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I miss my Kitsu kitty!

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OK a little background is needed to understand my relationship w/this cat tribe so bear with me. We've had 4 generations of these cats... currently there are 4 cats reppin' 2 generations: Kitsune (mama), Tomoe (oldest daughter), Chango & Lynx (younger sons). When me & Estranged Hubby Rick split & I moved up here, I took Chango & Lynx, he kept the girls. Then ESR moved up here in Jan. '04, & didn't have anyplace to keep Kitsu & Tomoe, so I took them "for a few months till he found a place of his own". Well, 16 months later, he's still living with his mom & I still have all 4 kitties.

I won't go into details on the trials of having 4 cats in a 2 BR apartment, especially when they are all used to being outside cats. I will only say that Kitsu expresses her displeasure with all-indoor life by urinating on any throw rug I put on the floor, and on my down comforter & feather bed when she's particularly upset. So as you might guess I've been getting on ESR pretty hard to find a new arrangement for Kitsu & Tomoe.

Anyway... ESR finally found someone to temporarily take Kitsu off my hands. This was about 2 weeks ago. The problem now is... I really miss her... the other kitties miss her (especially Lynx who wanders around crying continually)... & ESR tells me that Kitsu is miserable at her new home, and having big problems adjusting to the other animals there. So ov course I feel dreadfully guilty about that.

On one hand it's really nice to be able to have rugs in the bathroom & hallway... and leave my bedroom door open all day... & not have the major amounts of fur Kitsu sheds all over the place (ESR is supposed to attend to her grooming, but doesn't). But on the other hand... I hate thinking about her being lonely & afraid. But then again... she isn't really my cat so I shouldn't even have to be bothered... but damn, she was born in my home... she's still my baby...

I would feel much better if we could find a nice temp or permanent home where Kitsu & Tomoe could be together... they are both fixed & very sweet affectionate kitties. Lacking that option, I really don't know what I should do... advice, anyone?

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You CAN break a cat of the excessive urination problem by eliminating that which they prefer to pee on. I had that problem with a few cats, and with them, it was seat cushions & any piles of clothing or other cloth items on the floor.

The solution: get a laundry hamper and make sure clothes & blankets ONLY go there or back in drawers, cover seat cushions with plastic, etc.

It was a pain living with plastic over the seat cushions for a while. But within about a month or so - the peeing problem was gone and they never went outside a litterbox again.

As for the peeing on the bed - been there. We had to keep to a strict policy of not letting the cats in the bedroom unsupervised. It was a female in particular doing that - coincidentally cat #4. After a period of keeping her locked out the bedroom (including at night sometimes 'cause she'd wake up before us and pee on us while we slept), she quit altogether.

Had to strike what I initially typed about getting her fixed since I just re-read and saw you already did that. Nevermind...

As for the fur - if you love her, groom her. Don't leave it up to hubby. If you really want her around, you'll find the time. We solved our own problem with cat hair in the bedroom by making sure we keep the bed made at ALL TIMES. Cats still get on the bed, but this way, the fur stays on top of the comforter, rather than get mixed-up with the rest of the bedding.

Vacuum often.

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FC- Thank u 4 yr very sensible advice on my kitty issues. Looking it over, everything u said is EXACTLY what I would've said 2 anyone who came 2 me w/the same situation. Sometimes we know perfectly well what we need 2 do, but just need 2 hear it from an "outside" source.

I decided 2 leave Kitsune where she is... the major problem w/her being here is that she is just not happy being an inside kitty. She is going to express that unhappiness 1 way or another... if I solve the urination problem she will develop some other behavior to communicate her dissatisfaction. I do plan 2 move 2 a house or some space where the beasties can go outside, but that won't be 4 several months. So... she stays where she is... Difficult decision but life is full ov them. in the final analysis she is fed, cared for & safe which is the really important thing. I will offer 2 go halves w/her hostess and/or Estranged Hubby Rick on getting her groomed professionally as I don't think there's any other way 2 get rid of the many large mats in her coat... & keep looking 4 a better home 4 her... but that's as far as I can go w/out piling up more resentment than I can work thru effectively.

Anyway sorry this is turning into an unloading-fest, I guess it's the final work-thru for me! Thanks again for taking the time to offer advice. :cat:

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I got 4 cats at my apartment its 2 bedroom too.


I'm starting to think even 3 is too many for the space... Tomoe caught a bird on the balcony today & brought it inside to play with... so she & Chango were chasing the damn thing all over the place, knockin shit down, feathers everywhere... then they kept losing it & crying for me to find it so I finally caught the damn thing & tossed it back outside. Someone should've been here w/a video camera.

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