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Google bids farewell to Microsoft Windows.

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if the mac OS ever approaches windows in terms of (lack of) security, i'm either switching to linux or going back to a typewriter and rotary phone. dry.gif

You might was well switch now... the ONLY reason there are not as many viruses for and exploits against the Mac OS is because so few people use it.

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You might was well switch now... the ONLY reason there are not as many viruses for and exploits against the Mac OS is because so few people use it.

Bullshit. Mac OS is an inherently more secure operating system then Windows. Here's a pretty balanced article on the subject. Keep in mind that it was written 3 years ago and some of those weaknesses have likely been removed.


Something else I dug up:

"The main danger for Mac comes not from the operating system but it comes from the behavior of the user," said David Perry, director of global education for Trend Micro.

User behavior is not an OS problem, its an education problem. The people screaming the loudest about all this are "security experts" and anti-virus companies who have a vested interest in seeing people scared to run their Macs without some sort of protection. I have no doubt that if Mac numbers climb significantly higher there will be more activity against it. It doesn't mean they will be successful or that Mac OS is some kind of security breach waiting to happen. I have a lot of friends with Macs. I have yet to hear a peep about a virus/trojan problem.

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if the mac OS ever approaches windows in terms of (lack of) security, i'm either switching to linux or going back to a typewriter and rotary phone. :dry:

Speaking of typewriters: http://www.wired.com/rawfile/2010/05/gallery-typewriters/

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Bullshit. Mac OS is an inherently more secure operating system then Windows. Here's a pretty balanced article on the subject. Keep in mind that it was written 3 years ago and some of those weaknesses have likely been removed.


Something else I dug up:

"The main danger for Mac comes not from the operating system but it comes from the behavior of the user," said David Perry, director of global education for Trend Micro.

User behavior is not an OS problem, its an education problem. The people screaming the loudest about all this are "security experts" and anti-virus companies who have a vested interest in seeing people scared to run their Macs without some sort of protection. I have no doubt that if Mac numbers climb significantly higher there will be more activity against it. It doesn't mean they will be successful or that Mac OS is some kind of security breach waiting to happen. I have a lot of friends with Macs. I have yet to hear a peep about a virus/trojan problem.

Your link does not work. NVM.. working now...

"chief among them the fact that there are far fewer Macs in the world than there are Windows PCs. As a result, most malicious code writers choose to target Windows so that they can have a much wider impact."

Did you miss that part?

"There will probably never be the same breadth of effort to target Mac OS X as there is with Windows. As such, there will probably always be some security by obscurity."

Or that one?

I noticed you didn't actually quote the article you linked.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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Your link does not work. NVM.. working now...

"chief among them the fact that there are far fewer Macs in the world than there are Windows PCs. As a result, most malicious code writers choose to target Windows so that they can have a much wider impact."

Did you miss that part?

"There will probably never be the same breadth of effort to target Mac OS X as there is with Windows. As such, there will probably always be some security by obscurity."

Or that one?

I noticed you didn't actually quote the article you linked.

I'm pretty sure you can read.

I didn't miss them Mark... Your point is that Macs are doomed because the OS is getting somewhat more popular. At least that's the way you've worded it. I say that's bullshit. Mac OS is more secure to begin with. Mac OS is not EVER likely to become anywhere near as popular as Windows. Mac OS will remain, even with a somewhat elevated user base a far more secure option. End of discussion.

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Well... the way you worded it (to me) made it sound like the end of the Mac users world was approaching quickly.

Mac OS lost "the war" somewhere back in the mid-80's when it decided not to license it's OS. That may also be what saved it from becoming the bug riddled mess that Windows became for so long because Apple too would have had to deal with all the different hardware and software vendors that Microsoft did/does. OS-X and the iMac saved Apple from complete irrelevance long enough to make a comeback, along with all the other i-devices now produced. I'd almost say that going Intel on the hardware side may have turned the tide of the war, not lost it. All of a sudden you could run any OS on Mac hardware as well as Windows and all the games and specialty software that came only on that platform. Best of both worlds. We have yet to see where things go from here. We may find that both Windows and OS-X get relegated to niche markets of saavy, high-end users, content producers, etc, while computer devices for the masses will be iPads and Google Chrome OS type devices.

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I think the biggest problem with security in either OS is the lack of knowledge of the consumer/user. Ignorance is the #1 cause of spyware and viruses. People are retarded and actually open e-mails saying "You won this" or "Get rich now!" bs. I see it all the time. Oh, and internet porn sites are notorious for trojans. You see, if you actually take the time to fully understand and grasp the concept of how viruses work and what their weaknesses are, then they don't become such a big fucking deal. I say, if anyone is so worried about the problems they are having with viruses and spyware, etc. Then, it's time to start ohh, I dunno, educating themselves on how to properly manage a PC. Oh and investing in a decent anti-virus program couldn't fuckin hurt, either. But noo, keep clicking your links and surfing like a moron in search of gold. Ignorance is bliss until you can't even boot your OS because your stupid ass couldn't stop installing shit that doesn't belong on your PC in the first place. If I had a fucking dollar for every time I have had to help someone or a friend of a friend or some crap, restore their piece of shit because they clusterfucked the entire thing to FUBAR--- /end rant.

Point being, I don't care what OS is supposedly more "ideal" for the handling of viruses and spyware. If you learn how to properly manage your PC, you will find these troubles much less aggravating, and rare in occurance. And as far as servers and big operations such as Google.. Well, all they're doing is delaying the inevitable. NO OS IS SAFE. Nothing is safe. Everything is breakable. I promise. In CPU's name. Amen.

Edited to add- not to mention the fact that there was a huge problem with KEYLOGGERS being found in people's PC's and laptops purchased from your friendly neighborhood DELL. Which the keyloggers, were most likely installed in China, during assembly. So remember that next time you're entering your SSN or any other private info on your pc, folks. Or.. Just keep being ignorant I don't care.. I tried, Lol.

Edited by Soulrev
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He admits to losing a "war" that Apple never consciously participated in. He jokes about it. He doesn't care. Everyone else cares. Their current financial position validates his approach. Make the best, most innovative products you can and let the market decide. Granted... There have been the Mac/PC ads, which means they don't ignore competitors but their success as a company is not defined by market share.

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which means they don't ignore competitors but their success as a company is not defined by market share.

Thats not what you just said... and by your own previous posts, they don't make money from the PC market... they get the lion's share of thier profits from Iphones and Ipods. You are contridicting yourself.

Even still... he may have done with a smile on his face... but Steve has admitted to loosing the war.

BTW.. Apple stocks are worth more than Microsoft stocks.. thats not market share. Apple still amounts to less than 8% of the market.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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Thats not what you just said... and by your own previous posts, they don't make money from the PC market... they get the lion's share of thier profits from Iphones and Ipods. You are contridicting yourself.

Even still... he may have done with a smile on his face... but Steve has admitted to loosing the war.

BTW.. Apple stocks are worth more than Microsoft stocks.. thats not market share. Apple still amounts to less than 8% of the market.


And in a previous post I said market capitalization. That's the stock thing. Microsoft should be embarrassed. That Apple has been able to make record profits in a horrible economy is a pretty good sign that they're making products people want and like.

And remember my point about the changing nature of the devices people will buy in the future? That Apples profits are largely coming from these types of new devices makes my point. The landscape is changing.

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And in a previous post I said market capitalization. That's the stock thing. Microsoft should be embarrassed. That Apple has been able to make record profits in a horrible economy is a pretty good sign that they're making products people want and like.

And remember my point about the changing nature of the devices people will buy in the future? That Apples profits are largely coming from these types of new devices makes my point. The landscape is changing.


We will keep using our looser computers in the home.... the winning computers don't work as well and have lots of security issues.

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We will keep using our looser computers in the home.... the winning computers don't work as well and have lots of security issues.

I wouldn't call them losers or winners, merely products that meet certain needs and as technology advances people's needs are being met by a somewhat simpler device then they've been forced to buy over the past 20 years. A lot of people have pretty simple needs when it comes to computing. Some don't. I, for instance, because of my photography and other content creation, will always have a "real" computer because I need the horsepower and flexibility. But it's likely I will at some point get an iPad-like device to supplement it instead of getting a laptop. The security issues.. That'll change and get fixed to some degree or another just like regular ones.

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And in a previous post I said market capitalization. That's the stock thing. Microsoft should be embarrassed. That Apple has been able to make record profits in a horrible economy is a pretty good sign that they're making products people want and like.

And remember my point about the changing nature of the devices people will buy in the future? That Apples profits are largely coming from these types of new devices makes my point. The landscape is changing.

The landscape may be changing and Apple will hit the new walls they have created eventually. Those walls being the fact that poor prople want technology too. I've read the market analysis for why Apple made record profits when everyone else had marginal growth... it's attributed to the fact that Apple never once lowered thier price to match the recesion. Greed and elitism has a price. Maybe someday Apple will get a clue and make a product for everyone and give up thier iron fist control (all the while saying they are open source). Until then, they will keep raping the pockets of people who care more about how an device looks than how it functions and what you can do with it.

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Wait..what? You, the board's flag-waving conservative is calling Apple to task for making a buck? Like it or not they have always had a higher profit ratio then most consumer electronics companies. That profit insulated them from market fluctuations and gave them a bigger R&D budget when they needed it. (It likely also kept them from going bankrupt just before Steve rejoined them in the late 90's) It gave Steve Jobs and the other Apple CEO's and upper management a nice paycheck, to be sure. Too much? Possibly, but in Job's case, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt since it's been largely his vision and work that got them to where they are now. I have a hard time seeing almost any other CEO have such an impact on the company and it's products as directly as Jobs. Really... Why would they drop their prices when people buy everything they can make? If people of lesser means want that technology they can either save up or get a cheaper version from another manufacturer. Greed and elitism. What a crock.. Do you hate Apple so much that you believe that about them? I'm done arguing with you about them.

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I have a hard time seeing almost any other CEO have such an impact on the company and it's products as directly as Jobs.

Walt Disney. I bet he's rolling in his grave right now with the direction the company has gone in.

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