists.)

That said, it depends on the physician for the holistic vs. allopathic method. Had a boarded anesthesiologist/pain specialist that actually used acupuncture for pain.

Psychiatrists know that the best treatment for a lot (NOT ALL) of the problems is behavioral therapy and psychotherapy; just talking it out and helping the patient work through it. However, insurance companies don't like the idea of paying for the months of sessions it would take. The meds should be a last resort, but the insurance companies want otherwise.

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This is why i don't take them. Most anti-depressent can lead to suicidal/homicidal thoughts. This is a result of the chemicals in your brain being changed and levled out. However, if you try taking yourself off them or just quit without leaning yourself off the effects of them can be far worse.

Xannax is usually used for anti-anxiety i've never heard of someone taking them for an anti-depressent. A lot of people I know on Xannax take them for sleep. It should never be mixed with alcohol even if it's just a little. Most of the time it results in the person blacking out.

That is not quite true ... the WRONG anti-depressant can cause a reaction, which includes the general "black box warning" type of symptoms (worsening of symptoms to suicidal/homicidal thoughts, etc) that psychiatrists are supposed to tell you about when prescribing these medications.

It is important to be monitored closely by a psychiatrist. Most of the time, in the event of a bad reaction, a patient can sense the medication is not working as it is supposed to, BEFORE it gets to that point, but there are cases sometimes where it gets worse than it should before medication is changed.

The key to any psychotrophic medications is to find the right medication/combination of medications. Once you get there, the benefit is worth it. :)

Of course, this isn't meant to ignore the fact that it takes much more than medication to help most psychiatric conditions. It also has to do with therapy techniques to learn coping skills and such, as well as effort from the patient.

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That is not quite true ... the WRONG anti-depressant can cause a reaction, which includes the general "black box warning" type of symptoms (worsening of symptoms to suicidal/homicidal thoughts, etc) that psychiatrists are supposed to tell you about when prescribing these medications.

It is important to be monitored closely by a psychiatrist. Most of the time, in the event of a bad reaction, a patient can sense the medication is not working as it is supposed to, BEFORE it gets to that point, but there are cases sometimes where it gets worse than it should before medication is changed.

The key to any psychotrophic medications is to find the right medication/combination of medications. Once you get there, the benefit is worth it. :)

Of course, this isn't meant to ignore the fact that it takes much more than medication to help most psychiatric conditions. It also has to do with therapy techniques to learn coping skills and such, as well as effort from the patient.


Additionally, it's not the anti-depressant itself that causes suicidal thoughts. It's that the medication brings the depression up to a level where the person has the energy to act on suicidal thoughts. When someone's depression is severe enough, they don't have the energy to carry out suicidal thoughts. The depression has to be above a certain level for that to happen.

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Notice how our economy is in the toilet, banks losing money, the auto industry, the housing market, all dying. However, the one industry that seems to thrive, like cockroaches in a radioactive disaster, are the pharmaceutical companies.

That's just a wild coincidence and has nothing to do with the republicans wanting to continue to allow drug companies and health coverage provider's (sic) from controlling the health care monopoly - er, I mean, the perfectly good working, fair and just health care system that we have and the way it has been run since the late 70's.

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That's just a wild coincidence and has nothing to do with the republicans wanting to continue to allow drug companies and health coverage provider's (sic) from controlling the health care monopoly - er, I mean, the perfectly good working, fair and just health care system that we have and the way it has been run since the late 70's.

When did I make this an issue about the democrat's or republican's? I said in our economy, everything's failing but the pharmaceutical companies, it's been that way for a long time, I just notice more and more people are on prescription drugs, not Bush's fault, not Obama's fault, however, addiction to prescription drugs will surely increase now and continue to do so.

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addiction to prescription drugs will surely increase now and continue to do so.

And the drug companies are happy with that scenario and wouldn't bat an eyelash if their sales and market values went up at the expense of people's well being.

Without sick people, their world will crumble. No cures equals, more medicine prescriptions which lead to, more people dependent on drugs.

No cures, just lengthy treatments and expensive meds.

I feel bad that there are people taking "medication" that has a side effect like suicide. The treatment is worse than the illness in some cases.

Ever pay attention to drug commercials and hear all the side effects? It's like, abdominal bleeding may occur, loss of vision, blood in your stool and on and on....sheesh, almost makes you want to deal with the original problem and skip the side effect horrors.

No thanks doc, I'll deal with this stuffy nose and pass on the blood in my stool.

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Our government has refused (i.e. looked the other way, pretended everything was hunky dory) for decades because the lobbyists have been "donating" to politicians "campaigns" (both sides are guilty to some degree) and these contributions have led to bills not signed into law and legislation that only benefits the drug companies.

And all along they just figured that no American that makes low wadges would ever figure out the game they've been playing. ................wrong.

I think a good portion of Americans are starting to wake up to what's going on and that scares the hell out of them. People are pushing back and saying, "things need to change now".

A far a those that are opposed to universal health care I say, what happened to the right to choose? How come you aren't upset with the socialized education that others paid for you to have? Did making public schools bring about communism in America? NO.

Did that makes us socialists? NO. And yet, most people that are against free health care are thankful they got a free education.

Why not propose this, the government can have people just sign off on paying into national health care and those that want it can pitch in.

That way we can still remain a free choice nation.

And as a side bonus to the bill we can make those that oppose national health care start paying for their children's education because it's a socialist idea to have free education that's for paid by all the tax payers.

Just my two cents though.

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Okay, I think I really need to stop this adderral shit once and for all but what the hell do I do to focus and concentrate, also it numbs me so I am not as emotional, however it takes me to a point to where I just don't give a fuck and say whatever I want (and post crazy ass shit) that I later regret. GRRR

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Okay, I think I really need to stop this adderral shit once and for all but what the hell do I do to focus and concentrate, also it numbs me so I am not as emotional, however it takes me to a point to where I just don't give a fuck and say whatever I want (and post crazy ass shit) that I later regret. GRRR

Don't stop taking it without a doctor monitoring you, believe me that is a BAD idea.

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Okay, I think I really need to stop this adderral shit once and for all but what the hell do I do to focus and concentrate, also it numbs me so I am not as emotional, however it takes me to a point to where I just don't give a fuck and say whatever I want (and post crazy ass shit) that I later regret. GRRR

I think too many problems are solved by pills these days.

Got a headache? Take a pill.

Upset? Take a pill.

Can't sleep? Take a pill.

Can't wake up? Take a pill.

Can't eat? Take a pill.

Can't shit? Take a pill.

Can't get it up? Take a pill.

Can't concentrate? Take a pill.

Can't go visit grandma on Sundays because she makes you a nervous wreck? Take a pill.

I'm kind of old fashioned. I hate going to the doctor. Barely ever do. If I get sick I almost always ride it out without any medicine. I think people in this country are brain washed by TV ads every 5 seconds for a new pill for a new problem. You know the ones, I like to refer to them as @Home Doctor Guides provided by the pharmaceutical companies. They turn average, everyday people into Doctors. No? Well, sure they do! They all list possible symptoms to some made-up disease that didn't exist 5 years ago, and people think "Hey, I have that problem, maybe I have (random made up disease here)!" then, people run to their General Physician saying "Doc! Doc! There's a new drug that says it can help me with all these problems!" and the doctor's eyes light up with dollar signs and they say, "Sure thing, kidd-o! Here's an Rx call me next time ya need a filler"..

And that's how it goes.

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