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Things We Love About Troy Spiral

Brenda Starrr

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1. he always has good advice

2. he looks out for his friends

3. he gives the best hugs *waiting for mine*

4. he always makes you feel good about yourself

5. He's goregous

6. he's human, with needs and wants

7. he's honest, even when you dont want to hear the truth

8. he's loyal

9. he's got an awesome sense of humor

10. and he's very creative.

the world would be lost, if troy wasnt in it. I think we are better people because of him. Thank you troy, for making a home for us.


Vivian :peanutbutterjellytime

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I decided to revitalize this thread. Because... duh! We love Troy Spiral!


We do!

Hmmm...I've never seen Troy outside of a club, but he's always greatly entertaining. It's a real treat to have a conversation with him. He is incredible sweet and huggable. And he gave us all this wonderful home.

We love you, Troy Spiral, Godfather to all Detroit (& other) Goths!

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When I was a newbie - he made it t apoint to give me an introduction thread of my own....and when I didn't see it, he e-mailed me to let me know it existed...AND once I had commented on a thread pretty in depth, and he PM'd me to let me know how he agree'd and how it was a great post! He made me feel smart and special.

We miss you Troy!

Come back soon! :clover

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He has impeccable taste in food (mcdonalds, taco bell)

He does what he wants and doesn't care what others think (but really Troy, MTG IS FOR GEEKS....sorry, and sorry Nienna but it's true. Word has it that Nienna went further in a MTG tournament too)

He likes/liked comic books (comics are NOT for geeks so it evens out the MTG)

I've got three more words:

Wild Irish Rose

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