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What exactly is wrong with being conservative?

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40 minutes ago, phee said:

It's a fact that the more educated someone is the more left leaning they tend to be. Now there are a lot of conspiracy theories that explain that other than the obvious, the more knowledge of the world you have the more you see that the "right" isn't.

I'm currently pursuing another Master's. This one is for K-12 special ed teaching with a specialty in emotional impairment. One of my current classes is Critical Race Theory Education and Society. Pretty sure I'll be a card carrying Socialist by graduation.聽馃槅

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13 hours ago, NocteSpiritus said:

Those that are on welfare and don't wanna work are lazy. I have to agree with that. It just makes the system difficult and harder to get that help for those who need it.

One of my best friends is Armenian and he is a great guy, but most of his family are fucking conartists though.聽 He actually went through college, got certified, and got a good paying job.聽 They all made fun of him for that and not taking advantage of the welfare system (while living large in big houses with nice cars.) Those are the kind of people who make me hate both immigration and welfare.聽 However I also know there are many like my friend too, and that there are many who actually need the assistance and don't abuse it.

4 hours ago, Slogo said:

I have become more supportive of guns in the last few years. I don't know. The "jews will not replace us" chant kind of sealed the deal

I've been hanging around Michigan Atheists since Arline Marie was running it and her/her life partner George both carried because they didn't trust religious people one bit.聽 I've added it to my list of reasons why I carry.聽 There are a lot of crazy people out there and I believe in the kind of gun control where I need to be the one controlling the gun.聽 Not that I'm the picture of mental health but I don't believe myself to be a danger to myself or others.聽 If that ever happens to change I'll do the responsible thing and give them up.

I've had people thank me at protests for being armed because they felt safer.聽 Kind of made me feel like a hero without having to be a cop (though that qualified immunity would be nice.)

Though I also remember being at a counter protest at a Planned Parenthood that the pro-lifers went to make a ruckus in front of.聽 I open carried and they thought I was with them, and I had to explain that no, I was completely on their side.聽 I think I had one person say they still didn't like it and I said "well that's a different protest I'll see you on the other side of, but for now we are allies."聽 Later I ended up standing in the middle of both groups.

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6 hours ago, phee said:

Sorry not sure where politics fits here. Biden being creepy is not a left vs right thing.聽

It absolutely is though.聽 The right likes to finger point and go "THEM" when they're guilty of the exact same shit.聽 Creepy may not have a side, but they use it to claim that the other side are amoral and pedos.

Or did you completely forget about pizza gate?聽 I think that was done on purpose to try to make people look crazy and take heat off of Epstine and the whole #metoo thing.聽 But it's also quite probable that people on 4chan are just nuts too and took that too far.

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41 minutes ago, n0Mad said:

Extremism is terrible on either side; Conservatives just won the race.

I don't see it.聽 I mean yes, the right is bad but that's because they are the loudest, and that's mostly just entitled boomers complaining, and they're dying off which is both good and bad.

The Liberals are scarier because they'll be around for far longer.聽 I'm mostly in agreement with them except on two points.聽 The first is that they want to take away ALL the guns (eventually, not right now.) A disarmed populous is far easier to control.

The second is that social media has been shitting on capitalism as the source of everything wrong with the country/world for a long time now.聽 Some people actually believe that bullshit too.聽 I agree crony capitalism is bad, but that's because corporatism is bad and those fucks are the ones running the government.聽 Get corporations out of government and maybe it will function a bit better.

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An idea popped into my head just a moment ago. Here it is. Are there really any conservatives by the definition of 10+ years ago anymore? I see a flood of MAGA, in proof the republican party (especially in key states) is hopelessly bankrupt because all the campaign donations have shifted directly to Trump so he can squander it on all his legal and court costs on those losing fights.聽

Any old style conservatives may have swung to the Democratic party as they're the closest thing to that old definition now. They offer a non prejudice based conservative ideal while MAGA's "conservative" ideals seem completely rooted in prejudice.. which ironically is against the original ideals of conservative beliefs.

Just make them worry about a few people scamming the system and they'll be all to happy to go above and beyond, making it way more expensive to "fix" that "problem" in the "solution" of punishment rather than an actual fiscally conservative solution.

I just see racism poorly disguised as conservative beliefs amongst MAGA, while the republican party being bankrupt indicates there's no republican based conservatives any longer. We would have to think Democratic conservative now... Which is a real mind bender unless you acknowledge conservative isn't inherently a Republican only trait, it just overlapped for so long it feels like it is.

Things are changing in weird ways.

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1 hour ago, know_buddy_kares said:

An idea popped into my head just a moment ago. Here it is. Are there really any conservatives by the definition of 10+ years ago anymore? I see a flood of MAGA, in proof the republican party (especially in key states) is hopelessly bankrupt because all the campaign donations have shifted directly to Trump so he can squander it on all his legal and court costs on those losing fights.聽

Any old style conservatives may have swung to the Democratic party as they're the closest thing to that old definition now. They offer a non prejudice based conservative ideal while MAGA's "conservative" ideals seem completely rooted in prejudice.. which ironically is against the original ideals of conservative beliefs.

Just make them worry about a few people scamming the system and they'll be all to happy to go above and beyond, making it way more expensive to "fix" that "problem" in the "solution" of punishment rather than an actual fiscally conservative solution.

I just see racism poorly disguised as conservative beliefs amongst MAGA, while the republican party being bankrupt indicates there's no republican based conservatives any longer. We would have to think Democratic conservative now... Which is a real mind bender unless you acknowledge conservative isn't inherently a Republican only trait, it just overlapped for so long it feels like it is.

Things are changing in weird ways.

They're changing again in weird ways.

I remember hearing about NIMBY Democrats a decade ago before the hyper inclusion.聽 Remember when they were all against gay marriage?聽 It was during/just after those Pepperige Farm commercials aired.

There are a couple of actual conservatives left with some sanity, but they seem to be jumping off that ship as fast as possible and going Dem/3rd/ind.聽 Some refuse to leave because they think it's "their party" and they refuse to see its name sullied by the likes of Trump.聽 They want to take it back and I think it's a losing battle.聽 Welcome to the Tea Party 13 years ago when they stole that from the Libertarians.聽 I get that MAGA was created rather than stolen but the effect of using it to steal the party was the same.

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That's exactly where I'm at. MAGA beliefs are their own prejudice animal. Like if you mix inbreeding, double digit IQ, and Nazis, stir it up and bake it, you get MAGA. And with no sane conservatives speaking up here directly, it begins to make me question what's there ever an actual Conservative view? Or has it always been prejudice and hate masked as fiscal responsibility and family values all along.

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9 minutes ago, n0Mad said:

In 2012, Obama was the best Republican on the ticket.

And I remember in 08, conservatives here (like Gaf) HATED him. I didn't much like him either because he wasn't far enough left, and in 12 actually started hating him because of what him and his administration creating the NDAA. It's still a thing, and it still scares the shit out of me.聽

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4 hours ago, n0Mad said:


It really depends.聽 Personally I think the boarder is just lines in the dirt.聽 Many think it should be a barrier akin to the Berlin Wall where when you try to cross it you're just shot.

Now, most of them don't seem to feel that way about ALL immigrants, just the brown ones from down south "takin' our jerbs!" and Muslims.

I think our government should send aid and the military to Mexico and work jointly to rid them of the cartel.聽 Or even better just go right to the source and stop things in Columbia and Brazil.聽 They can work their way up instead of down.聽 Carpet bomb the compound.

Turns out the "war on drugs" was never the war it should have been.聽 It's a civil war that attempts (and fails) to treat the symptoms without treating the actual cause.聽 But it was never about the drugs anyway, it was always a war on the poor started by Regan and controlled by the C.I.A.

Edited by Scary Guy
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/8/2023 at 2:38 PM, know_buddy_kares said:

We're not bitching at or about you, just telling you the spectrum has changed. And I can't even use myself as an example because I'm in unusually good circumstances despite my income. A lot of it was planning and patience, and some of it was luck. But most of it isn't available to the majority of people. The wait list for my apartments is long. No it's not section 8, or any subsidized living. It's just a cheap podunk place but it's safe and quiet. $555 rent, add my 2 cats, $595 rent. That's the biggest flex I have honestly. Cheap and safe. Now for renter's insurance? Being a vet pays off every once in a while. I signed up with USAA back when I served, so while everyone else has to pay upwards of $150-$200 annually for renter's insurance, I only pay $5.69 annually.

My car? I stacked and saved and bought flat out, no payments. (Also means I can skip insurance and only pay for a month when it's time to get my tags renewed then cancel for only $65) the auto insurance here is fucking ridiculous.

Yeah I got EBT, and it does help keep food on the table. I also got daycare assistance which allows me to actually have a full time job. Anything extra I am able to save goes straight to my investments and savings.

My situation is a golden anomaly. I wouldnt be able to survive the cost anywhere else honestly. It's horrible out there. $60k wouldn't even be able to cover it. $80k would BARELY cover it. And last I checked, barely able to make ends meet is t middle class rich. It's upper poverty levels. Your charts are horrible sources of information. You gotta know and understand the ACTUAL cost of living to have a better grip on what's rich and what's poor.

Yup, a normal house on a rental here is MINIMUM $1,000 and that's in a place you wouldn't want to live.聽 Shit, just to live someplace where my house wasn't getting broken into, I could send my kid out to play, and I don't have to worry about getting carjacking at gunpoint like my neighbor did my MORTGAGE, not even rent, is $1,500.聽 And that's with a good interest rate.聽 If Doug and I were working a general labor job instead of learned trades we'd be underwater.聽 You can't live in a safe neighborhood with a house that isn't dilapidated in any kind of actual suburban or city setting working a normal job at some place like Meijer.聽 Anyone who argues otherwise does so out of ignorance and a lack of life experience, periodt.

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On 8/17/2023 at 1:51 PM, Scary Guy said:

It really depends.聽 Personally I think the boarder is just lines in the dirt.聽 Many think it should be a barrier akin to the Berlin Wall where when you try to cross it you're just shot.

Now, most of them don't seem to feel that way about ALL immigrants, just the brown ones from down south "takin' our jerbs!" and Muslims.

I think our government should send aid and the military to Mexico and work jointly to rid them of the cartel.聽 Or even better just go right to the source and stop things in Columbia and Brazil.聽 They can work their way up instead of down.聽 Carpet bomb the compound.

Turns out the "war on drugs" was never the war it should have been.聽 It's a civil war that attempts (and fails) to treat the symptoms without treating the actual cause.聽 But it was never about the drugs anyway, it was always a war on the poor started by Regan and controlled by the C.I.A.

Yup, caring about immigration imo is inherently racist because you don't see anyone trying to stop people from Europe or Canada coming here, just from places where people are black or brown...JUST sayin

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9 hours ago, Destroit said:

Yup, caring about immigration imo is inherently racist because you don't see anyone trying to stop people from Europe or Canada coming here, just from places where people are black or brown...JUST sayin

While that's not completely true that is mostly true.聽 However there are some who do as well it's still not good because they don't like foreigners in general.聽 Maybe not Europe or Canada, but many of the other "white" countries where the primary language isn't English.聽 Though I'm still positive they'd prefer someone who speaks Spanish from Spain rather than from Mexico.聽 So sometimes it really is about the culture even though that's not any better IMO.

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Some people do hate any foreigners.聽

I remember driving Marci's car down Fort Street in Lincoln Park and some jerkoff in a giant truck going out of his way to scream "Go back to your own fucking country!" at me.

It made me giggle since well, I'm from Detroit and was living in Southgate at the time.聽

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On 8/27/2023 at 8:43 AM, Raev said:

Some people do hate any foreigners.聽

I remember driving Marci's car down Fort Street in Lincoln Park and some jerkoff in a giant truck going out of his way to scream "Go back to your own fucking country!" at me.

It made me giggle since well, I'm from Detroit and was living in Southgate at the time.聽

This, and they mostly work in local government. The amount of shit me and my wife got for her being an immigrant was unreal.

It's the baseless xenophobia that makes this side of the coin fucking dangerous. It's low key enough where most don't/won't notice it, but the damage is real.聽

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3 hours ago, know_buddy_kares said:

This, and they mostly work in local government. The amount of shit me and my wife got for her being an immigrant was unreal.

It's the baseless xenophobia that makes this side of the coin fucking dangerous. It's low key enough where most don't/won't notice it, but the damage is real.聽

As if it's only on one side.

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