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What games are you playing?

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Animal Crossing hehe. Shake them trees! (only played it for DS , I assume its similar)

Yeah its similar, I've been trying to finish my bug and painting collections for the museum. On the Wii you can connect your DS and transfer your player to the Wii and pick up whereever you left off.

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Only games I'm actively playing (trying to cut down) and focus more on reading / health issues / DGN.

Starcraft 2 (this will come and go I'm sure)

Magic: The Gathering (this is a decades long obsession) (Tuesday Night , Garden City - Pandemonium when i have energy.)

I do miss all my console titles but have not kept up with them (Mario / Zelda etc)

Occasionally various incarnations of Warhammer 40,000 (Dawn Of War / Tabletop


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Jesus. What games AREN'T I playing. I'm so backlogged...

Primarly Final Fantasy IV The Complete Collection

Then I'm also working on Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim, Megaman 10, Gears Of War 1&2 (mostly online stuffs), Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 (every now and then), Black Ops (again mostly online stuffs). Oh! And I'm playing the "Not dieing from lack of sleep" game from playing so many games. LOL

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On my Mac thanks to Steam: Portal

360: I'm addicted to Fruit Ninja Kinect

PS3: Infamous (I have Infamous 2 sitting here and was told I have to play the first one, first ... same with Portal)

DS: Zelda (Ocarina of Time)

... I'm addicted to Dragonvale and Everlands on my iPad too.

........... I'm such a gamer geek (as I type this wearing my Portal shirt) .... :innocent:

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StormKnight, have you checked out Gran Turismo 5? I know you're a gearhead, too. It's pretty awesome.. Just sayin..

Agreed!! I just aquired a PS3 and GT5. I still have GT's for my regular PS and PS2 when I had one ... Those were my favourite games EVER!! I got into Forza for XBox when I switched, which is cool, but just not the same at the GT's.

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Currently Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Great story and awesome gameplay. I normally don't like first person games too much with a few exceptions (bioshocks 1 and 2 for example), but it fits this game perfectly. I spent lots of time just wandering around this or that city checkin stuff out and it actually felt like I was walking around the cities. They felt alive. Not a lot of games can capture that kind of immersion. It's also pretty neat how Detroit is one of the major hubs of the game. They did a great job on it. Accurate-ish too......the Sarif building is like a block away from City Club.

Soon as it comes out though it's time for Batman: Arkham City! Giddy with anticipation for this one. Gonna be so great! Also The new Assassin's Creed will be out in November....other stuff too. Gonna be a great fall/winter for gamers. Oh! And Final Fantasy 13-2! REal excited about that one too. Loved 13. Don't care what people say about it....it. was. awesome. That is all.

Also dabbling in like my 3rd playthrough of Mass Effect 2. Second playthrough of Metal Gear Solid 4.

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Amnesia: The Dark Descent. This is one of the most terrifying games I've ever played, I played a lot of it in the dark. I haven't beaten it yet. Its kind of like an interactive Poe story.

Where the beginning chapters of Dead Space 2 made me jump a lot, this game has more just gave me a feeling of dread and "WTF?" throughout it.

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Played my first game of Necromunda at Pandemonium today and ordered myself some figures for my Escher gang. Good times :thumbup: . Unfortanatly I already lost my gang leader :crybaby: but meh. I think I'm going to give them all old lady names just for shits.

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