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Fairy Gothmothers Backwoods Bash

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Ok well I am thinking if I can get this OKed and organized since I cant seem to get down to Detroit often to spend time with DGNers I will just have to bring the DGNers to me.

What I am proposing here is a huge party. I have access to a large property surrounded by just woods. We do have streets nearby and stuff but no neighbours to peer out windows and complain if theres partying all night.

Now of course this will take a bit of planning and I will need help and volunteers. Last time I organized a large party not only did the turnout sort of suck I had like 20 people there and bought all the alcohol and food(for a expected crowd of 75-100)and paid live entertainment costing me around $1000+ by the time all was said and done but now I dont have those funds I might have some but this might have to be a group effort.

A backwoods bash in Algonac.

Well theres a huge pull barn I mean HUGE. It has plentiful space and electrical outlets for dancing, sitting, and hooking up lights, and sound equipment instruments ect. This time rather than setting up the live entertainment outside it I will have it inside. Firstly cause last time we discovered even back here with nno neighbours the noise traveled and 3 streets away heard the party and the local police department. So we nearly got cited for noise and had to turn things down a couple notches.

Theres plentiful parking space and well if your too drunk well drunk at all for driving no worries pitch a tent sleep it off in your vehicle. Its pretty safe and secure around here.

I think it would be a great opportunity for some of the locals that like me cant get out to clubs and events that are into or interested in the goth scene. This will be a 18 and up deal only 21 only drinking. there will of course be a ID check and probably bracelets or a mark on the hand to designate drinking age. As cool as it would be for me to open this up to 16 17 yr olds we all know the high school crowd is alot of hassel and no one wants to babysit or deal with underage teens gawking at them and I wouldnt want to be in violation of any laws. I will make a correction we all might not be bothered but some may some may not. Personally Im not.

So ok I have put together a video. Its from a party I had here and well you can get a idea of my place. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5Njl7YdVGU

My video isnt spectacular a quickly thrown together slideshow of a handful of images. I made it pretty cool though at least I think it is lol.

Tell me your opinions and thoughts on this people. If I get alot of interest then I can plan when and get the OKs to use the pull barn and property.

Edited by the_fairy_gothmother
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As cool as it would be for me to open this up to 16 17 yr olds we all know the high school crowd is alot of hassel and no one wants to babysit or deal with underage teens gawking at them and I wouldnt want to be in violation of any laws.

Generalizations much?

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Generalizations much?

Im not good with this stuff lol. I guess if thats what that is. I suppose I was trying to make a point that letting some of the goth teens here I know of would be cool but whats cool for me might not be to others and then the law since there would be alcohol. Call it a generalization or I guess I will call it saving my butt. And all of what I just said could just be me sticking my foot in my mouth even more. I have no idea. :wallbash::ralph even better maybe its word vomit

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Im not good with this stuff lol. I guess if thats what that is. I suppose I was trying to make a point that letting some of the goth teens here I know of would be cool but whats cool for me might not be to others and then the law since there would be alcohol. Call it a generalization or I guess I will call it saving my butt. And all of what I just said could just be me sticking my foot in my mouth even more. I have no idea. :wallbash::ralph even better maybe its word vomit

Yeah...there would be alcohol, but yet you are letting those from the age of 18-20 go...so whats the difference with the alcohol as a reason?

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Yeah...there would be alcohol, but yet you are letting those from the age of 18-20 go...so whats the difference with the alcohol as a reason?

Well I suppose I base it on what I see at bars and clubs. I guess in this case first there would have to be some sort of research into the laws even if its more of a private party on private property I suppose its to keep liability down as well. I also would probably have to get a vote on it. Being I want this to be a party for DGN I need everyones vote on that issue. Would it be ok with the partiers and would it be in my and parents best interests to allow younger than 18 attend? You make a good point 18-20 cannot drink. Like I said though I am basing this on what venues usually allow. I suppose under 18 with a guardian would be fine but I will have to look into this all because mainly I want to keep liability down and the cops from shutting it down. private party or not they come back here sniffing around and see anything they can whack us for it. My last party was all mainly 18 and up save for a few party crashers around 16 and 17. One minor issue with them too that they thought it would be fun to start a jello shot fight and just as they started throwing a few around we quickly put an end to it and took the jello shots away which they were not supposed to have anyways. I want to be fair to everyone but sometimes being fair also opens you up for trouble and big hassles. If this event is even OKed and I get the help and stuff I need to pull it off I only want it to be fun for everyone and safe without drama and hassles. I know for alot of DGNs making a trip to the south side of St.Clair county is a long ways and I would love to make this big enough and worth it, not to have people waste their time to come find it shut down or for anyone involved in putting it together to have wasted their time money and resources. Last time with my party the planning went smoothly, the party went with very little hitches and glitches and those were simply solved but the thing lacking was guests. I kept it a bit too exclusive and did try keeping it for the 18 and older onlys. Problem was everyone I invited who even RSVPed ended up having last minute grad parties or other things that popped up. I had actually changed the date a few times to try working around peoples plans and work schedules and originally the party was BYOB and I went ahead and provided all the alcohol and spent a killing on alcohol which a fair bit was wasted like the nearly half a keg of beer (good beer too not skunky stuff)and a fair bit of jello shots had to be disposed of and food as well.

I dont want a repeat of that so now maybe with some help since I only been a backwoods BFE small town girl and I lack much experience in throwing parties especially large ones I hope maybe to do something funner bigger and make new friends.

Though of course if you all think this is a bad idea and waste of time before I even get the OKs to do it then well I will just delete this whole thread and scrap the idea. Cause thats all it is right now is an idea.

Edited by the_fairy_gothmother
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The great distance may prove to be problematic, as the se michigan area has been so devastated by the economic crash that it isn't fiscally wise to spend the money on gas to drive up there and back, if not just downright impossible.

Even more local events aren't getting large turnouts these days.

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Unfortunately, it is a bit of a hike, and I agree with Raev. I'm not sure how many people would be able to make it there and back. It sounds like a blast, though, and sorry Eevee, but I'm for the 18 and older rule if this is supposed to be an adult party.

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Yeah...so sorry Eevee...there are OTHER legal ramifications to under-18s attending...such as, parents suing the organizer, because there wasn't enough light & an ankle got tweaked or broke...& there's another hundred scenarios that played themselves out...

PLUS..if an 18-20 year old, get's their own booze, it's on them, if an under-18-year old does the same, the fault is the house owner's... O.o

THAT said...I may be into this {ride, time, & sitter pending}...

..but, I doubt that it'll be more than 17-23 peoples showing up...

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Unfortunately, it is a bit of a hike, and I agree with Raev. I'm not sure how many people would be able to make it there and back. It sounds like a blast, though, and sorry Eevee, but I'm for the 18 and older rule if this is supposed to be an adult party.

Its fine with me, since I'm 19.

I just like to argue. :rofl:

Yeah...so sorry Eevee...there are OTHER legal ramifications to under-18s attending...such as, parents suing the organizer, because there wasn't enough light & an ankle got tweaked or broke...& there's another hundred scenarios that played themselves out...

PLUS..if an 18-20 year old, get's their own booze, it's on them, if an under-18-year old does the same, the fault is the house owner's... O.o

Okay...well, that makes more sense.

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Thank you Rev for clarifying the legalities. I knew there was something to it like that. Well Like i said its an idea. I am hoping to make some friends and have fun and well having a party would be a way to do that however without many people able to travel the distance I guess its looking more like its not going to be feasible. The best thing I can hope for is getting some wheels back on the road and driving to the clubs and stuff when I can afford it. It just sucks now cause I practically have no life, no friends, no social life at all where I live. I am in a catch 22 situation and rather than spew on about it and my husband divorcing me and leaving me with nothing the fact is it is what it is. I am here the goth scene is there and I have to find a way to it on my own really just like everyone else. Maybe I will save up and throw a party at a venue or club nearer by. I just hope to make some friends and rebuild my life and start new. I also like to party hehe I didnt do any of that as a teenager. I just kept to myself and so now I am going to have my fun. :band

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Yeah a lot of DGNers are westsiders so getting people to go to an event very east and quite north. It also sounds a little similar to MANFAST, which might deter people from going because going to two events like that back-to-back might be a bit much for people. But that's why I hold MANFAST out west WAY far away from my house because it seems like most DGNers live either downriver, out west, or kinda in the middle.

That said, if you held it I would try to attend. I say try contingent on extra money. I'm not working all summer so I'm going to have to live a bit frugally, but I do have income coming in.

Yeah a lot of DGNers are westsiders so getting people to go to an event very east and quite north. It also sounds a little similar to MANFAST, which might deter people from going because going to two events like that back-to-back might be a bit much for people. But that's why I hold MANFAST out west WAY far away from my house because it seems like most DGNers live either downriver, out west, or kinda in the middle.

That said, if you held it I would try to attend. I say try contingent on extra money. I'm not working all summer so I'm going to have to live a bit frugally, but I do have income coming in.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Thats cool. I know I was born in such the wrong place. Well actually its my great grandads fault for leaving detroit. I still even have relatives in and around Detroit but they are those I only see for family reunions and special occasions. If only I could pull a rabbit out of my hat and have a big outdoor concert with some kick ass bands playing. set up stage in the back yard and believe me we got space for it! Im talking big stage too. like arena size stage :fun: I wonder who it would take to get DGNers to travel here. Heres a hypothetical. Who would you travel 1/1/2 - 2 1/2 hours to see? We all know it would never happen but its a fun idea.

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You KNOW what MY answer would be to that question.... Cruxshadows, She Wants Revenge, and Cyber Axis.... As the main, of course. Though the kind of money you're talking about for such an large-scale party just won't make it happen THIS year, luv. It's a great idea, don't get me wrong, but it needs alot more time to plan and get the funds up for. Even MANFAST is having it's 3rd annual and I'm sure that, with each passing year, new ideas are put in and planned for and problematics are swapped out. A party of the size you're wanting to make takes time and LOT'S of moo-lah. I'm all for it but maybe we should start the planning NOW and set the date for sometime next spring. That gives 2 annual events a year, on top of all the club and venue events throughout, and gives you and whomever volunteers to help you time to get everything put together while still giving MANFAST some breathing room. ^_^

But yea... I go to the clubs to be an adult and I wouldn't want to go to an adult party and have to babysit a bunch of teens, so kudos there. And no offence to the teens, either... You're fun and all, but we ALL used to be teens ourselves, at one point or other, and we KNOW what kinds of things WE did then. Better to not give disaster a path to tread.

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2 things

1. You don't need to throw a big party to make friends. You just need to hang out with a bunch of us at the club and other events.

If anything, throwing a big party can be a way for others to take advantage of you. And then you wont know if they're friends. Just opportunists looking for a big party.

2. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You need to move out to Detroit. It's that simple.

You're always complaining about how you want to go to clubs and how you're in the middle of nowhere and

how you're a goth in a big redneck town and

if you were here you'd probably have someone giving you rides to clubs

AS A BONUS I would throw you a party where I would burn (as in setting fire) to all your Limp Bizkit cds and give you copies of all my ACTUAL gothic-flavored old school cds and

I'd have DJ Saint DJ it and

I'd make sure he'd give you copies of all the newer goth stuff (because there is SOOO much cool shit I don't know)

so your music collection would match your new style preference and lifestyle. :)

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2 things

1. You don't need to throw a big party to make friends. You just need to hang out with a bunch of us at the club and other events.

If anything, throwing a big party can be a way for others to take advantage of you. And then you wont know if they're friends. Just opportunists looking for a big party.

2. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You need to move out to Detroit. It's that simple.

You're always complaining about how you want to go to clubs and how you're in the middle of nowhere and

how you're a goth in a big redneck town and

if you were here you'd probably have someone giving you rides to clubs

AS A BONUS I would throw you a party where I would burn (as in setting fire) to all your Limp Bizkit cds and give you copies of all my ACTUAL gothic-flavored old school cds and

I'd have DJ Saint DJ it and

I'd make sure he'd give you copies of all the newer goth stuff (because there is SOOO much cool shit I don't know)

so your music collection would match your new style preference and lifestyle. :)

ROFL :rofl: limp bizkit collection hehe I never knew I had one. I would have to say Im doing pretty good on music old and new. Sure theres loads of stuff I have not heard of yet but yeah I know I gotta get out of this town. Anyone wanna adopt a goth? Im housebroken, feed myself, and Im fixed(well Im not having kids anyways) Joking on the whole adoption thing!


Oh did I mention the above question about who you would like to see to make it worthwhile is hypothetical. Of course if I move closer to the city I wouldn't even plan on having a party in the backwoods of algonac at my parents house. Besides I will have a car before I move anywehere so then it wont really matter ride wise as I would just drive there. Driving to Detroit from my house is not so bad. Like a little bit over an hour depending on traffic.So once I got wheels it wont be so bad.

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So an idea would be instead of having a big shindig why dont you put that on hold and get said car and move... the kind of money your talking about to spend on this party would get you a decent junker car.... just my opinion thoe. I agree with eternal you dont have to throw a party to get us to be your friend. we arnt going anywhere, we are all right here.... but some things come before others :) dont worry the fun stuff will be here for years to come.... :yes

Good Luck :)

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So an idea would be instead of having a big shindig why dont you put that on hold and get said car and move... the kind of money your talking about to spend on this party would get you a decent junker car.... just my opinion thoe. I agree with eternal you dont have to throw a party to get us to be your friend. we arnt going anywhere, we are all right here.... but some things come before others :) dont worry the fun stuff will be here for years to come.... :yes

Good Luck :)

Yup It was just a fun idea I was tossing around. I will be sorting something out here soon so I can start making a frequent appearence to the clubs. hows everything going so far with the no smoking bans? I hope not too many people stopped going to city. it would be a shame not to get to meet some of the DGN goths. Anyways yeah I am going to work towards getting transport and or moving out there. I think things will fall into place soon and I will sort it all out. I appreciate everyones feedback though. Still im a partier and I do love to throw a good party so in the future maybe not in Algonac but in the future I depending on my situation would always love to entertain. Its just fun and I like seeing people smile and have fun. I can certainly say the backwoods bash is scrapped. It was fun to talk about sort of I guess.

"and now for something completely different" -monty pythons flying circus

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