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What exactly is wrong with being conservative?

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It's their own hatred that did it. If not Facebook, it would have been a tried and true go to for an excuse like religion, etc.


Also sorry for your weaponize harassment over Rick and Morty. It's not just liberals doing that (whatever that word even means any more) but look back to all the things conservative Christians have tried to cancel from Harry Potter to Starbucks. And even other far off wing nuts trying to cancel target and Budweiser. It's everywhere but if you're on true neutral grounds to be able to see it without a bias (if possible) it really looks like the non conservatives just copy and use the whole cancel culture thing from the conservatives. Get enough shit flung at you, you start to pick it up and fling it back so to say.

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1 minute ago, know_buddy_kares said:

It's their own hatred that did it. If not Facebook, it would have been a tried and true go to for an excuse like religion, etc.


Also sorry for your weaponize harassment over Rick and Morty. It's not just liberals doing that (whatever that word even means any more) but look back to all the things conservative Christians have tried to cancel from Harry Potter to Starbucks. And even other far off wing nuts trying to cancel target and Budweiser. It's everywhere but if you're on true neutral grounds to be able to see it without a bias (if possible) it really looks like the non conservatives just copy and use the whole cancel culture thing from the conservatives. Get enough shit flung at you, you start to pick it up and fling it back so to say.


No no, that started with the religious and it comes from both sides:


The puritanical nutcases will do what they can to force their morality upon us all.  They are a plague.

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8 minutes ago, gwen said:

careful this wanting to become a ward of the state stuff.

they sometimes make you

submit and subdue

to all their will over YOUR life to get that free gov'ment check

including and not limited to

electroshock therapy.

so...theres always THAT to consider

in WANTing your



Wait, who are you replying to?


Certainly not me.  I don't want freebies from the state, because I do not want the state.

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There arguably isn't much difference between some conservatives, classical liberals, and libertarians, and I think there are a lot of rational political views within those labels.  My opinion of Trump has become much more positive than it used to be, because of the arrests I believe he has been doing covertly, is still doing covertly (see Derek Johnson videos on Rumble), and did covertly on the advice of the generals who asked him to run for office, due to social division in the country in order to prevent civil war.

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I'm gonna be the odd person out as I'm left leaning. I'm more moderate. If you see me as being liberal, fine. There are some things I'll agree with the conservatives on. Like students up to like grade 3 shouldn't learn in depth stuff about gender idenity and sexuality the way it started in Florida (it had since gone K-12). Should teachers out those students that aren't straight? I say no. You all may say otherwise.

My view is that there's extremes on both sides and those extremes don't want to sit, talk, and listen. (I hope) there are people on each side that wanna to and aim to do that. The extremes are a loud minority that drown out the majority. 


10 hours ago, gwen said:

careful this wanting to become a ward of the state stuff.

they sometimes make you

submit and subdue

to all their will over YOUR life to get that free gov'ment check

including and not limited to

electroshock therapy.

so...theres always THAT to consider

in WANTing your



While this may be true with some people, there are those who actually need that help. Those that abuse the system (to me) make it harder on those who do need the help.

Edited by NocteSpiritus
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53 minutes ago, Slogo said:

It is better to look at things from an objective POV.

This is why I loved Political Science class. We were taught to be able to debate from our opposing view and that's why I tell my kids at least be able to listen to all sides,  than take it all and form your own opinions before jumping on the side of the party you lean towards.

Being able to listen objectively is an opportunity to create new ideas that may actually work but when we won't even hear out something because we already hate the messenger we could be doing ourselves a huge disservice.

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Just now, NocteSpiritus said:

To add, to the Florida bit, it "should" be parents/guardians/trusted people to the kids. The way I see it, teachers and other school officials can be vague like answering why Timmy has two moms/dads. That being the simple example as there's many other scenerios.

Also... teachers should not be compelled to "out" students who have come out.  That destroys trust.

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12 hours ago, Class-Punk said:

There arguably isn't much difference between some conservatives, classical liberals, and libertarians, and I think there are a lot of rational political views within those labels.  My opinion of Trump has become much more positive than it used to be, because of the arrests I believe he has been doing covertly, is still doing covertly (see Derek Johnson videos on Rumble), and did covertly on the advice of the generals who asked him to run for office, due to social division in the country in order to prevent civil war.


Dude that motherfucker is going to be the cause of a civil war, and probably almost was at the January 6th riot.


I heard at one point presidential candidates actually picked someone from the other party for a VP as a sign of good faith.  That lasted until they figured out it was pretty much the opposite of assassination insurance.  Now they just pick someone even more insane than they are.



10 hours ago, NocteSpiritus said:

I'm gonna be the odd person out as I'm left leaning. I'm more moderate. If you see me as being liberal, fine. There are some things I'll agree with the conservatives on. Like students up to like grade 3 shouldn't learn in depth stuff about gender idenity and sexuality the way it started in Florida (it had since gone K-12). Should teachers out those students that aren't straight? I say no. You all may say otherwise.

My view is that there's extremes on both sides and those extremes don't want to sit, talk, and listen. (I hope) there are people on each side that wanna to and aim to do that. The extremes are a loud minority that drown out the majority. 



While this may be true with some people, there are those who actually need that help. Those that abuse the system (to me) make it harder on those who do need the help.


I'm going to disagree on when they should learn.  If someone is old enough to either get hard or carry a baby to term they should know how their equipment works and exactly why that is a bad thing until they're an actual adult.


Parents can't watch their kids all the time, and I remember playing "you show me yours and I'll show you mine" in the bathroom when I was 6-7 with a girl I knew from school.  Had we been a little older my dumbass could be a father/grandfather right now.


I believe the same thing about firearms education though.  Teach the value of life, the workings of a gun, and how to use a gun safely.  Do that as early as possible so that if they ever come around one they know what it is, what it can do, how to not accidentally shoot themselves or anyone else, and how to disarm it.  Though one could argue that careless parents is just helping natural selection along, it makes all gun owners look bad and only helps the cause of the gun grabbers.


As far as outing the kids, I say no obviously.  Who knows what kind of parents they have at home or how they'll react toward their kids/the school.  As long as no other kids are bullying them over it then it's not the school's issue to get involved in.


As far as people who may need help.  I agree that they should get help, I just don't think they should steal from people to provide it.  Maybe steal from the rich who can actually afford it.  By rich I mean anyone making upwards of 60K a year, and maybe more at this point with inflation.  That value is derived from what a living wage would be today compared to when the minimum wage was put in place IMMIC.

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1 hour ago, Scary Guy said:


Dude that motherfucker is going to be the cause of a civil war, and probably almost was at the January 6th riot.


I heard at one point presidential candidates actually picked someone from the other party for a VP as a sign of good faith.  That lasted until they figured out it was pretty much the opposite of assassination insurance.  Now they just pick someone even more insane than they are.




I'm going to disagree on when they should learn.  If someone is old enough to either get hard or carry a baby to term they should know how their equipment works and exactly why that is a bad thing until they're an actual adult.


Parents can't watch their kids all the time, and I remember playing "you show me yours and I'll show you mine" in the bathroom when I was 6-7 with a girl I knew from school.  Had we been a little older my dumbass could be a father/grandfather right now.


I believe the same thing about firearms education though.  Teach the value of life, the workings of a gun, and how to use a gun safely.  Do that as early as possible so that if they ever come around one they know what it is, what it can do, how to not accidentally shoot themselves or anyone else, and how to disarm it.  Though one could argue that careless parents is just helping natural selection along, it makes all gun owners look bad and only helps the cause of the gun grabbers.


As far as outing the kids, I say no obviously.  Who knows what kind of parents they have at home or how they'll react toward their kids/the school.  As long as no other kids are bullying them over it then it's not the school's issue to get involved in.


As far as people who may need help.  I agree that they should get help, I just don't think they should steal from people to provide it.  Maybe steal from the rich who can actually afford it.  By rich I mean anyone making upwards of 60K a year, and maybe more at this point with inflation.  That value is derived from what a living wage would be today compared to when the minimum wage was put in place IMMIC.

$60,000 PEOPLE ARE RICH?  OH HOOOOOO WOW maybe in 1972 🤷🏼‍♀️

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25 minutes ago, Destroit said:

$60,000 PEOPLE ARE RICH?  OH HOOOOOO WOW maybe in 1972 🤷🏼‍♀️

16 minutes ago, know_buddy_kares said:

Or you know, one could simply (I can't believe I'm saying this) get a job and see $60,000 annually ain't shit.


Middle class rich, not rich rich.  Most are still making less than that.




You enter in that as an income for this country for one person and you're not upper middle, but you're still quite a ways from middle and way out from lower income/poor.


Though any taxation is still unfair no matter how much you make, unless people willingly donate the excess they don't need then I guess forced wealth redistribution will continue to be a thing.


Also compared to the 1% no one is really rich.  That's also like 10 people who need to die.  Murder and theft are wrong because the rich say so, unless they take it from you through that previously mentioned force.

Edited by Scary Guy
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35 minutes ago, Scary Guy said:


Middle class rich, not rich rich.  Most are still making less than that.




You enter in that as an income for this country for one person and you're not upper middle, but you're still quite a ways from middle and way out from lower income/poor.


Though any taxation is still unfair no matter how much you make, unless people willingly donate the excess they don't need then I guess forced wealth redistribution will continue to be a thing.


Also compared to the 1% no one is really rich.  That's also like 10 people who need to die.  Murder and theft are wrong because the rich say so, unless they take it from you through that previously mentioned force.

These charts aren't really adjusted for 2023 inflation, $60k between a couple and one child would have been enough to survive five years ago, now it's almost impossible at $60k

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4 hours ago, Destroit said:

These charts aren't really adjusted for 2023 inflation, $60k between a couple and one child would have been enough to survive five years ago, now it's almost impossible at $60k


It's two years old and though inflation is bad, it isn't THAT bad.  Also who isn't DINK in this day and age?  (oh yeah, you)


Although I'm a NEET so what do I know?  As if I haven't paid any attention to what my family has been doing for the last 40 years.  But y'all please continue to hand wave.



3 hours ago, gwen said:

whatever it be

its whiteys fault





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57 minutes ago, Scary Guy said:


It's two years old and though inflation is bad, it isn't THAT bad.  Also who isn't DINK in this day and age?  (oh yeah, you)


Although I'm a NEET so what do I know?  As if I haven't paid any attention to what my family has been doing for the last 40 years.  But y'all please continue to hand wave.





The amount of DINK households is only 25%...now the amount of people who still live with their parents and don't work are another story 🙄 

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6 hours ago, Destroit said:

A random quote box with this emoticon🤷🏼‍♀️ appeared and won't go away.

SG, I'm aware of what a neet is, and I was trying to not flat out say that. However even though you have been paying attention, you haven't really. You lost touch with what everyday people endure, the ones who could never seem to be able to afford a house and must rent, the ones with no support.


Also, I'm not a Dink. I would LOVE that idea, but at this moment me and my kids have an incredibly peaceful life and I don't see anyone who is able to help maintain that peace without some stupid drama, but that's another issue for another post.

100k is barely even shit anymore. Look at the average rent prices, insurances (auto, and home/renters) electric, gas, garbage, water, taxes, food, etc. It's all insane.

For those of us living in this world, just take our word for it, 60k is practically the new poverty level. That's NOT rich by any means. You're getting dangerously close to boomer thoughts thinking 60k is rich.

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19 minutes ago, know_buddy_kares said:

Also, I'm not a Dink. I would LOVE that idea, but at this moment me and my kids have an incredibly peaceful life and I don't see anyone who is able to help maintain that peace without some stupid drama, but that's another issue for another post.

100k is barely even shit anymore. Look at the average rent prices, insurances (auto, and home/renters) electric, gas, garbage, water, taxes, food, etc. It's all insane.

For those of us living in this world, just take our word for it, 60k is practically the new poverty level. That's NOT rich by any means. You're getting dangerously close to boomer thoughts thinking 60k is rich.


I said it wasn't rich, especially compared to the 1%.


However it's probably a decent level to start paying a very small amount of tax (not that any level is really okay) as long as someone isn't living beyond their means.


Fine I'll bump it up to 80k, happy?  No I didn't think you would be.


Also, y'all bitch about me almost as much as the right bitches about immigrants.


I got issues, at least I'm not sucking off the government tit to subsidize them.

Finally your logical fallacy is the Courtier's_reply.

Edited by Scary Guy
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We're not bitching at or about you, just telling you the spectrum has changed. And I can't even use myself as an example because I'm in unusually good circumstances despite my income. A lot of it was planning and patience, and some of it was luck. But most of it isn't available to the majority of people. The wait list for my apartments is long. No it's not section 8, or any subsidized living. It's just a cheap podunk place but it's safe and quiet. $555 rent, add my 2 cats, $595 rent. That's the biggest flex I have honestly. Cheap and safe. Now for renter's insurance? Being a vet pays off every once in a while. I signed up with USAA back when I served, so while everyone else has to pay upwards of $150-$200 annually for renter's insurance, I only pay $5.69 annually.


My car? I stacked and saved and bought flat out, no payments. (Also means I can skip insurance and only pay for a month when it's time to get my tags renewed then cancel for only $65) the auto insurance here is fucking ridiculous.


Yeah I got EBT, and it does help keep food on the table. I also got daycare assistance which allows me to actually have a full time job. Anything extra I am able to save goes straight to my investments and savings.


My situation is a golden anomaly. I wouldnt be able to survive the cost anywhere else honestly. It's horrible out there. $60k wouldn't even be able to cover it. $80k would BARELY cover it. And last I checked, barely able to make ends meet is t middle class rich. It's upper poverty levels. Your charts are horrible sources of information. You gotta know and understand the ACTUAL cost of living to have a better grip on what's rich and what's poor.



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11 hours ago, Scary Guy said:


Dude that motherfucker is going to be the cause of a civil war, and probably almost was at the January 6th riot.


I heard at one point presidential candidates actually picked someone from the other party for a VP as a sign of good faith.  That lasted until they figured out it was pretty much the opposite of assassination insurance.  Now they just pick someone even more insane than they are.




I'm going to disagree on when they should learn.  If someone is old enough to either get hard or carry a baby to term they should know how their equipment works and exactly why that is a bad thing until they're an actual adult.


Parents can't watch their kids all the time, and I remember playing "you show me yours and I'll show you mine" in the bathroom when I was 6-7 with a girl I knew from school.  Had we been a little older my dumbass could be a father/grandfather right now.


I believe the same thing about firearms education though.  Teach the value of life, the workings of a gun, and how to use a gun safely.  Do that as early as possible so that if they ever come around one they know what it is, what it can do, how to not accidentally shoot themselves or anyone else, and how to disarm it.  Though one could argue that careless parents is just helping natural selection along, it makes all gun owners look bad and only helps the cause of the gun grabbers.


As far as outing the kids, I say no obviously.  Who knows what kind of parents they have at home or how they'll react toward their kids/the school.  As long as no other kids are bullying them over it then it's not the school's issue to get involved in.


As far as people who may need help.  I agree that they should get help, I just don't think they should steal from people to provide it.  Maybe steal from the rich who can actually afford it.  By rich I mean anyone making upwards of 60K a year, and maybe more at this point with inflation.  That value is derived from what a living wage would be today compared to when the minimum wage was put in place IMMIC.


I agree that once they start learning about biology (for me it was about 6th grade), it should start there (or a year or two earlier depending on the child) about the different genders and sexualities. This ties into that different cultures have different genders (example would be Indigieous peoples having Two Spirits. The equvality of being trans.) 


And same with firearms. Teach early, saying basically it's a dangerous weapon and work your way up from there as they get older. Take them to a gun range when they're old enough. 


And that's my point with outing the kids, maybe not as obvious. 


Those that are on welfare and don't wanna work are lazy. I have to agree with that. It just makes the system difficult and harder to get that help for those who need it.

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Funny thing. I used to lean conservative. 


The longer I spend in management, reading p&l statements, setting annual budgets, and reviewing gross profit margins the more left I lean, on a corporate level.


As a person who has become more empathetic as I've aged I've shifted MUCH further left in the last 15 years.


Part of that is also driven by living outside of the USA for a decade and experiencing the differences first hand.

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1 hour ago, Raev said:

Funny thing. I used to lean conservative. 


The longer I spend in management, reading p&l statements, setting annual budgets, and reviewing gross profit margins the more left I lean, on a corporate level.


I used to lean conservative, but then when I got my MBA I shifted pretty far left. IMO, right wing capitalism is destroying America. I could use some more Eisenhower republicans.

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2 minutes ago, n0Mad said:


I used to lean conservative, but then when I got my MBA I shifted pretty far left. IMO, right wing capitalism is destroying America. I could use some more Eisenhower republicans.


It's a fact that the more educated someone is the more left leaning they tend to be. Now there are a lot of conspiracy theories that explain that other than the obvious, the more knowledge of the world you have the more you see that the "right" isn't.

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