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The Charging of Smoking Situation at City

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just to let everyone know i talked to Sybil last night and i she told me as far as the whole smoking thing goes.. its free first time out then a $1 after.!!and as right now this is how its going to be every weekend. the reason they were going to up the price was because ppl who didn't smoke were abusing t going outside with their friend and drinking in their cars. and all that .. but we all know about that.. im just repeating what she told me!!..

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Its probably too much work to create said "cattle pen" at City. They'd have to hire more peoplez. And where would they have the "smoking area"?

I think its a fairly reasonable choice.

Though, since I only smoke on occasion, I guess my opinion on it doesn't have the same effect as a smoker. :laugh:

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Sorry, but I think that's LAME! And I'm not even a smoker. (Not directed at you Xilla, I know you're just passing on info :wink )

The non-smoking bars and clubs that Charlie took me to out west all had lovely little outdoor patio/gazebo areas for the smokers, or for the non-smokers who wanted to step outside, get a breath of air, and socialize without having to scream over loud music. If City Club is too cheap to accommodate the smokers with something like this they deserve to lose business by having people drink in their car.

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Sorry, but I think that's LAME! And I'm not even a smoker. (Not directed at you Xilla, I know you're just passing on info :wink )

The non-smoking bars and clubs that Charlie took me to out west all had lovely little outdoor patio/gazebo areas for the smokers, or for the non-smokers who wanted to step outside, get a breath of air, and socialize without having to scream over loud music. If City Club is too cheap to accommodate the smokers with something like this they deserve to lose business by having people drink in their car.


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AT Necto we've set up a smoking area on our back patio and if that feels to crowed for you you can go out the front door free of charge all night. I can understand where CC is having trouble. They don't have easy access to the outside for customers.


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AT Necto we've set up a smoking area on our back patio and if that feels to crowed for you you can go out the front door free of charge all night. I can understand where CC is having trouble. They don't have easy access to the outside for customers.


So you added on to the patio that you have always had there? How sweet of you jynx, good to know there are kind loving people like you in the world.


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So you added on to the patio that you have always had there? How sweet of you jynx, good to know there are kind loving people like you in the world.


Well yes actually. We DID add on to the patio due to the smokign law. You are right truly the world is a better place with people like me in it.


Edited by Jinx
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Well yes actually. We DID add on to the patio due to the smokign law. You are right truly the world is a better place with people like me in it.


Clearly you dont see the sarcasm. but oh well :)

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AT Necto we've set up a smoking area on our back patio and if that feels to crowed for you you can go out the front door free of charge all night. I can understand where CC is having trouble. They don't have easy access to the outside for customers.


Such a pity you are clear on the other side of the universe...

Well yes actually. We DID add on to the patio due to the smokign law. You are right truly the world is a better place with people like me in it.


THAT...is such a cool thing to do, when so many are just shrugging...


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Guess I misunderstood the law itself I thought smoking was banned in all public places pretty much, including like "out on the street" guess I was misinformed.

In terms of re-entry I always was a bit confused why it is an issue. I'm sure there IS an issue, but, whats the problem exactly with allowing people to leave and come back the same night? I guess , its because its hard to prove if they actually paid or not in the first place?

Not really talking about CC specifically just in general.

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Guess I misunderstood the law itself I thought smoking was banned in all public places pretty much, including like "out on the street" guess I was misinformed.

In terms of re-entry I always was a bit confused why it is an issue. I'm sure there IS an issue, but, whats the problem exactly with allowing people to leave and come back the same night? I guess , its because its hard to prove if they actually paid or not in the first place?

Not really talking about CC specifically just in general.

I think for bars in general coming and going out isn't a problem. But for places you have to pay a cover to get into I think it's harder because instead of just a stamp it would be better to use wrist bands now, which are more expensive than a sharpie. Also there is the fact like at CC you get have to get searched again when coming back in. But I'm just assuming.

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Fuck that shit. I would end up paying 10 bucks in cig breaks alone. I'm boycotting CC until they change this. It's common fucking sense. Spend 400 dollars on a 4 foot high chain link fence to go around the outside entrance on the side of the building. Make the area about 30 square feet or so. Instead of taking admission INSIDE they can just sit their patty-asses outside and check people at the fence gate, instead. Simple, effective, takes no additional employees and they could even make a nice little shack for the whimps when it gets cold so they don't have to freeze their pussy little fingers off while they're trying to take our money and write some stupid shit on the back of our hands.

So. Implement that, or I'm not coming back. Period. Fuck. That. Shit.

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Guess I misunderstood the law itself I thought smoking was banned in all public places pretty much, including like "out on the street" guess I was misinformed.

In terms of re-entry I always was a bit confused why it is an issue. I'm sure there IS an issue, but, whats the problem exactly with allowing people to leave and come back the same night? I guess , its because its hard to prove if they actually paid or not in the first place?

Not really talking about CC specifically just in general.

One of the more interesting things about the law is it bans smoking on all state property. While it does not specifically say it That DOES INCLUDE PARKS. At least according to a Health inspector that I know who when briefed about the new policy was puzzled smirked and passed it on.


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Fuck that shit. I would end up paying 10 bucks in cig breaks alone. I'm boycotting CC until they change this. It's common fucking sense. Spend 400 dollars on a 4 foot high chain link fence to go around the outside entrance on the side of the building. Make the area about 30 square feet or so. Instead of taking admission INSIDE they can just sit their patty-asses outside and check people at the fence gate, instead. Simple, effective, takes no additional employees and they could even make a nice little shack for the whimps when it gets cold so they don't have to freeze their pussy little fingers off while they're trying to take our money and write some stupid shit on the back of our hands.

So. Implement that, or I'm not coming back. Period. Fuck. That. Shit.

City Club..spend $...hahaha!~

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Fuck that shit. I would end up paying 10 bucks in cig breaks alone. I'm boycotting CC until they change this. It's common fucking sense. Spend 400 dollars on a 4 foot high chain link fence to go around the outside entrance on the side of the building. Make the area about 30 square feet or so. Instead of taking admission INSIDE they can just sit their patty-asses outside and check people at the fence gate, instead. Simple, effective, takes no additional employees and they could even make a nice little shack for the whimps when it gets cold so they don't have to freeze their pussy little fingers off while they're trying to take our money and write some stupid shit on the back of our hands.

So. Implement that, or I'm not coming back. Period. Fuck. That. Shit.


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Fuck that shit. I would end up paying 10 bucks in cig breaks alone. I'm boycotting CC until they change this. It's common fucking sense. Spend 400 dollars on a 4 foot high chain link fence to go around the outside entrance on the side of the building. Make the area about 30 square feet or so. Instead of taking admission INSIDE they can just sit their patty-asses outside and check people at the fence gate, instead. Simple, effective, takes no additional employees and they could even make a nice little shack for the whimps when it gets cold so they don't have to freeze their pussy little fingers off while they're trying to take our money and write some stupid shit on the back of our hands.

So. Implement that, or I'm not coming back. Period. Fuck. That. Shit.

I also agree. I won't go back there if I have to keep paying to get back in.

Edited by kat
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Hmmm can we get enough DGNers to do a month or two City Club ban untill they change their minds?

How about we support a Saturday night event at another club? I'm tired of City's shitty sound system, craptastic bathrooms, and overall nastiness. Someone start something at Clutch Cargos in the iLounge. Perfect atmosphere and much nicer.

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How about we support a Saturday night event at another club? I'm tired of City's shitty sound system, craptastic bathrooms, and overall nastiness. Someone start something at Clutch Cargos in the iLounge. Perfect atmosphere and much nicer.

I like your thinking.

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How about we support a Saturday night event at another club? I'm tired of City's shitty sound system, craptastic bathrooms, and overall nastiness. Someone start something at Clutch Cargos in the iLounge. Perfect atmosphere and much nicer.

Agreed. If you hear of anyplace else, let me know. If CC wants to implement a slimy policy like this, they won't get another dime out of me.

Edited by *Siren*
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