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Goths Over 35....

Brenda Starrr

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I just celebrated the 17th anniversary of my 21st birthday.

I forget all the injurys and signs of age during the day. I awake feeling pretty much the same way I did at 18. Grumpy and in need of coffee. I shower and drive to work. My energy building as I plan out the days work load. Then it starts. 9 hours of me and broken computers. Problems, puzzles and the joy of solving them. I'm constantly on the move all day. On a slow day, I work on four computers at a time. While dealing with customers and phones. I dont have time to be old. at the end of the day... I drive home. I eat dinner with my family and see how thier day was. I do some yard work or check on my garden. By this time, I am fully relaxed. Thats when age starts to show it's head. My knees ache and pain alternatly spikes into them. My neck muscles tighten to where it hurts to turn my head. I sometimes get very aware of the crack in my skull. I'm only old in the evening.

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I'm 37. Sometimes I forget and add a year. Heh. Duh. Like I need to rush things. :wink

I am happier with who I am as a person now than I ever was in my teens, or 20's. I'm so much more confident, so much more aware of what is and isn't a "big deal" in life. I'm much better at living life for MYSELF now, rather than for someone else.

Except, of course, for my husband. But what he is very much fits in with what I consider good for ME, so it's a grand thing we got going on.

He's 10-1/2 years younger than me. Yet we meet in the middle where maturity & attitude are concerned, so the numbers don't mean much.

Thankfully, I come from good genes. People always mistake my parents & older sisters as being much, much younger than they are. And I'm no exception. The only people I've met down here are co-workers of Jon's and their wives/girlfriends. They're all in their late teens and early 20's. After a night out with some of them, I let loose with the my real age. They all looked stunned and said they had guessed my age to be around 23-24.

That works for me! :grin

I have had some physical clues to my age crop up in recent years, so that is the only thing I really hate about avancing age. I have a back problem that requires chiropractor care, which I can't afford and therefore is going untreated. I get weary of waking up with a sore back 60% of the time or so.

The worst is glasses. Gads - I always had such good vision. But 2-1/2 years ago, I started experiencing severe head pains that were so bad, I ended up in the ER scared that I was having an aneurysm. Really - it ordinarily takes visible bleeding for me to go to the hospital, so I was seriously that scared & that much in pain. After a spinal tap & CAT scan didn't show anything, I was misdiagnosed by my family doctor as type 2 diabetic. A follow-up test disproved that.

Thankfully, someone suggested I might actually be suffering from very severe eyestrain. I didn't believe eyestrain could end up with headpains that bad, but I had my vision checked anyway. Turns out, I am neither near nor farsighted, but I have astigmatism in both eyes. Once I got glasses, the pains went away within a couple weeks.

I wish I'd been diagnosed with worse vision, however. My prescription is so slight, I can't wear contacts. It's too difficult I guess to make them for a prescription as light as mine without them either overcorrecting my eyesight and resulting in head pains again, or being so thin they're nearly impossible to handle. So I'm stuck with glasses all the time now.

But you'll never see me in them at City Club. I can handle a few hours without them, 'cause I can still see pretty much perfectly. Just have to not work at focusing too hard on stuff when I'm not wearing them, and pop a lot of ibuprofin to keep the headaches away.

Gads, I hate myself in glasses so bad.

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