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Aftermath, DGN night April 24th

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I had a very nice time...

Arrived with Darkmatter :wub: and Slogo :lick


Fidget: I miss you beautiful! :kiss

Gothkytten: Luv you thanks for holding my Drink! :wink

Raev and Siren : YAY about time you come out to play ol man! and nice to meet you Siren

Eevee: always a pleasure dear!

Tyger: :kiss *pets dress*

Kat and KatRN: good to see you both as always! :grouphug

Garbeldena(sp?): Awesome Mask dude! great to see you :grouphug

Seen.... Mean Sally and Stormknight didnt get a chance to say hello thoe.... :/ next time!

The bands playing were very nice... I had a wonderful time and LOVED dressing up!

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Worst night ever.. :crybaby:

I'm sorry you had a bad night...

I came with Kat, hung out with her, Slogo, Lillylu and Darkmatter. We all went to the diner around 2:30ish. Saw Raev, Siren, Eevee, Garbledena, Tyger, Gothkytten, Stormknight (damn you and your glove too).. Like Kat said, the night went by really fast.

Next time I will have a better mask and I won't give it away :p

Edited by KatRN05
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Now that I have more time...

I had a decent night. Nicole's car wasn't fixed, but I was able to find a ride with Eleven to CC. :thumbsup: It had been forever since we've gone together so it was a nice change.

I saw Slogo, Gimp, Lillylu :kiss , Darkmatter, tyger, f0rged, TheOsakaKoneko, Fidget (so cute! :heart: ), Stormknight, Gothkytten, Garbeldena, KatRN, Kat, Twitch, and LittleMissLuckyCunt.

I also got to see Raev! :grouphug And give him some life saving hugs while catching up. He also finally introduced me to Siren...who was very beautiful. :yes

Annnd...I finally got to see Mean_Salley perform. I really liked it. And it was nice talking with him also afterward. He am proudz to be his bonkubine.

I also agree that the night went by quickly. But it was nice.

I got plenty of compliments on my outfit. :laugh:

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Sorry I couldnt make it. I really looked forward to it too but the universe conspires against me. I hope to see some cool photos from it and I hear Garbeldena had a cool mask. And now as i write this for some reason I have got the Masquarade song from Phantom of the Opera stuck in my head and I didnt even listen to it. :X

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it was a ok night. always wonderful to see my friends. love you guys. i had some gal try to take me home with her and her girlfriend lol. thank you so much siern for being my jealous girlfriend for the night. the end of the night wasnt that great i got a little emotional due to someone having a issue with me because of my looks. (rolls eyes) but anyway thank you to those who were there for me, and you know i well always be there for you.. :heart:

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Great time with great friends that is all

btw didi anyone notice thare is not a "who's going to City Club?" thread

bet I know why

No fair!!! X.gif I couldn't get saturday night off so I gotta miss the concert...but I'll be at city...:(

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