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So, you are for or against net neutrality as it is proposed? And where do you stand on Obama's statements that people should avoid reading multiple news sources because we might get confused by all the information?

if you're going to ask the question, why not answer it as well, while you're at it? would help with getting the conversation going...

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heh, you kill me! =P can't be bothered to type a reply, and don't even link to an old post in which you reply yourself, just others. i mean, the first post doesn't even have an opinion in it, and it's the one you linked to. i assume, then, that you agree with the opinions stated below that one, about corporate greed, etc?

(still kills me that you'd rather take all the extra time to search through old posts to find something from four years ago, when you could have just typed something like "net neutrality = corporate greed" (which took all of 5 seconds), and been done with it, but it's your time, you can do whatever you want with it, i guess...)

Edited by torn asunder
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heh, you kill me! tongue2.gif can't be bothered to type a reply, and don't even link to an old post in which you reply yourself, just others. i mean, the first post doesn't even have an opinion in it, and it's the one you linked to. i assume, then, that you agree with the opinions stated below that one, about corporate greed, etc?

(still kills me that you'd rather take all the extra time to search through old posts to find something from four years ago, when you could have just typed something like "net neutrality = corporate greed" (which took all of 5 seconds), and been done with it, but it's your time, you can do whatever you want with it, i guess...)

Excuse me? WTF is your problem? I don't see you attacking anyone else for thier short answers. You missed my point anyway. People were all against Net neutrality when they thought Bush and his crew were for it... now that it's Obama and his minions... anyone speaking against it is speaking gibberish. Wake the hell up and put the Koolaid down.

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People were all against Net neutrality when they thought Bush and his crew were for it... now that it's Obama and his minions... anyone speaking against it is speaking gibberish. Wake the hell up and put the Koolaid down.

If you would have had the link and said that... I think it would have been much more clear.

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If you would have had the link and said that... I think it would have been much more clear.

I was trying to not accuse people of being hypocrits on the issue... hence asking questions before I stated the problem I saw. I didn't post a one word reply, that gave the reader no idea what the poster was thinking, to the thread as others had done.. I asked a thought out question that was directly related to the topic. What do I get... attacked by a mod.

but fine... I'll answer the question given to me..

I am opposed to Net Nuetraility. I see it as a power grab, the same as I did 4 years ago. I see the same hand reaching out to grab that power... Democratic thought police acting on thier unfulfilled need to control every aspect of our lives. I see it as another step the democrats are taking to make Obama the new Supreme Leader for life. They have taken over the banks, the auto industry, health care and now.. while YOUR President is telling people they should not read or watch the news anymore... because it's a distraction, they are pushing hard to take over the most free source of information the people have...

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I was trying to not accuse people of being hypocrits on the issue... hence asking questions before I stated the problem I saw. I didn't post a one word reply, that gave the reader no idea what the poster was thinking, to the thread as others had done.. I asked a thought out question that was directly related to the topic. What do I get... attacked by a mod.

but fine... I'll answer the question given to me..

I am opposed to Net Nuetraility. I see it as a power grab, the same as I did 4 years ago. I see the same hand reaching out to grab that power... Democratic thought police acting on thier unfulfilled need to control every aspect of our lives. I see it as another step the democrats are taking to make Obama the new Supreme Leader for life. They have taken over the banks, the auto industry, health care and now.. while YOUR President is telling people they should not read or watch the news anymore... because it's a distraction, they are pushing hard to take over the most free source of information the people have...

Thank you for making your position clear.

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The *idea* of net neutrality is sound... the problem is, everyone is taking an ideal, and using it to their advantage. I think placing transmissions under the FCC would be a mistake. I also think people who are paranoid that companies will give priority to certain transmissions over others are being unreasonable. Companies don't want to alienate their customer base. Now I know people will cite the court case over throttling P2P packets, but honestly? That's another issue altogether. Thats less a control of information flow issue, and more a network traffic issue. Before anyone wants to argue *that* one, I do actually have a clue on the legitimacy of the statement. It's not a crappy excuse.

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Excuse me? WTF is your problem? I don't see you attacking anyone else for thier short answers. You missed my point anyway. People were all against Net neutrality when they thought Bush and his crew were for it... now that it's Obama and his minions... anyone speaking against it is speaking gibberish. Wake the hell up and put the Koolaid down.

Where did I say I was against it? What I was against was the fact that the initial drafts of COPE had no provisions FOR network neutrality. Which was also why so many other people, companies, etc, were also against it. It ended up passing without these provisions either. The only people against network neutrality are those that stand to lose money if it is enacted. Basically the cable companies and a few makers of networking hardware.

If I'm reading it right, Glenn Beck is against this. For reasons I can't quite discern.

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I was trying to not accuse people of being hypocrits on the issue... hence asking questions before I stated the problem I saw. I didn't post a one word reply, that gave the reader no idea what the poster was thinking, to the thread as others had done.. I asked a thought out question that was directly related to the topic. What do I get... attacked by a mod.

but fine... I'll answer the question given to me..

I am opposed to Net Nuetraility. I see it as a power grab, the same as I did 4 years ago. I see the same hand reaching out to grab that power... Democratic thought police acting on thier unfulfilled need to control every aspect of our lives. I see it as another step the democrats are taking to make Obama the new Supreme Leader for life. They have taken over the banks, the auto industry, health care and now.. while YOUR President is telling people they should not read or watch the news anymore... because it's a distraction, they are pushing hard to take over the most free source of information the people have...

I don't see how this can be construed as a political power grab if for no other reason than the breadth of groups for it transcends most political groups. What's your logic? All I see is your supreme dislike for Obama.

The *idea* of net neutrality is sound... the problem is, everyone is taking an ideal, and using it to their advantage. I think placing transmissions under the FCC would be a mistake. I also think people who are paranoid that companies will give priority to certain transmissions over others are being unreasonable. Companies don't want to alienate their customer base. Now I know people will cite the court case over throttling P2P packets, but honestly? That's another issue altogether. Thats less a control of information flow issue, and more a network traffic issue. Before anyone wants to argue *that* one, I do actually have a clue on the legitimacy of the statement. It's not a crappy excuse.

You and Phee work in the industry. You get to see things we don't. But I also think you might be biased for your industry. (I sometimes do the same for the auto industry, for likely similar reasons.) I won't dispute the traffic management issues, but I think in general, that corporate interests will more likely than not gravitate towards profit and taking advantage of every opportunity to make it over doing "the right thing".

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I don't see how this can be construed as a political power grab if for no other reason than the breadth of groups for it transcends most political groups. What's your logic? All I see is your supreme dislike for Obama.

You and Phee work in the industry. You get to see things we don't. But I also think you might be biased for your industry. (I sometimes do the same for the auto industry, for likely similar reasons.) I won't dispute the traffic management issues, but I think in general, that corporate interests will more likely than not gravitate towards profit and taking advantage of every opportunity to make it over doing "the right thing".

It, to me, is another government take over of an industry that doesn't need government take over. Yes, I know the internet was created by the government, but it has never been regulated by them. This will add Cost that doesn't need to be added. This Cost will be transfered to you and I. Do you need a larger internet bill? Does DGN need to be a pay site so that it can get enough bandwidth to be workable?

and the reason you can discern why Beck is opposed to this is you are reading a real hack job of an article. It is written to make Beck look worse than he is. It's snippits and outtakes... not thw whole argument that Beck put forth.

and the Cable companies and hardware manufacturers are the ones that are going to be raking in the bucks... they don't stand to loose money on this. Net Nuetrality means paying for internet based on bandwidth usage.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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Excuse me? WTF is your problem? I don't see you attacking anyone else for thier short answers. You missed my point anyway. People were all against Net neutrality when they thought Bush and his crew were for it... now that it's Obama and his minions... anyone speaking against it is speaking gibberish. Wake the hell up and put the Koolaid down.

I know, the media is also showing their true liberal colors. When Bush was in office if he jaywalked it was all over every news station and he was the "devil" for it. Now Obama is running our country into the ground and all news sources don't even report it, except Fox news. Then when Fox reports anything bad about Obama, they're "conspirators" when all of the other channels were doing the same shit with Bush. I'm to the point where I don't give a fuck if Obama runs this place into the dirt, that's what the American citizens get for being stubborn and having a "my team has to win!" attitude about the whole thing.

I'm just entertained hearing them all come up with excuses as to why Obama is right for doing similar things (worse things, imo) as Bush. I'm taking bets with my friends what some of the awesome excuses are going to be when cap and trade passes, rather, how people who are diehard Obama groupies are going to defend it.

I know, the media is also showing their true liberal colors. When Bush was in office if he jaywalked it was all over every news station and he was the "devil" for it. Now Obama is running our country into the ground and all news sources don't even report it, except Fox news. Then when Fox reports anything bad about Obama, they're "conspirators" when all of the other channels were doing the same shit with Bush. I'm to the point where I don't give a fuck if Obama runs this place into the dirt, that's what the American citizens get for being stubborn and having a "my team has to win!" attitude about the whole thing.

I'm just entertained hearing them all come up with excuses as to why Obama is right for doing similar things (worse things, imo) as Bush. I'm taking bets with my friends what some of the awesome excuses are going to be when cap and trade passes, rather, how people who are diehard Obama groupies are going to defend it.

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I know, the media is also showing their true liberal colors. When Bush was in office if he jaywalked it was all over every news station and he was the "devil" for it. Now Obama is running our country into the ground and all news sources don't even report it, except Fox news. Then when Fox reports anything bad about Obama, they're "conspirators" when all of the other channels were doing the same shit with Bush. I'm to the point where I don't give a fuck if Obama runs this place into the dirt, that's what the American citizens get for being stubborn and having a "my team has to win!" attitude about the whole thing.

I'm just entertained hearing them all come up with excuses as to why Obama is right for doing similar things (worse things, imo) as Bush. I'm taking bets with my friends what some of the awesome excuses are going to be when cap and trade passes, rather, how people who are diehard Obama groupies are going to defend it.


Edited by Reaper
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Excuse me? WTF is your problem? I don't see you attacking anyone else for thier short answers. You missed my point anyway. People were all against Net neutrality when they thought Bush and his crew were for it... now that it's Obama and his minions... anyone speaking against it is speaking gibberish. Wake the hell up and put the Koolaid down.

*that* was my entire point. there was no way i could have gleaned your point, as you *never* said anything, you didn't even make a "short answer". i'm not upset, i'm not trying to bust your chops, i was trying to get some sort of information out of you to understand where you were coming from. how the hell you can get mad at me for misunderstanding your meaning when you didn't say anything is beyond me.

i mean, how freakin' hard was it for you to type those few sentences? couldn't have taken you more than 60 seconds, and this whole thing would have been avoided. i was interested to here your point originally, but now it seems like you were just trying to start trouble. (my impression, i'm not saying that was your intent.) honestly, i'm put off of this topic now.

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I know, the media is also showing their true liberal colors. When Bush was in office if he jaywalked it was all over every news station and he was the "devil" for it. Now Obama is running our country into the ground and all news sources don't even report it, except Fox news. Then when Fox reports anything bad about Obama, they're "conspirators" when all of the other channels were doing the same shit with Bush. I'm to the point where I don't give a fuck if Obama runs this place into the dirt, that's what the American citizens get for being stubborn and having a "my team has to win!" attitude about the whole thing.

I'm just entertained hearing them all come up with excuses as to why Obama is right for doing similar things (worse things, imo) as Bush. I'm taking bets with my friends what some of the awesome excuses are going to be when cap and trade passes, rather, how people who are diehard Obama groupies are going to defend it.

This is why I stay away from televised news sources. They're either too liberal or too conservative of a twist anymore and never give the truth by it's self, instead it's usually lightly laced in with a bunch of biased opinion like a soap opera. Sorta reminds me of the movie Idiocracy lol.

I understand Fox news is in a league all on their own with their right wing views, however they're further to the right than any other station is to the left/right, and one man in my opinion has ruined any credibility Fox news could have ever had. Bill Oriley, I can't even watch that man, some of the things he's said have left me to believe he has no coherent idea of how the real world works.. at all...

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