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So maybe some of you have already heard of this event taking place on facebook, maybe some havent.

Apparently There's a facebook page now dedicated to drawing pictures, cartoons, maybe even animated videos of the prophet, Muhammad. The stated reason for this "trolling" is retaliation to the cencorship of south park due to the threats of Muslims and Islams. It's a freedom of speech protest in a sense from the information I've read. Here's one article to start your information searching on this topic below. As for me, I'm on the edge of the fence about it. I can understand both sides, so in a sense I'm remaining neutral on this however I'd like your opinions just as food for thought.


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Frankly I think it's very rude. Yes I also think censoring anything to do with the Muslim faith is wrong also, but mocking ANY religion is wrong in my eyes.

Fuck, 'frankly'...it is the very epitome of rudeness! :biggrin:

It's childish, & dickish, & a dozen other dirty words that you probably wouldn't know, unless you were related to a European. :harhar: Isn't it funny when we agree?

Now, what did that part refer to...?

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Hmmm... this brings up a question.. due to the "spark" for this rude retaliation..

if the extremists never went crazy, or the rest of the citizens could manage their own better and not stir up so much negative attention to their beliefs, would this sort of reaction never have happened?

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Fuck, 'frankly'...it is the very epitome of rudeness! :biggrin:

It's childish, & dickish, & a dozen other dirty words that you probably wouldn't know, unless you were related to a European. :harhar: Isn't it funny when we agree?

Now, what did that part refer to...?

That part refereed to people freaking out by South Park using the Prophet Muhammad. It is my personal belief that they shouldn't mock religion of any kind, but they shouldn't have to censor things because a small group of extremists threatened violence.

Hmmm... this brings up a question.. due to the "spark" for this rude retaliation..

if the extremists never went crazy, or the rest of the citizens could manage their own better and not stir up so much negative attention to their beliefs, would this sort of reaction never have happened?

To me it doesn't matter what religion it is, making fun of people's faith is just wrong. You could worship the plastic bear honey comes in, and I would still think it was wrong if someone mocked you for it.

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Hmmm... this brings up a question.. due to the "spark" for this rude retaliation..

if the extremists never went crazy, or the rest of the citizens could manage their own better and not stir up so much negative attention to their beliefs, would this sort of reaction never have happened?

I do not see it as a right, nor humane action, to insult an innocent person's faith, because of what a totally differant person had done to you (or your tribe) in the past...that, is called, bigotry, or religious persicution, depending on when/where you are...

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I do not see it as a right, nor humane action, to insult an innocent person's faith, because of what a totally differant person had done to you (or your tribe) in the past...that, is called, bigotry, or religious persicution, depending on when/where you are...

but isn't causing terrorist attacks in the name of Allah the same thing?

I understand that 2 wrongs don't make a right. And I really do think this retaliation is petty and immature and only going to keep the hornets nest of shit stirred up between the two cultures, but at the same token, I can understand why the retaliation is happening, the few extremists are using their religion as a spear point against those of different faith and culture.

it's alot like what the catholics did back in the "good ol' days", convert or die!

just with these extremists, it's not convert or die, it's just die.

Now the pot's been stirred enough to provoke this low retaliation, that is pissing off the majority of the muslims that weren't fucking with us.

I don't neccesarily agree with this Draw Muhammed day, however I'm not surpised by this and only expected something like this to eventually happen. It's just a shame that it's only going further down the shitter than it already has.

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I am truly torn on this one. My first reaction is HELL NO! Just because I don't believe in the tenets of a particular religion, I don't have the right to stomp all over someone else's beliefs.....but then, I believe in free speech. And people who have drawn Mohammed have gotten fatwas declaring that they should be executed--that's an extreme violation of my belief! So, I don't know. I don't want to be rude, especially to the Muslims who don't support killing for this reason. I have refused the fb invitation, but I don't know...maybe a couple million renderings of Muhammed would get the point across--they can't kill us all, can they?

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Holy crap I still don't get how every other religion can be picked apart and make fun of in any way possible and every medium in art...but if you DARE to draw a picture of the Islamic prophet you will die.

Free speech is almost always insulting and rude when you on the receiving end of it or did nobody know that? You want people to have free speech? Fine...but let everyone have it and expect your own toes to be stepped on a few times. If you support something like constructive criticism and use it often would you flip out if someone used it on you? If you do you would be a dumbass.

The extremists groups are the ones being bitchy about this...if they have the balls let them try to make the situation "right". It doesn't matter if we draw pictures of his faceless holiness or not as long as we have modern appliances and clothing that isn't make from goat scrotum and camel pubes they will hate us for "poisoning" their people.

Just a thought here but did the guy have terrible acne that they don't show his face? Maybe he had a small fetus attached to his face where his nose should have been. I am just going to submit a picture of Charlie Sheen because that is who I would use as an excuse to terrify people into bitching out and giving me a wide berth...

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Holy crap I still don't get how every other religion can be picked apart and make fun of in any way possible and every medium in art...but if you DARE to draw a picture of the Islamic prophet you will die.

Free speech is almost always insulting and rude when you on the receiving end of it or did nobody know that? You want people to have free speech? Fine...but let everyone have it and expect your own toes to be stepped on a few times. If you support something like constructive criticism and use it often would you flip out if someone used it on you? If you do you would be a dumbass.

The extremists groups are the ones being bitchy about this...if they have the balls let them try to make the situation "right". It doesn't matter if we draw pictures of his faceless holiness or not as long as we have modern appliances and clothing that isn't make from goat scrotum and camel pubes they will hate us for "poisoning" their people.

Just a thought here but did the guy have terrible acne that they don't show his face? Maybe he had a small fetus attached to his face where his nose should have been. I am just going to submit a picture of Charlie Sheen because that is who I would use as an excuse to terrify people into bitching out and giving me a wide berth...


Your bias just about matches theirs.

Just because someone can say or do whatever under the umbrella of free speech, doesnt mean its not tasteless and rude.

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Split on this concept.

Do I think that one should go out of ones way just to piss people off? No... Facebook is being teh dumb for suggesting this is productive at all.


but mocking ANY religion is wrong in my eyes

I have a question... why is it that people's religion is above mockery of any kind? Why does religion get a free pass? When someones politics are ridiculous and violent we have no problem cutting them down a notch, if someone is blowing up buildings and killing innocents in the name of their politics we will tear them a new one, but if it is in the name of religion we back off; He blew up that hospital in the name of his political party... what a douche! He blew up that hospital in the name of Islam... well thats terrible but lets not pick on Islam. (I just don't get it)

Why does religion and religion alone get special treatment and the right to be insanely unreasonable, while anything else would be looked down on?

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Your bias just about matches theirs.

Just because someone can say or do whatever under the umbrella of free speech, doesnt mean its not tasteless and rude.

tasteless and rude in my opinion, is a vastly lesser evil than death threats. This is why I can see both sides to this. There's some that are sick of the hatred and are retaliating with the tasteless and rude stuff in an attempt to show that what the extremists are dedicating their life to is backfiring, that we only see them as an object to poke fun at. If it was something that attacked the extremists only, I'd be all for it actually. However it blankets over the majority of muslims who happen to be good and peaceful (although not entirely trustworthy from my experience) but wouldn't resort to killing in the name of Allah.

I see a double standard with all of this, just like racisim, most black comedians make their careers on racial jokes, along with other minorities like Carlos Mencia. True they'll make fun of their own race wich makes it ok but most the time all you hear is, whitey this, cracker that. But god forbid if a white person ever says nigger. It's the same double standard i see here, no one bitches or gripes about it when someone's pickin at catholics for being pedophiles, evangelicals for being nut jobs with their jesus camp, pagans for being tree huggers, and satanists for sacrificing small animals or the occasional virgin.. but god forbid if you draw Muhammed!!!

Just the way I see it, unbiased equal opportunity, you either protest it all, or you accept it all. If I remember correctly, and I'll probably regret saying this.. But didn't Muhammed get married to someone that was like 6 or 9? So in short they could call him a dirty pedophile and bring the shit further down the toilet? It'll probably happen true, but to me, this whole mess is just 2 cultures that have little to no understanding of eachother and by natural human instinct (when grouped together that is) they'res a direct path here..

Ignorant leads to misunderstanding, misunderstanding leads to fear, fear leads to hatred, hatred leads to violence. And though an individual person may be more likely to pick up a book and study up on his/her self without reducing to such rude actions, a group of people generally go for the cruder approach..

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Split on this concept.

Do I think that one should go out of ones way just to piss people off? No... Facebook is being teh dumb for suggesting this is productive at all.


I have a question... why is it that people's religion is above mockery of any kind? Why does religion get a free pass? When someones politics are ridiculous and violent we have no problem cutting them down a notch, if someone is blowing up buildings and killing innocents in the name of their politics we will tear them a new one, but if it is in the name of religion we back off; He blew up that hospital in the name of his political party... what a douche! He blew up that hospital in the name of Islam... well thats terrible but lets not pick on Islam. (I just don't get it)

Why does religion and religion alone get special treatment and the right to be insanely unreasonable, while anything else would be looked down on?

I have to give a +1 on this honestly. I don't think religeon is above a humorous outlook at all (though often times it's a rude outlook) but yes, humor is something that keeps people's ego's in check. When someone gets' all high and mighty, taking him seriously may not be the best aproach, fighting him will only make him feverishly dig his heels in even further, but looking at him, telling him he's a fucking joke and laughing at him.. well that's a very sly angle to put his ass back in his place because sometimes, they wake up and see that they're not so big and bad and if people are laughing at them then they're already defeated before a fight even began.

Will it work in this case with the Muhammed thing? I don't think so, it's only going to instigate a retaliation. The example I gave above would work great against one person, however as I said, group mentality is a completely different monster of psycos then your everyday single person.

I've always poked fun at religion, and this Muhammed thing does tickle me, however knowing the possible reactions from this really make me 2nd guess the practicality of this.

Most arab countries already have Banned Facebook, wich to me is awesome, I no longer have Ahmed Akbar or Ali Babuhl trying to be my friend over and over.. :/

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Split on this concept.

Do I think that one should go out of ones way just to piss people off? No... Facebook is being teh dumb for suggesting this is productive at all.


I have a question... why is it that people's religion is above mockery of any kind? Why does religion get a free pass? When someones politics are ridiculous and violent we have no problem cutting them down a notch, if someone is blowing up buildings and killing innocents in the name of their politics we will tear them a new one, but if it is in the name of religion we back off; He blew up that hospital in the name of his political party... what a douche! He blew up that hospital in the name of Islam... well thats terrible but lets not pick on Islam. (I just don't get it)

Why does religion and religion alone get special treatment and the right to be insanely unreasonable, while anything else would be looked down on?

Upon further contemplation...it is not the mocking, on it's own...the POINT, of THIS GROUP,is to piss peoples off, on purpose...it's like they took trolling, to an all time stupid level...what were they thinkin'?

"Let's purposefully, & derisively mock the religion of many millions, (maybe 1 billion by now) possibly alienating more peoples from that group..oh, & let's not think of the possibilities of a few peaceful adherents getting so upset that they decide to not be so peaceful any more, & blow some stuff up, so then, we will have something to hate other than ourselves once more."

I am going to come back to that...you know how I formulate much of what I say, & this...is a NEW QUESTION...yup, I have not thought of this...I'll hit you up with my take on it when I get back from the grocery ;)

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i'm all for this "day" based on this paraphrasing attributed to voltaire...

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?

it's called "freedom of speech", and just because someone freaks out & says "i'll kill you for that", doesn't mean we should take away that freedom. i mean, for fuck's sake, this isn't a "make fun of mohammed"day, it's "draw mohammed" day. the principle behind the organizers thoughts on this, i think, are sound. now, we all know tht the people who draw mohammed will probably draw some stupid shit, but i can almost guarantee that, had the muslim's not grossly over-reacted (my opinion) by threatening to kill anyone who draws him, they wouldn't be deserving of any type of mockery. again, in my opinion, they brought it on themselves. the only reason this is being debated (the south park/censorship stuff) is because we're all scared shitless of extremist muslims, and fully believe they would kill someone for *anything* that offended them. i think *that* part of their belief just begs for mockery, and any religion that promotes "killing the infidels", and holy war against unbelievers, isn't deserving of respect. you want respect? show it to others. if you don't, well, don't expect any...

(i'm not saying i'm against the muslim faith at all, just against the extremist views & beliefs.)

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Upon further contemplation...it is not the mocking, on it's own...the POINT, of THIS GROUP,is to piss peoples off, on purpose...it's like they took trolling, to an all time stupid level...what were they thinkin'?

Yeah... I don't find this very constructive at all... I am in agreement with you.

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The Draw Muhammad Day is stupid and immature. It reminds me of the antics of the little asshole bullies on the playground when we were children.

Then again... "Don't draw my prophet or I will kill you," is kind of being a bully as well.

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i'm all for this "day" based on this paraphrasing attributed to voltaire...

it's called "freedom of speech", and just because someone freaks out & says "i'll kill you for that", doesn't mean we should take away that freedom. i mean, for fuck's sake, this isn't a "make fun of mohammed"day, it's "draw mohammed" day. the principle behind the organizers thoughts on this, i think, are sound. now, we all know tht the people who draw mohammed will probably draw some stupid shit, but i can almost guarantee that, had the muslim's not grossly over-reacted (my opinion) by threatening to kill anyone who draws him, they wouldn't be deserving of any type of mockery. again, in my opinion, they brought it on themselves. the only reason this is being debated (the south park/censorship stuff) is because we're all scared shitless of extremist muslims, and fully believe they would kill someone for *anything* that offended them. i think *that* part of their belief just begs for mockery, and any religion that promotes "killing the infidels", and holy war against unbelievers, isn't deserving of respect. you want respect? show it to others. if you don't, well, don't expect any...

(i'm not saying i'm against the muslim faith at all, just against the extremist views & beliefs.)

Hey, fuckin' speak fer yerself there man!

That, is only 1 faction's fucked-up understanding of an otherwise beautiful thing.

Jihad, is supposed to be a deeply internal, & personal thing...a war against the deamons (negative impulses) within yourself...

...where this all got jacked up, is when the Muslims HAD to translate that into a war on the physical level, to band together their small groups,to fight off invaders (many many years ago)...the fact that America, is a media propaganda culture, does not help one single bit..seems, more & more, everwhere I go, more & more peoples are sounding more & more racist/religious-ist (you get what I'm sayin)..& the sins of the few, are being pined on the many...

THAT'S what this is about...lumping groups together, & reacting without care...till it stops...there will be war..everywhere...I know, I have posted this song before...but, it is 'TEH-RELEVANT!"

Edited by Rev.Reverence
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