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Fooly Cooly (FLCL) and other "Mindfuck" anime

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Errrr.... Shin Chan is one of the longest running series around... You gonna be busy for a long time... Plus... a lil Shin goes a long way...

Witch Hunter .... coolish.

Champloo... very cool. Have... I think. Not so much Mindfuck... but definitely trying a new style... It didn't go over very well in Japan... They were kind of sick of Samurai shows over there. Which is unfortunate cuz it was a good show. If it wasn't for its popularity over seas it would have been canned after the first season.

I know Shin Chan is long but its my favorite, so I'm willing to try and get it all (or at least a good amount). That, and since Yoshito Usui died, who knows how much longer the series will last.

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I dunno...I cant take animation very seriously if its trying to be deep. I prefer "real" people in those situations... When I watch anime, its usually for visuals. Like Vampire Hunter D: Blood Lust is just beautiful to watch. The next artsy film Im supposed to watch is "Gozu"...But I hate Asian cinema so I dunno.

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I haz a list of anime series I am planning on getting. The first being Shin Chan closely followed by Witch Hunter Robin and then Samurai Champloo (with some more following that).

Samurai Champloo is definitely not "mindfuck" but it is fucking brilliant! Probably my all time favorite anime.

I will not sully this forum with my opinions on Shin Chan.

I dunno...I cant take animation very seriously if its trying to be deep. I prefer "real" people in those situations... When I watch anime, its usually for visuals. Like Vampire Hunter D: Blood Lust is just beautiful to watch. The next artsy film Im supposed to watch is "Gozu"...But I hate Asian cinema so I dunno.

If you hate Asian cinema, you won't like Gozu. It's that classic Japanese gratuitously-bizarre-surrealism from beginning to end. Good luck trying to figure out WTF is going on at any given moment.

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Samurai Champloo is definitely not "mindfuck" but it is fucking brilliant! Probably my all time favorite anime.

I will not sully this forum with my opinions on Shin Chan.

If you hate Asian cinema, you won't like Gozu. It's that classic Japanese gratuitously-bizarre-surrealism from beginning to end. Good luck trying to figure out WTF is going on at any given moment.

See, I love The whole gratuitously-bizarre-surrealism thing, I just hate the Japanese language, or any Asian Language for that matter. I love Lynch and Jodorowsky So I should see this one.

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Samurai Champloo is definitely not "mindfuck" but it is fucking brilliant! Probably my all time favorite anime.

I will not sully this forum with my opinions on Shin Chan.

If you hate Asian cinema, you won't like Gozu. It's that classic Japanese gratuitously-bizarre-surrealism from beginning to end. Good luck trying to figure out WTF is going on at any given moment.

I never said it was a mindfuck, lol

Clearly, Shin Chan is the farthest thing from a mindfuck :rofl:

But the biggest mindfuck for me was .hack//SIGN. I watched it when I was freshman in higschool and its still confusing to even think about it.

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I haz a list of anime series I am planning on getting.... Witch Hunter Robin

Ask FarrIL to show you the Witch Hunter Robin pics. :drool

But the biggest mindfuck for me was .hack//SIGN. I watched it when I was freshman in higschool and its still confusing to even think about it.

Ooo, one of my faves. I agree with it being a mindfuck but it didn't confuse me so much as make me say, "Bloody brilliant!" The music by Kajiura Yuki was beautiful, possibly even exceeding that of her work on Noir.

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See, I love The whole gratuitously-bizarre-surrealism thing, I just hate the Japanese language, or any Asian Language for that matter. I love Lynch and Jodorowsky So I should see this one.

OK... if you're into Lynch, Gozu will definitely be your cup of matcha!

I am curious... not criticizing or judging in any way, but inquiring minds want to know: how can you hate a language? Why? I can understand thinking a language sounds inasthetic... for example, Russian sounds like the speaker is throwing up gravel soup... but I couldn't really say I "hate" it.

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I've always seen it referenced: Furi Kuri

Furi Kuri IS pronounced "Fooly Cooly" roughly. Rs sound much like our L in Japanese. That's the reason for the name change coming over here.

Furi Kuri IS pronounced "Fooly Cooly" roughly. Rs sound much like our L in Japanese. That's the reason for the name change coming over here.
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Ok... thats it... I am starting up Anime night one way or the other. I have full sets of FLCL and Lain... Paranoia Agent not so much... that one just didn't do it for me. Got tons of other Anime but those two are definitely worth while... OOOhhhhh Elfin Lied... thats another one that can mess you up.... yeah.... ooooooohhhhh.

Az! You have been MIA for a minute. We do anime nights at our house usually weekly and hopefully we're starting D&D back up again this summer. You should come on by!

Az! You have been MIA for a minute. We do anime nights at our house usually weekly and hopefully we're starting D&D back up again this summer. You should come on by!
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OK... if you're into Lynch, Gozu will definitely be your cup of matcha!

I am curious... not criticizing or judging in any way, but inquiring minds want to know: how can you hate a language? Why? I can understand thinking a language sounds inasthetic... for example, Russian sounds like the speaker is throwing up gravel soup... but I couldn't really say I "hate" it.

..'hate' IS a very strong word...there must be a deeper reason.

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You won't find a bigger NON-Anime fan than The Deadcat.

Liked a couple of Hayao Miyazaki films that I'd seen, though, and Tokyo Godfatherswas good. Do wanna check out Perfect Blue, as well.

And I'll still watch Speed Racer, Astro Boy, Kimba, and Gigantor whenever they're broadcast.

That's about it.

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OK... if you're into Lynch, Gozu will definitely be your cup of matcha!

I am curious... not criticizing or judging in any way, but inquiring minds want to know: how can you hate a language? Why? I can understand thinking a language sounds inasthetic... for example, Russian sounds like the speaker is throwing up gravel soup... but I couldn't really say I "hate" it.

The language irritates me to no end, I cant stand how it sounds, especially from females. I just want to rip there voice box out. There are a few select Asian films I enjoy, but the highest I can rate an Asian film is a 8, because the language auto docs 2 points. Aside from Tetsuo:Iron Man, because they dont speak more than 4 lines in the whole movie...

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While not exactly mindfucks, two really great and really clever anime do come to mind; Speed Grapher and Death Note. Oo! Make that 3: Sorceror Hunters. While a lot of sorceror hunters may be silly and not so psychologically stimulating, it hits real deep on an emotional level with one of the best endings in all of anime history and one of the most awesome main characters ever (EVAR!).

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While not exactly mindfucks, two really great and really clever anime do come to mind; Speed Grapher and Death Note. Oo! Make that 3: Sorceror Hunters. While a lot of sorceror hunters may be silly and not so psychologically stimulating, it hits real deep on an emotional level with one of the best endings in all of anime history and one of the most awesome main characters ever (EVAR!).

Eh... I would still count Death Note in the Mind Fuck category... It may not be as surreal as FLCL or some others. But it will wrap your head around a large gold brick and try to stuff it through your ear given a chance.

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