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Necto Pure Pwnage Aftermath

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700 + people tonight! It was amazing and could not have happened without Digital Ops and Get your Game on. Please check them out when your in town next or send them a message saying thanks. Speaking of which thanks to Void 6, Darks Choir, Audioflesh and Betamax. Most importantly thank you all for keeping this night strong. We would have nothing if it wasn't for all your support.


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I went to see Raev, Lillylu, and AstralCrux for their birthdays. :grouphug

I was fairly disappointed though, I barely danced at all. It seems like every time I go to Necto, the same songs are repeated every time. The same MSI block, the same Gaga, the same Disturbed, the same VNV, etc.

I did dance around...1 AM? Was that when Audioflesh spun? I liked dancing to that music.

Other then that...the douchefag factor was extremely high that evening.

I was speaking with CowboyDave and he made the point that he believes he's "too old for Necto" and, honestly, I feel like I'm too old for Necto.

And I kept on running into box people. :dry:

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I came I danced and had a great time. Was my very first time at Necto as it is hard for me to get out on the weekdays, and I usually prefer to go to CC because i know people there. I loved it. But...

the douchefag factor was extremely high that evening.

Is it always so full of Jugaloos? You know I had to scold a guy that was sitting next to me for being A rude douchbag to some girls i kinda know from CC.

Lots ot tourists (people that don't know and love our music). But lots of fun as well.

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I came I danced and had a great time. Was my very first time at Necto as it is hard for me to get out on the weekdays, and I usually prefer to go to CC because i know people there. I loved it. But...

Is it always so full of Jugaloos?

LOL we did seem to have a few in there last night. On the second week of every month we bring in Dark's Choir who runs I Nation in Bowling Green Ohio on Wednesday nights.(Very fun time) In Ohio the music is more guitar based and definatly has a more metal edge to it. With the inclusion of Audioflesh the other resident from BG we got in a a larger influx of Ohio people last night. Part of what I love about Monday's is our unique diversity of both the crowd,DJ's and music. Last night with 5 DJ's over 5 hrs each trading off with each other every 5 songs was not our normal format You should def come back next week when it's just Void 6 and myself with Betamax opening(great guy to get there early to hear) You'll find a less Jugaloo vibe I assure you. Let me know. I'm happy to guest list you and who your whole car. No special events next week so you'll also have more room. Our normal numbers will be in the 600'sall summer for our regular nights so you will find your more of your friends I promise.


Edited by Jinx
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I went had an overall great time, till the dance floor was so packed.. I know its a good thing but you get tired of being elbowed and pushed and no one says excuse me or sorry... :/ I also have a issue with jinx.... you lied to us dude.... LOL


we got there at 10:30ish and had to pay at the door... what gives sir? :p

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I went had an overall great time, till the dance floor was so packed.. I know its a good thing but you get tired of being elbowed and pushed and no one says excuse me or sorry...

I know, right!? I hate going to Necto on event nights because its so insanely packed, on that tiny-ass dance floor...its just ridiculous. And people are always so rude there.

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I went had an overall great time, till the dance floor was so packed.. I know its a good thing but you get tired of being elbowed and pushed and no one says excuse me or sorry... :/ I also have a issue with jinx.... you lied to us dude.... LOL


we got there at 10:30ish and had to pay at the door... what gives sir? :p

if you showed in costume you would have gotten in free :)

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we got there at 10:30ish and had to pay at the door... what gives sir? :p

You had to wear any costume to get in free. Any costume would do. BTW it was great seeing you last night.

Hit me up next time your coming out here through PM and I'll guest list ya. :)


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I know, right!? I hate going to Necto on event nights because its so insanely packed, on that tiny-ass dance floor...its just ridiculous. And people are always so rude there.

People are just as rude at Necto as any other club in pretty much any scene. We put a lot of work into our monthly events and it usually shows in the increase in our crowd for the night. When offer quality product your going to be packed. I would not say we have a tiny dance floor by most clubs standards perhaps your just accustomed to clubs that don't get as many people so you have more room. Anyways glad you came out hope to see you next week


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I came, I saw, I drank fishbowls.

I got to see Eevee! :happydance

Lillylu, Girlwithtail, Skyfire, Zima, Sin V and more as well!

I honestly had a great time. Had a Necto virgin with me and a lot of people show up to celebrate with me.

I've never had an issue with rudeness there. Then again, I'm a 6'4" mohawked guy in combat boots. I'm not an adorable lass. I'm sure people react differently to me coming through than they do the lasses.

Either way, I had a ton of fun and had some great conversations with a good handful of people I had never met before.

Edited by Raev
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I've never had an issue with rudeness there. Then again, I'm a 6'4" mohawked guy in combat boots. I'm not an adorable lass. I'm sure people react differently to me coming through than they do the lasses.

Oh shut up!!!! You're adorable (j/k...ok, not really)! And I was only joking about kicking your ass...Maybe AFTER I complete Level 2....

Anyhow, I didn't make it. I don't know Ann Arbor that well and I hate going out there by meself. In closing, happy birthday to the birthday people.

Edited by KatRN05
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LOL we did seem to have a few in there last night. On the second week of every month we bring in Dark's Choir who runs I Nation in Bowling Green Ohio on Wednesday nights.(Very fun time) In Ohio the music is more guitar based and definatly has a more metal edge to it. With the inclusion of Audioflesh the other resident from BG we got in a a larger influx of Ohio people last night. Part of what I love about Monday's is our unique diversity of both the crowd,DJ's and music. Last night with 5 DJ's over 5 hrs each trading off with each other every 5 songs was not our normal format You should def come back next week when it's just Void 6 and myself with Betamax opening(great guy to get there early to hear) You'll find a less Jugaloo vibe I assure you. Let me know. I'm happy to guest list you and who your whole car. No special events next week so you'll also have more room. Our normal numbers will be in the 600'sall summer for our regular nights so you will find your more of your friends I promise.


Meh. The douchebag factor has been high for a year now. It's vaguely tolerable at CC because of the dance floor size. It's completely unacceptable at Necto because of the smallness of the dance floor. Variety is one thing, rude assholes quite another. I'm not likely coming back any time soon for two reasons: One... Assholes on the dance floor. Two.. Frankly Yoda's college boy bullshit screaming, especially over the music is also gotten to be completely unacceptable. I come to see friends, have a drink or two and dance. I come for a dark, industrial atmosphere and sound. I don't come for typical college type nonsense. You have too much of it. Pick your audience.

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Frankly Yoda's college boy bullshit screaming, especially over the music is also gotten to be completely unacceptable.

On our normal nights when we have no events going on Yoda comes on only once an hr between 11-1 and then for less than minute each time unless we are announcing an upcoming event. He screws up occasionally like anyone else but as a whole he does not ever speak over lyric's but gets it done in the breakdown's of songs to raise the mood. He spends 90% of his night downstairs freestyling with Teddy in the DnB room. The amount of people who say positive things about what he does by far out weighs any negative comments. Sorry that he doesn't suit you. But I do miss seeing you. :)


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I been to both clubs. I guess because I live in my own little world I dont really pay attention to the negatives. I just go enjoy dancing and seeing people and talking. to just be around people who like to be different and wear cool clothes and have fun. If I can make a friend or have a interesting conversation thats a bonus. If theres songs i like on i dance if not well I still dance or go chill out and take a break. I am so laid back and I like to avoid conflict and drama. Im not out to impress anyone, not trying to prove anything or start problems. I love to dance and socialise and be myself without being afraid or caring what others think.

As far as im concerned both clubs are fun and offer different things. why do the same old thing all the time? I mean if you like that then cool. I like variety and just going out is a treat for me so I enjoy it as much as I can and i dont worry about anything but having fun. I haven't had any bad experiences as of yet. Even if I did well I move on and dont dwell on the past. I have better things to occupy my mind and time with.

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/frustrated mod hat on

There is a thread for talking about what you want to hear.

Feel free to start a new thread with club suggestions.

Also feel free to keep this thread on topic now.

/frustrated mod hat off.

All I did was reply to a previous post.

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