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Only in America

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Oh, it is.

But THIS isn't.

Wasn't expecting that, glad i sat through that opening part. DAMN IT seriously.... yes please lets teach both sides of gravity (for example), some people think it exists some people are idiots, lets teach the controversy. lol. Unfortunately its so bad from a cultural standpoint that a lot of smart people actually just have been fed nonsense and just didn't bother to do their homework (or are too scared to even entertain an idea contrary to something they've held onto since they were to young to really think for themselves). :confused:

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I love how a lot of them said facts should be taught and not theories. Ummm, gravity, germs, deep space, and the passing of time are all theories technically. Yet i'm pretty sure they would agree to teaching all of those lol. *head desk*

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I love how a lot of them said facts should be taught and not theories. Ummm, gravity, germs, deep space, and the passing of time are all theories technically. Yet i'm pretty sure they would agree to teaching all of those lol. *head desk*

There are so many things that bother me about this, I am not even sure where to begin. Of course, you're right. They don't challenge germs, per se, but I'm sure some of them believe disease is punishment from God on bad people. But I'm not even going to go there.

What is all too American (as opposed to European, other North American countries, and Australia--I'm not making comparisons between the U.S. and much poorer or theocratic nations) about the whole thing is threefold:

  1. Only in today's America would the question be inverted from "Do you think creationism (specifically CHRISTIAN creationist theory) should be taught in schools?" I'd really hoped that America was, since the Scopes trial, on board with evolution, but in today's political climate, I'm not surprised at this ploy (and I do see it as such) to change opinion even when the more current court cases are about whether Intelligent Design, not evolution, has enough scientific merit that it can even get MENTION in public schools.
  2. Only in today's America would the respondents so many times pay lipservice to an egalitarian approach to ideas in context when the underlying subtext is that only Christian creationism is true or acceptable. I highly doubt that these women would be as enthused at the prospect of the Hindu origin story being taught as science.
  3. Only in America would we be so engrossed and make such an investment in the opinions of beautiful people whose merits are only (or at least primarily) that they are beautiful to the neglect of all else when, at the same time, having intelligence, knowledge, and essential critical thinking skills has so long fallen out of fashion that most people despise those that have them. That makes us pretty dumb.
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Hands off! Mine! *snatches*

That doesn't even look appealing to me. Already I'm thinking about how many times I'll have to workout to burn all those calories off...

Hah, yeah. That looks like 10 gallons of ice cream or something.

So at like 16 (realistically) servings per gallon that's 160 servings at say 250 calories a serving... 40,000 calories.

So kicking ass at like 500 calories an hour of exercise per hour. 80 hours... so 3 months to burn that off. :unsure: (not that it works that way) holy crap did i ever get side tracked there. *goes back to the DGN slave cave*

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