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City Club Poll for new night Sunday or Tuesday?


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Here's the deal and thank you all for your feedback. The Collective was asked to start a night during the week. We decided that Tuesday will work best for most people. The music will be a combination of old school goth/dark 80's, punk, with some industrial thrown in as well the whole retro vibe the Lab used to have. As for the Lab, it's finished people. We sent our people down there and the owner simply will not clean it up to where it's safe to use. We even put together a proposal and offered to send a crew of people down to help with the clean up. However, we do want to try and capture that Old Lab vibe which is what we will attempt to do this summer. Scary Guy will be the head DJ for the evening and we will also feature other DJ's each month to find what is going to be a good fit for everyone. SG wants to call it Deadline. I wish there is something I could do about the smoking fee and all but that is out of my control. However, the Collective is aiming to please with what we have been given so we will try and make the night as entertaining as possible. We will post a flier for the night soon. It will open officially on June 15th. SG, myself, and a few others will do our best to play music that will represent the goth night many of us are looking for. We will also continue to look around for a venue that we can eventually call our own where we can have more control over the club atmosphere. Until then, we give you this on Tuesday nights. I'll let you know when we have the hours for the night as well.

Thanks again for your feedback and support. It isn't easy trying to put together events for all of you with our limited resources and situations but we will continue to do what we can.

See you soon

OHHHHHHH HEEEELLLLZZZZ YEAHHHH!! june 16th is my birthday I will deffently try to be out there since im taking a few vaca days off of work!!! Sweeetness i iz excited :)

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Hope you cats will sneak in some of the current stuff as well! :wink

Though, I don't think a lot of folks would be able to notice. LOL

We will play some newer stuff but will stick to alot of older stuff to make people happy.

Dont worry, I already got sleepmask in my case for you :)

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Just hope folks won't hassle you cats with request for This Corrosion. :p

Compared to other I've seen on the request list?

*shaking from Eldritch/Steinman withdrawals*

In all seriousness, I wish I could make it out more than Saturday. Most of my Fridays are logistics/maintenance, so it takes some effort to get out on Friday. I wouldn't be able to make it either day. :sad: And it is pretty much the same through the rest of the week for me. Necto is like parting heaven and earth for me.

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lulz >.>

Sad part is, im serious. i was given the news last night.

This is no longer happening, I suggest that the OP update there post. Also would like to add that it was not the smartest idea to announce that that the night was happening when there was no confirmation of being able to do it...Im surprised people would give out info like that before it was confirmed. Im also bummed that I wont be DJing now. With any hope something will open up at another venue :(


We have been officially cock teased.

Edited by DJ Nocker
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What the fuck is wrong with everyone? Seriously, how does this happen? It wasn't even given a chance. Was it announced far too prematurely, or did City fuck up big time? FUCK seriously guys this is really not cool.

Who was responsible for this ridiculous happening?

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What the fuck is wrong with everyone? Seriously, how does this happen? It wasn't even given a chance. Was it announced far too prematurely, or did City fuck up big time? FUCK seriously guys this is really not cool.

Who was responsible for this ridiculous happening?

I dunno how much I should say, but Im more upset about the fact that the post was made seeming like it was confirmed, when it really wasnt, got peoples hopes up. If it was just small whispers and then didnt happen it would be different. oh well...

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