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What exactly is wrong with being conservative?

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i don't think that there is neccessarily anything wrong with being a conservative. i personally dont consider myself on the right or the left but i strive to be somewhat a moderate. i agree with a lot of ideals that are liberal and those that are conservative, depending on the issues i sometimes lean more one way or the other.

the only thing i feel is problematic, is when people begin to fall to the extreme right or extreme left... it seems that many of those on the extreme left/right become closed minded and prejuduced against the other side believing that anything a liberal says, does, or thinks is wrong just because its liberal - or that anything a conservative says, does, or thinks is wrong just because it is conservative.

both sides do have valid points and good ideas as well as bad ideas and i think its important to keep an open mind and not get caught up in all the media hype... listen to all points of view and think them over, dont just dismiss something because it came from the left or the right... i think if there was a bit more understanding and openness in politics then the system might run a little more smoothly. of course thats just what i think, i could be wrong.

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i don't think that there is neccessarily anything wrong with being a conservative. i personally dont consider myself on the right or the left but i strive to be somewhat a moderate. i agree with a lot of ideals that are liberal and those that are conservative, depending on the issues i sometimes lean more one way or the other.

the only thing i feel is problematic, is when people begin to fall to the extreme right or extreme left... it seems that many of those on the extreme left/right become closed minded and prejuduced against the other side believing that anything a liberal says, does, or thinks is wrong just because its liberal - or that anything a conservative says, does, or thinks is wrong just because it is conservative.

both sides do have valid points and good ideas as well as bad ideas and i think its important to keep an open mind and not get caught up in all the media hype... listen to all points of view and think them over, dont just dismiss something because it came from the left or the right... i think if there was a bit more understanding and openness in politics then the system might run a little more smoothly. of course thats just what i think, i could be wrong.

I think you are on the right track.

Three sides to understanding; Their side, Our side, and the Truth and compromise in between. Further one is on one side, the less you see the truth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nthign worng with conservatives. Nothing worng with liberals. In general. Heres (in my opinion) where the problem comes in. When conservatives try to jam their beliefs down liberals throat and are so stuck in their way that they can't be open-minded and open-hearted. Thats all I'm saying. Politics confuse me. I don't care one way or another. I do what I want.

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Nthign worng with conservatives. Nothing worng with liberals. In general. Heres (in my opinion) where the problem comes in. When conservatives try to jam their beliefs down liberals throat and are so stuck in their way that they can't be open-minded and open-hearted. Thats all I'm saying. Politics confuse me. I don't care one way or another. I do what I want.

sorry...first thing that came to my mind.

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  • 4 years later...

I personally don't like traditional-conservativism like Judeo-Christian religion and the fear of the culture that's come out of it; nor marriage, which is something I'll never have any part in. I don't like fiat money. And I also dislike militant foreign policy because its fundamentally anti-male. I don't like liberals either though and I'm completely done voting.

Edited by Class-Punk
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  • 9 years later...
On 5/20/2010 at 1:38 AM, TitsMcGee said:

I'm honestly curious on why a large majority of people on here think that leaning to the right or being conservative is such a horrible thing. I mean is it so wrong to have traditional values, believing in a limited government, and believe in God? Because I've gotten the vibe from many people here, that being conservative is wrong and being liberal is the only way to go.

So please explain to me why you think that way so I can understand your point of view.


Was going through old posts.  I figure I'll do my best to answer this one in general.  I'm not reading five pages of banter though but I doubt I've chimed in on this.

"The scene" (and by extension this forum) has traditionally been a Liberal one.  Yes there have been a few conservative voices in it but for the most part those in the counter-culture movements are generally anti-authority, pro LGBT+, pro-choice, pro-drugs, etc...

However it's not just the scene's values that are offensive to conservatives, but also the music, fashion, and aesthetic in general are very much non-traditional, which is offensive to most conservatives in general.  As such they tend not to come around too often, or leave if they do.  They feel like a minority and prefer their echo chambers in the walled gardens they have constructed for themselves.  As an effect of this, this leaves this place as an echo chamber of mostly liberal/libertarian voices.  It also doesn't help that Troy was a Libertarian himself so things mostly tended to lean that way.

Really I'd be most interested to hear @Marblez's take on this though as she's actually a conservative, but she also seems very absent lately as well.  Probably because the temp is pretty left of center.

When it comes to religion I say keep it to yourself, and I will return in kind.  I'm not actively trying to offend anyone, it just sort of happens.


On 7/13/2014 at 4:03 AM, Slogo said:

I'm hilariously resurrecting this thread since it kicks off with an argument between two people that would be engaged within 4 years. lol

Nice necropost you got there :P

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If I am to chime in now that I can better explain without devolving into shit flinging....


I have principals that I think should be pretty universal. Don't limit other people's personal freedoms. It always seems to be the conservative/republicans that push this. Especially now with SCOTUS. Even if you personally don't believe in oppressing like they do, your vote does. It's acceptable and tolerable to you enough to still vote for these people, and now they stacked SCOTUS for God knows how long. That's tied into the Republican/Conservative machine. You can't say conservative without even sounding prejudice anymore because that prejudice is so accepted and tolerated within that party. 


Even for fiscal reasons, none practice what they preach, all seem to want to gut social assistance programs and will go to any length they can to fuck people over.


So if you have conservative views and can't figure out why people look at you like the bad guy, it's because you've never been on the receiving end of your views and they likely have. 

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54 minutes ago, phee said:

Then again... The topic is "what is wrong  with being conservative?" I do NOT consider MAGA conservative. 

There used to be a difference.. now I can't tell. One bad apple spoils the whole bunch and all that. Even if they're not MAGA zealots, how can anyone tell the difference since they're all on the same team pretty much? Like I don't know who the Republicans are going to nominate if not Trump. All other potential candidates seem almost as horrible (DeSantis) and their hopes to run fir president seemed to die almost immediately.


So my question would be, if there are any conservatives here who also dislike this new breed of Republican, what do you do? How will you vote? See any alternative parties besides the Libertarian party? Or are you gonna back the front man (whoever it may be) no matter how vile they have been?

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8 hours ago, phee said:

Then again... The topic is "what is wrong  with being conservative?" I do NOT consider MAGA conservative. 

To be fair, when the topic was started MAGA conservatives didn't exist yet.  It was still "The Tea Party" at that time, which was stolen from the Libertarians and corrupted into something we hated.


7 hours ago, know_buddy_kares said:

There used to be a difference.. now I can't tell. One bad apple spoils the whole bunch and all that. Even if they're not MAGA zealots, how can anyone tell the difference since they're all on the same team pretty much? Like I don't know who the Republicans are going to nominate if not Trump. All other potential candidates seem almost as horrible (DeSantis) and their hopes to run fir president seemed to die almost immediately.


So my question would be, if there are any conservatives here who also dislike this new breed of Republican, what do you do? How will you vote? See any alternative parties besides the Libertarian party? Or are you gonna back the front man (whoever it may be) no matter how vile they have been?

This is easy, everyone on the left is a Commie and everyone on the right is a Nazi.  Don't even need to think about it, you just lump them all together :P

Edited by Scary Guy
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5 hours ago, gwen said:

and have your kids go to achool in a tactical vest.


Technically that one is a liberal gripe, but yeah neither side is good.


I still say train and arm the teachers that want to take on the responsibility.  But on the other hand armed teachers are harder for the school to push around, overwork, and underpay.


Anyway I've always heard if you're not a liberal you have no heart, and if you're not conservative you have no brain.

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This topic sure aged a certain way.  It's funny because a lot of the warnings against polarization and the division of "us vs them" were things you guys brought up in convo in this thread in 2010, and now 13 years later SO many of you (I see y'alls Facebooks) are HUGE proponents of the very thing you warned about 13 years ago.


Chilling.  I wish I could say it was shocking.  Remember when people didn't feed into groupthink because of Facebooks echochamber algorithm?  Pepperidge Farms remembers 🤷🏼‍♀️

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On 7/31/2023 at 1:15 AM, Scary Guy said:

This is easy, everyone on the left is a Commie and everyone on the right is a Nazi.  Don't even need to think about it, you just lump them all together 😛


I always say that you have your choice between living in the novel 1984 (liberals) or Lord of the Flies (conservatives).  The ONLY sanity is "purple".  One reason I hate liberals (I'm anti liberal and anti conservative, us vs them destroys civilization) is because they have brainwashed their cult into thinking "bothsidesism" is evil...so basically think what they think or else you're "problematic".  That's something where in the 90s most people would have been unbiased and uninfluenced by algorithm-based social media (i.e. Facebook, IG, YT, TikTok) enough to be like "Wow, that's a cult" and now yall are eating that kind of rhetoric up like there's any truth or sanity in blind faith.  The SAME blind faith you diss on conservatives for.


Liberals are delusional and hypocritical.  Conservatives are illogical and bigoted.  Fuck. Both. PERIODT.



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I particularly don't like the divide amongst us all but at the same time I know it can't be helped. And I think it runs so much deeper than just Facebook. It's ALWAYS been there in the form of various prejudices. Racism, classism, religion, etc. Facebook just simply capitalized on it to a point where it just can't be quietly ignored any longer.


Some of our lives were made absolute hell from this. The treatment my wife and I got due to her being an immigrant was fucking appalling. Add on her mental illness further used as an excuse to torment and punish her to suicide. Never again will I tolerate such hateful opinions. I've seen the receiving end of the polarization that's been there all along.

It's not just 'polite" political differences, and I don't think it ever has been. It's been violent hatred using the law and law enforcement as a weapon to exercise such prejudice. How common is it to find groups of white supremacy running police? It's there, and has been for some time. This polarization was born from fascist hatred that's always been plaguing this country.


And I'll hate them right back. Fuck them. And yes I wish they would suffer their own medicine. Let their ways drive their family members to suicide, and let it make those members who believe such ways be treated like a criminal.


Let them be failed so hard that they HAVE to cheat the system that's rigged against them from the start. And let some loud mouthed clueless Karen obnoxiously poorshame and report them. Let them get kicked into the dirt just as harshly and coldly as they kicked others into the dirt.


This is something I do feel strongly about to the point where even if you're not prejudice as a conservative (which to me is an impossibility) you Stan and tolerate that hate for their votes, you Stan and tolerate candidates like Trump, DeSantis, McConnel, Gaetz, MTG, etc. because your shitty views wouldn't survive without that fascist support.


And it's an extra kick in the nuts that the only possible other option immediately are the Dems.


I don't see this country getting out of this without a fight (violent revolution, riots, civil war, or something similar)


We could have so much better if we stuff this conservative hate machine and all it's excuses and enablers in a box and just drop it off a cliff.

Edited by know_buddy_kares
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3 minutes ago, know_buddy_kares said:

I particularly don't like the divide amongst us all but at the same time I know it can't be helped. And I think it runs so much deeper than just Facebook. It's ALWAYS been there in the form of various prejudices. Racism, classism, religion, etc. Facebook just simply capitalized on it to a point where it just can't be quietly ignored any longer.


Some of our lives were made absolute hell from this. The treatment my wife and I got due to her being an immigrant was fucking appalling. Add on her mental illness further used as an excuse to torment and punish her to suicide. Never again will I tolerate such hateful opinions. I've seen the receiving end of the polarization that's been there all along.

It's not just 'polite" political differences, and I don't think it ever has been. This polarization was born from fascist hatred that's always been plaguing this country.


And I'll hate them right back. Fuck them. And yes I wish they would suffer their own medicine. Let their ways drive their family members to suicide, and let it make those members who believe such ways be treated like a criminal.


Let them be failed so hard that they HAVE to cheat the system that's rigged against them from the start. And let some loud mouthed clueless Karen obnoxiously poorshame and report them. Let them get kicked into the dirt just as harshly and coldly as they kicked others into the dirt.


This is something I do feel strongly about to the point where even if you're not prejudice as a conservative (which to me is an impossibility) you Stan and tolerate that hate for their votes, you Stan and tolerate candidates like Trump, DeSantis, McConnel, Gaetz, MTG, etc. because your shitty views wouldn't survive without that fascist support.


And it's an extra kick in the nuts that the only possible other option immediately are the Dems.


I don't see this country getting out of this without a fight (violent revolution, riots, civil war, or something similar)


We could have so much better if we stuff this conservative hate machine and all it's excuses and enablers in a box and just drop it off a cliff.

Interestingly, the polarization began around the time of broadcast news and escalated more and more as cable networks had 24 hour news channels.  At that point news channels began to actively push things that had a sensationalist spin because they found out that's how they'd get more viewers.


As an evolutionary development, we tend to think in terms of "us vs them".  In tribal days it SAVED our lives because if you weren't weary of outsider tribes, that was how your own village could end up pillaged.  It's best to see EVERY other tribe as "them", regardless if the tribe is friendly or not, because if you engaged with another tribe assuming they were friendly and they WEREN'T...boom...you and YOUR whole tribe would end up dead.


We still have this leaning towards polarization and seeing things that aren't "us" as "them".  Awareness of this truth about human sociology is the actual way to fix it.  


So how does Facebook play into this?  Much like news broadcast channels in the 90s and 2000s, Facebook makes money by keeping people tuned in and scrolling.  In order to do this Facebooks algorithm is programed to feed YOU (all of our feeds are different due to the algorithm, you are fed an entirely different Facebook than I am based on your scrolling activity) exactly what you want to see.  And because we are human, we want to see people who agree with us on a personal, political, and religious level.


So what's the problem?  Facebook ALSO shows you EXTREME opposite viewpoints, but why?  So you fight.  So your tribe fights with the other tribe.  So Facebook keeps making money off your blind hate towards the other "tribe".


There's a reason why this post in 2010 started out VERY balanced, people mostly saying "I can see both sides" and now it's all "OMG I'M ON THIS TEAM AND THE OTHER TEAM IS THE BAD GUY"


Facebook is to thank for that and some people swallow what the algorithm wants hook, line, and sinker.  Hell I saw posts in here demonizing dems for things that conservatives do and then other recent posts villifying conservatives for issues that I actually see dems perpetuate (i.e. if you aren't like us and don't think like we do we'll cancel you, I ONLY see liberals do this irl, hell I was canceled by a liberal for watching Rick and Morty and liberals contacted my headquarters to get me fired and called CPS on me to have my daughter, an innocent child, TAKEN AWAY because watching R&M makes someone a "pedophile".  Sounds like something conservatives would say, just sayin 🤷🏼‍♀️)

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Also to add, look into the Rohingya Genocide, the entire government for that nation used the algorithm properties of Facebook to demonize the Rohingya people using targeting propaganda that would be shown by Facebooks algorithm to those in the country that were already leaning towards anti-Rohingya sentiment.  Lots of women and babies were killed.  Because Facebook.  Because their country's version of "red vs blue".  The real "WAKE UP, SHEEPLE" should apply to anyone that doesn't list "purple" as their political stance.  If you ARENT on both sides, or automatically decline any ideas from one side of the fence without even at least considering what the viewpoint is, you've most likely fallen victim to propaganda.

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12 minutes ago, Destroit said:

Also to add, look into the Rohingya Genocide, the entire government for that nation used the algorithm properties of Facebook to demonize the Rohingya people using targeting propaganda that would be shown by Facebooks algorithm to those in the country that were already leaning towards anti-Rohingya sentiment.  Lots of women and babies were killed.  Because Facebook.  Because their country's version of "red vs blue".  The real "WAKE UP, SHEEPLE" should apply to anyone that doesn't list "purple" as their political stance.  If you ARENT on both sides, or automatically decline any ideas from one side of the fence without even at least considering what the viewpoint is, you've most likely fallen victim to propaganda.


But purple are the pedos!



I get you mean center, but those are the gray grillers.


For the most part I'm "freedom at any cost" but the whole child thing is a complicated issue.  I don't think we need the government to enforce that (or anything), but I do think that:

A. People should know better.

B. We should be able to kill those that don't know better.

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