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For them that dislike City Club...

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I have been saying what phee said for a while, why change it if people are still going? lol I guess Detroit "goths" have no standards? (Not the good memories part though, lol) Oh well...Troy rarely posts, which is the main reason I replied, but this is a tired subject.

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Get a good sound system for the dance floor area, and then TURN THE FRACKIN' MUSIC DOWN IN THE BAR AREA!!! The main reason I haven't gone since February, and don't really plan to go in the near future, is the music in the area where people are supposed to be able to order drinks and talk was so loud it hurt my ears, and I had a sore throat the next day from screaming all night.

Indeed, never have been able to order from the bar without this problem.

Otherwise, Oh where do I begin?

Lighting is terrible there, always has been, but you often cannot see where you are walking, and trip over people and things. Not saying much brighter, but a solidly consistent low lit lighting system would go a long way.

The bathrooms are fucking disgusting. Shit always smeared over the walls and never any soap or toilet paper. Guess it would be too much to ask for some one to go in there in the middle of the night, even just once would make a huge difference, and attempt to clean up and restock stuff in there whilst doing so.

The uber drama and fighting. I have been to City Club a few number of times, and huge fights have broken out that the bouncers have not been able to get under control for at least 5 minutes, and I have seriously considered never returning to City Club ever again, then I change my mind and give it another chance and lo and behold another fight breaks out. Is it seriously to much to ask for bouncers to don their jobs and for people to leave their drama at home? Also the handful of scary and shady people that go to City have always been a problem for me. So I often stay home.

City also never has had a decent ventilation system, and that is always a problem. Temperature is always out of control and more often matches the temp outside instead of matching something you can stand to be in for more than 10-15 minutes at a time.

The music selection has never really bothered me, but I guess I can understand where people are coming from. Clubs, goth or not, always cater to their music selection to what's popular, and that can really get under their gears. But the music is really the least of the places problems.

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I agree with what Phee said.

However, I think there is another reason why nothing gets done there; Detroit's city government is lax.

Particularly the building inspection and health department(s).

I've said this before; if CC was over here, and the club was in the shape it's in; out here, it would have gotten shut down a lonnnnng time ago.

So yeah, less money coming in the front door seems to be the only way for the owners to give a damn about the place.(Yes, I've been there.)

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Yeah it sucks that some of my friends that smoke like Siren are not going there and I can't blame them.

even though I will be done with tobacco products by the end of June,and just stick with my blu e-cigs

from now on,I can see where some improvements could be done,I miss my friends that quit going.

The bathrooms are nasty thanks to idiots that puke and what not in them

why I use my foot to flush the toilet

never any TP and also the a "beer shelf" would be nice to have

so you don't have to be an acrobat holding your drink/pitcher

while using the toilet,well you have to to keep your drink safe from

being tampered with by a tourist.

There have been a lot of no name a-holes going there as well

most fights/drama I see is from people none of us know.

And as for the smoking,and getting charged to re enter I know no other bar/club doing this.

This IMO would not cost CC that much money to install railings like these that are used for carnival rides

and yes they can be anchored to the ground,around the entrance to the club,btw probably can be bought from

a scrap yard for cheap as well,just an idea.


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Actual goth and deathrock played; that's all I ask.

And not just the older stuff, either.

I've long wished for this, unfortunately the popularity of such a thing is much lower than we might like. I'm not one that ONLY likes such things, I'm good with the dancy stuff too, just would be nice to hear more traditional sounding stuff.

I had an idea of something like maybe for the first hour that they are open they play traditional-sounding "gothic" music as a start.

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I agree with what Phee said.

However, I think there is another reason why nothing gets done there; Detroit's city government is lax.

Particularly the building inspection and health department(s).

I've said this before; if CC was over here, and the club was in the shape it's in; out here, it would have gotten shut down a lonnnnng time ago.

So yeah, less money coming in the front door seems to be the only way for the owners to give a damn about the place.(Yes, I've been there.)

From a top-down perspective, looking at the community as a whole I think you are on target there.

But in terms of a specific location (not necessarily meaning City club in this case) the management can fix a place up without the government.

I have heard arguments that say that if the place was too "nice" it wouldn't have the same feel and that being a "dive" has its charms. I can understand that, but I at least need the bathrooms to be clean and in good working order. A place can "look" like a dive and still be clean.

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I have been saying what phee said for a while, why change it if people are still going? lol I guess Detroit "goths" have no standards? (Not the good memories part though, lol) Oh well...Troy rarely posts, which is the main reason I replied, but this is a tired subject.

I do try to read though. :)

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From a top-down perspective, looking at the community as a whole I think you are on target there.

But in terms of a specific location (not necessarily meaning City club in this case) the management can fix a place up without the government.

I have heard arguments that say that if the place was too "nice" it wouldn't have the same feel and that being a "dive" has its charms. I can understand that, but I at least need the bathrooms to be clean and in good working order. A place can "look" like a dive and still be clean.

Management Can fix up a place without the government, but my point was/is, that currently they have no incentive to fix it up. Having people go there less often is one way of affecting change, but if the government inspectors came in, and said fix all this stuff or be shut down, I think that would be motivation of a more expeditious nature.

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I'd like a place that's clean, has multiple bars for me to drunkenly stagger back and forth too, an open yard in the middle of the club for when I wanna get my smoke on, a dance floor that doesn't take up half the flippin club, full of sexy women..

oh wait.. that's Necto... nvrmnd

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Knowing several other local businesses that "could be better" but are making money I think to some extent it is a lack of desire to do "extra" work to make more money, not that you have to lose money to make improvements. Many businesses that are doing ok, could do a lot better if they worked harder and made more improvements, but they just aren't motivated to do so. They are making "enough" and that is enough.

As opposed to say a more aggressive capitalist mindset which is about increasing profits regardless if there are already profits being made. They pro-actively try to tweak and improve things with the hopes of bringing in even more business.

The gaming shop i go to in Garden City is a good example. They make money, but the place is kinda dumpy and there are all sorts of things they could do to grow the business, they just don't want to "go the extra mile" , as long as they are making some money (whatever that means) good enough (in their minds).

Really though we could end up throwing the baby out with the bathwater. If we really wanted ownership that was concerned about the customer base and profits, they wouldn't be running a so-called "goth club" at all.

I just need to win the lotto and I'll either buy the whole building or create a new place from scratch with various types of Goth/Industrial/EBM/Synth nights 7 days a week I'll have the interior be H.R. Geiger style and the exterior will be fantasia-esque goth/tech with an ever-vigilant (and polite) cleaning and security staff. It will be snobby in that I'll expect the staff to look the part to some extent.

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Management Can fix up a place without the government, but my point was/is, that currently they have no incentive to fix it up. Having people go there less often is one way of affecting change, but if the government inspectors came in, and said fix all this stuff or be shut down, I think that would be motivation of a more expeditious nature.

Yeah I agree and understand. I think I paraphrased what your saying here, I just was pointing out that individuals can be motivated to "buck the trend". Not that its realistic that many will do so.

I'm big on whats "best on a larger scale" that is, motivation from the top down. In terms of "just CC" its a bit much to change the whole socioeconomic governmental structure, in a hope of fixing city club.

I really am with you on the "big picture" problem, Im right there with you.

I'm just trying to figure out something realistic for CC that would be realistic to actually get done in something under a few decades.

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[ not like anyone actually responds to my posts anymore butttt here it goes ]

First, the place believe it or not, IS CLEAN. [ wasn't there already a thread about that???? ]Its the drunks that destroy the place by the end of the night [ and actually, it has been decent in the last couple months ] With the bathrooms, well... Stop destroying them and they wont look like shit. And they also have someone that picks up all the trash and stuff too as the night goes on in the club.

Secondly, they have to charge people a dollar because remember, before, if you go out, youd have to pay 4 dollars. But thats up for change too. The alcohol sales are going down the drain there because people like to drink out in the parking lot. And they ARE NOT letting people back in if you are caught drinking in the parking lot [ thats what happened saturday ] which is FAIR since it is a bar, they do need to make some type of sales.

EVERY BAR IS DEALING WITH THIS PEOPLE. They can't make a patio or anything because uh, well. theres just parking lot. Would you rather park on the streets, or in there? The security does a pretty good job (now) with making sure your cars don't get stolen, it HAS improved a lot. And from my understanding there IS cameras all over the place.

Third, the lighting sucks, but thats what makes it cityclub.

As for the whole music thing, i'm pretty sure they fixed the sound system a couple weeks ago. The music HAS been decent lately.

The drama, well. Don't listen to it, and you don't have to be in it? Its really as simple as that.

EVERYONE has theyre own opinions and instead of BASHING about how much you people hate city or wish it would change just to fit you, why don't you guys think of theme nights or something that would actually be realistic?

Regardless if you guys all boycott city or not, its still going to be open, and its still going to go on for a very very long time.

I like city club just fine. The only thing I would like to change is the smoking ban thats effecting the whole state. Do you guys actually think that the people that work there aren't just as pissed off about it?

What I would like to change is people to stop whining and crying about how city needs to change. Its not the 80's or 90's anymore. This decade for the most part blows. Sorry, but its true.

Edit; Sorry if I offend anyone, i'm not trying to.

Edited by LittleMissLuckyCunt
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The whole place being somewhat cleaner. Sanitary and functioning bathrooms. New sound system that doesn't die in the middle of a song.

T H I S x 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 o.o

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I'm with what phee said. The main reason I go is to peoples that I like. If there was another place where all my favorite people would congregate, I'd go there. So until we all become one giant flash mob I'll keep a lookout for those I like when I get there again.


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If CC changed, it wouldn't be CC to me anymore. I've been going there since 1998, and as phee wrote, I have a lot of memories there. I go there to see people that I wouldn't normally get to see.

I like that it's dark in there. I've never tripped. My car has never been broken into or stolen there. Like LMLC wrote, the bathrooms are nasty because people are nasty. I don't use the bathroom while I'm there. I know what the temperature is going to be like in there, so I don't go when it's ungodly cold or hot outside, unless I really need to dance, then I just suck it up and deal with it. As for people complaining about the drama? It's been there since I've been there, and it's been there long before then. Who said you need to be involved in it? There's drama all over this board, and I don't see too many people complaining about it. I generally like the music, though there are nights that I'm just not feeling it.

CC will always be a home away from home for me. A place where I can go and feel comfortable. Necto is okay, but it just doesn't have the same feeling for me; it feels like any other regular bar to me, except that sometimes it plays music that I like. CC feels different, and that is why I like going there. I used to go every Friday and Saturday for a long time, but with work, grad school, responsibilities, and getting older and needing sleep, I can't go as often as I like anymore.

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If CC changed, it wouldn't be CC to me anymore. I've been going there since 1998, and as phee wrote, I have a lot of memories there. I go there to see people that I wouldn't normally get to see.

I like that it's dark in there. I've never tripped. My car has never been broken into or stolen there. Like LMLC wrote, the bathrooms are nasty because people are nasty. I don't use the bathroom while I'm there. I know what the temperature is going to be like in there, so I don't go when it's ungodly cold or hot outside, unless I really need to dance, then I just suck it up and deal with it. As for people complaining about the drama? It's been there since I've been there, and it's been there long before then. Who said you need to be involved in it? There's drama all over this board, and I don't see too many people complaining about it. I generally like the music, though there are nights that I'm just not feeling it.

CC will always be a home away from home for me. A place where I can go and feel comfortable. Necto is okay, but it just doesn't have the same feeling for me; it feels like any other regular bar to me, except that sometimes it plays music that I like. CC feels different, and that is why I like going there. I used to go every Friday and Saturday for a long time, but with work, grad school, responsibilities, and getting older and needing sleep, I can't go as often as I like anymore.

My thought exactly! Thanks for savingme the typing. ;)

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Regarding the bathrooms, the dirtiness, and the drama, yes, I agree, that's more the fault of the patrons than the staff of City. As someone else mentioned, though, it would be nice if they at least had someone to go in the bathrooms once during the night with some extra TP and a plunger and make sure the bathrooms were at least tolerable. Having someone make an attempt to clean up the bad spills right in the middle of the dance floor and main pathway to the bar would be nice, too, though I don't see it happening. That's really a minor annoyance, though, not something that would keep me from going if I really wanted to.

It's the first two things I mentioned are what really irk me. That and the fact that the last few times I've gone I've just not enjoyed my night at all. The last thing isn't strictly City Club's fault, but it keeps me from wanting to go back, nonetheless.

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It's the first two things I mentioned are what really irk me. That and the fact that the last few times I've gone I've just not enjoyed my night at all. The last thing isn't strictly City Club's fault, but it keeps me from wanting to go back, nonetheless.

That's why I had no qualms about telling a certain Troll to go Fuck herself, thus getting permanently banned :bunny:

It assured no one would ever be able to drag Me back there to have a terrible time and go home smelling like I danced in a sewer all night :w00t:

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The club does need to be de smegmanized,let alone sharp things like nails and screws need to be removed,yes I have gotten snagged on a few before.

Have to agree with this one.. T___T I have torn multiple dresses on wires, nails, etc hanging out of walls...and my dresses cost like $200-300. D:D: Not happy about that.. There's one nail (?) poking out of the inside of the outer door right where my hand grabs it when I open it from the outside to open it the rest of the way and I've scratched myself on it - if I hadn't had a tetanus shot when I cut my finger in Dec I'd have to get another.

(Actually, really hoping someone will read this comment and fix that one right away - every time I open it I watch for that now but it's really unsafe and unnecessary.) :help:

EDIT: Just a clarification, I don't dislike City Club, though I dislike some things about it. In general I fucking love City, as everyone knows. But there are DEFINITELY areas in which it could use improvement.

Edited by TheOsakaKoneko
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Oh yeah, and I did mean to mention the excessive heat in the summer due to the poor ventilation in my first post and forgot. I do think allowing patrons a place to go outside would help immensely with that, though. I've never really had any problems with the winter temperature. If I am cold, I keep my jacket on until I have had enough of a chance to warm up with drinks and dancing.

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