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For them that dislike City Club...

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The whole place being somewhat cleaner. Sanitary and functioning bathrooms. New sound system that doesn't die in the middle of a song. Less obnoxiousness from the bouncers particularly at 2am cleanup.


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The whole place being somewhat cleaner. Sanitary and functioning bathrooms. New sound system that doesn't die in the middle of a song. Less obnoxiousness from the bouncers particularly at 2am cleanup.

relatively more secure parking... How many people have had their cars broken into or their stuff stolen in that parking lot?

Not charging smokers to go out for a cigarette, air conditioning in the summer, heat in the winter, actually cleaning the place now and then.

what these guys said!

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Oh, and re-open The Labyrinth! Won't make me come back to CC but it'll sure bring me back to The Leland!

Other folks' complaints above: those are things that I'd long ago accepted as all being part of CC. It's also what added to The Labyrinth's dark & damaged charm. Used to all that.

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Oh, and re-open The Labyrinth! Won't make me come back to CC but it'll sure bring me back to The Leland!

Other folks' complaints above: those are things that I'd long ago accepted as all being part of CC. It's also what added to The Labyrinth's dark & damaged charm. Used to all that.

The Labyrinth...... well that is a story all too it's self. All I can say is that it's a shame that it's in the condition that it is. There is so much that would need to be done down there that it would be a Herculean task to get in order again.

As for the sound Scary Guy, Pulse State and I worked on it for three days last week and got it going pretty well. I don't know if you were there this weekend but it did sound better than it has in quite a while.

To address another issue the $1.00 per re-entry for smoking has been done because too many people are going to their cars and drinking. However, this is still under review and could change in the future.

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relatively more secure parking... How many people have had their cars broken into or their stuff stolen in that parking lot?

Agreed ... I've taken my car a few times ... but I refuse to anymore, on the rare occasion I go. It's too distinguishable and screams "Take me, I'm cool!".

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Actual goth and deathrock played; that's all I ask.

And not just the older stuff, either.

THIS! How about an alternate night to open that caters to this? It wouldn't be difficult. Reopen the Labyrinth or open the City Club up for a night of actual goth music. City Club is like MTV of goth. At one point in time they played goth/music. hehe.

If I wasn't busy with Something Cold i'd take the liberty of opening a deathrock night somewhere...with the help of others, that is.

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THIS! How about an alternate night to open that caters to this? It wouldn't be difficult. Reopen the Labyrinth or open the City Club up for a night of actual goth music. City Club is like MTV of goth. At one point in time they played goth/music. hehe.

If I wasn't busy with Something Cold i'd take the liberty of opening a deathrock night somewhere...with the help of others, that is.

If Deadline's ever reincarnated, it'll be the nearest thing to it.

They ever attempt an experiment of a goth night at CC you can bet the turnout would be at an all-time low. :confused:

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Either put in some kind of a smoking patio, or fence in an area outside, with a bouncer, where people can go to either smoke, or just get outside for a few minutes. And don't charge people extra to go out there! Not sure why this aggravates me so, since I smoke maybe 2 cigs a year, but it does.

Get a good sound system for the dance floor area, and then TURN THE FRACKIN' MUSIC DOWN IN THE BAR AREA!!! The main reason I haven't gone since February, and don't really plan to go in the near future, is the music in the area where people are supposed to be able to order drinks and talk was so loud it hurt my ears, and I had a sore throat the next day from screaming all night.

I've come to accept that the club will never be anywhere near what I consider to be an acceptable level of cleanliness, but finding a way to keep all of the toilets consistently working is a must.

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I've come to accept that the club will never be anywhere near what I consider to be an acceptable level of cleanliness, but finding a way to keep all of the toilets consistently working is a must.

If patrons would stop having mind-bogglingly awesome ideas like trying to cram an entire roll of toilet paper down the drain and other such novel things, they might work more often ;) Just saying!

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*Gets on soap box*

First, Clean the damn place up, its gross. Im pretty positive that the place has black mold and/or Asbestos and god kows whats in the dark corners of the place. I know that patrons cause alot of the mess, but you could always pay people to clean, Hell, I know I would take the extra money. Repainting the walls isnt going to change the fact that the place is filthy.

Second, A diverse selection of music that covers THE ENTIRE GOTH/INDUSTRIAL SUBCULTURE. This includes all the different musics, old and new, electronic or rockish. I am a huge lover of old school goth/industrial as well as some of the newer "gothy" stuff. I am also a huge fan of harsher EBM and noise. All of it should be played. Sure it is super hard to mix Christian Death into Combichrist, but there are ways around it. Make like an hour per genre or something, give the DJ's a sense of individual style? I know the DJ's cant please everyone, just saying I like musical diversity.

Third, The sound system/lighting... Its hard to get a good sound in a big place like that, im sure, but the sound is pretty bad. When is the last time they updated the sound system? And white Christmas lights...Really?

Fourth, Heating and Cooling. Stop being cheap, seriously, freezing in the winter and sweating your nuts off in the summer sucks. The fact that people have to gather up in a ball in the winter and run around shirtless in the summer is just sad. Im not saying get something amazing, but having nothing at all is just pathetic.

Fifth, Charging people to go out to smoke. They signed there death certificate on that one, what a bad idea. CC says they do it because people are going out to the cars for drinks...dont you have people patrolling the parking lot? Catch them and dont let them do it, lol. (And I know its not CC's fault, but you are all going to wish that you had the smell of smoke come summer when all you smell is stale beer and BO).

I may add more later.

*gets off soap box*

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What would have to change (that is within the realm of reason) for you to like the place?

move it to another location. hell, there's decent ground-level real estate all over the place down in that area; there's no reason to stay in a spot which makes their smoking-patrons situation untenable in the long term.

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as far as the charging for smoking.. i think they should just let ppl go outside stand by the wall or near the door but mot blocking the door.. and let ppl bring in their smokes so they arent' as tempted to go to their cars.. i saw a shit ton of ppl outside luna smoking and someone told me they are allowed to have their smokes inside with them.. now i know its luna and all but im just using that as an example.. just trying to throw out suggestions to help ^_^

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Realistically... the club will not improve until people stop going... and yes, I go because thats where the people I wish to see go.

The music will not change because the DJ's are quite literally playing what the bulk of the customers are dancing too.

The bathrooms will not improve, the place will not be any cleaner, the smoking restrictions will not change, the air will not be fixed until they stop making money... PERIOD. And honestly why would they if people keep going? I DON'T BLAME THEM...

An unhappy CC customer goes in, pays the door price, pays for drinks, uses the filthy bathrooms, and is very hot and uncomfortable.... He pays for drinks and he sees his friends there.

Now lets say they fix it. Customer goes in pays the door price, is comfortable, and uses clean bathrooms, reasonable smoking restrictions and is cool and comfortable... he pays for drinks and sees his friends there.

What club owner would want to change anything if their bottom line is not improved? What incentive do the owners of CC have for fixing these problems if people do the same thing no matter what?

Now I will say that a couple of things have put some dents in the monopoly of CC, Nectos for one is the only other 100% successful industrial/gothic (terms loosely used for both clubs) that is in existence that has not shut down after a little bit of time.... But it has not done much because it is on a different night. Some people have stopped going, but the customers always come, new and old to replace the ones who stop. I saw an add for CC in metrotimes actually... it tells me that CC is actually needing to advertise now, which they never have before really.. which tells me they are at least starting to feel it.

Now another advantage that CC and if it were to come back, the LAB have on other nights is nostalgia... I have been going to CC since 1994 (and a lot of others much longer) The place has memories in it that no other club in this state have in its walls. The best club ever could open right across the street from it, that has every last ounce that CC is missing... and it would still have a tough time... and honestly (and I admit this) it would have trouble staying afloat because of saps like me... I have met more friends, and had more memories forged in that club then any other club, or maybe location outside of school/home. Why do you think I am on DGN so much? It is far from perfect but it is my cyber CC... and even if the bestest goth board ever came into being... I will still have a soft spot for this place... for better or for worse....

Anyway... that is why I go to CC because the other clubs are not CC...

That being said.... because of a lot of the reasons stated above, I don't go very much anymore.... I used to go ALL THE TIME.... (the other perhaps more important reason is that life and responsibility do in fact take point over going clubbing in my life right now.)... Maybe if enough people not "stop" going but perhaps go less..... they will feel it in their wallets and fix these things.

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