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just a poem tonight


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driving home, the air is still

within the night, the sounds I feel

as I watch young lovers meld into the shadows

once again, in my isolation

staring out again into darker corners

in anticipation of someone

but there is always nothing

and though they paint a picture of me deep and blue

raising me up to the sky, you'd think I'd fly

but all it is in the end is but a dream to even be close to you

I go home late at night once again

to a bed that could be filled with love and life

but the only thing I feel, is the cold turning away from me

why do you turn away from me?

Maybe what I seem to be

is a fractured memory

of what used to be someone whom you used to love

and tonight I must try to find enjoyment

in the sound of the early birds...

the passing cars around me...

the wind that moans it's melody

please just sing me to sleep

she will never really love me

and I will always be to everyone

a boy that people envy

a heart forever broken

I will continue to entertain the masses

with my songs within

but my soul is forever shattered

and curse this longing, it doesn't matter

if only your lips and the smell of your skin didn't matter

if only your eyes so full of youth didn't matter

tonight again, I know that I don't matter to you

so my friends do you understand? if so then here's a kiss from me

I'm going so much deeper

so good night my love,

good night....

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