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I was reading another topic on the site, and it mentioned how some teenagers' are nothing more than "posers", and how a lot of male goths are just "nerds hiding under layers of black". But how the heck can u be really sure, u can't judge anyone simply by what they wear. Noone knows whats actually going on in another persons mind or soul. My cuz asked me just the other day "Aren't u a little too old to be goth?" I just looked at him. Goth is not a certain age group. Yes, I may be getting up there, so to speak, but I still have mostly the same beliefs and feelings. Not ALL goths dress in black all the time, I don't, though I feel MUCH better when I do. In that case maybe I am a poser too. I pose at being "normal". I get up and go to work, scrub all remnants of make-up off of my face, and put on galaxy blue scrubs. I go to my kids' school, put on a dress, or jeans, or simple casual wear, and ordinary make-up (sometimes even pink lipstick *shudders*). I was truly a poser as a teenager, wearing nothing but blue as a crip, reading vampire, witch and ghost books' behind my friends' back. Only 1 day out the year was I truly comfortable within myself, yeah, you guessed it Halloween. Sadly, and not so surprisingly, is still to this day, the ONLY holiday on which my entire family gets along. And to this day the only type of costume I will be caught dead in is as a vampire or a witch (though I admit 1 yr in like '88, I was warped and decided to be a punk rocker, YES I HAVE ISSUES!!!!).

I guess my point is this: THERE IS NO AGE LIMIT!!! For some people, yeah, its just a phase. Takes sum longer than others to figure out who they r. To others, its Who.They.Are. Don't judge someone else by what they wear. Not all goths dress goth. Not all people dressed as goth are "posers". U won't know unless u actually sit down and talk to that person. People express themselves in many different ways, maybe with art, be it on their body, tattoos, piercings or clothing, or on paper, a drawing, a sketch, a painting or the art of word.

Maybe u think I'm rambling, hell, maybe I am (haven't had much sleep). I just hate seeing or hearing anyone else being judged (I hate a lot of things, actually). Cause if I hear someone else say "black girl's aren't goth" or "are there any black goths?" one more time I MIGHT CUT THAT PERSON WITH AN F-ING MACHETE!!!!!! Veering off topic aren't I? Oops, my bad. Anyway, there is no age limit. A person can be 12, 22 or friggin 92, they can still be goth. Some may be a closet goth, while others go singing (or screaming) in the rain with it.

BTW: So glad my girl told me about this site, now I can talk to more than just the people inside my head!!! Oops, did I say that out loud?! BAD VAMP, NO BLOODY COOKIE TONIGHT!!! :confused:

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Oh god. Galaxy blue scrubs...in three hours I'll have to put those on and descend into hell. Hopefully it won't be like this morning, though, right? Let's hope for that. Right.

But anyway, don't worry about what people have to say to you, Tiff. You know first hand that people are stupid, vain, vapid, ignorant, etc...Someone will always be passing judgment on you, and that's fine. It's human nature to do so. You know I get called a gypsy by patients all the time. I've yet to understand why, but you know what? I take it as a fucking compliment. Yeah.

On a related side note, I had a little old lady patient a few months ago tell me that she wished the gowns had bats on them. That completely made my night.

Just be yourself and do what make you happy. Screw everyone else.

See ya at work. =)

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I just turned 33 and I Love the Goth sceen. Matter of fact most people say I look so much better when I am dressed in my club gear then when i am not. Also I feel more me when I am all dressed up then not aswell. when I have to wear reg. normal life clothes I feel akward and out of place. I wish I could dress goth everyday.... but unfortunatly work wont let me and this makes for a sad lilly... but I hazzz to work :/

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I bailed out of Detroit's goth scene long time ago but more because of what it was turning into.

But I still love Sex Gang Children, Virgin Prunes, March Violets, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, 45 Grave, Christian Death, Gun Club, Tex & The Horseheads, Flesh Eaters, Theatre Of Hate, Specimen, Death In June, Current 93, 90s Projekt and Tess artists etc...

And I do dig the newer and current bands like Cinema Strange/Deadfly Ensemble, Fangs On Fur, Subtonix, Zola Jesus, Blessure Grave, KASMS, Blank Dogs, and O Children.

Edited by Joey Deadcat
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I bailed out of Detroit's goth scene long time ago but more because of what it was turning into.

But I still love Sex Gang Children, Virgin Prunes, March Violets, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, 45 Grave, Christian Death, Gun Club, Tex & The Horseheads, Flesh Eaters, Theatre Of Hate, Specimen, Death In June, Current 93, 90s Projekt and Tess artists etc...

And I do dig the newer and current bands like Cinema Strange/Deadfly Ensemble, Fangs On Fur, Subtonix, Zola Jesus, Blessure Grave, KASMS, Blank Dogs, and O Children.

See, there in lies the problem, which is why I sense another "What is Goth?" thread coming. You obviously love the "goth" scene. You have a lot of the qualities that I would say qualify you to be in the sub culture, but you say you bailed out of the scene. Its not that you bailed, its just that there really isnt a scene in the D. There is a great EBM/Synth scene (which I also like alot).

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Age limit?? For looking a certain way??


I would hate to hear what this person would say about ME :shock:

Yeah.. I'm 33 and this is what Me head looks like, on a DAILY basis...


Granted, I wear a head wrap at work.. But just to cover the front ;)

Oh, & the comment Goths being "nerds hiding under layers of black"... Ummmm, that's what they have pretty much ALWAYS been.

So I say... Fuck that age-ist bullshit!! Whether it be against the youngins, or us "old" folks :p

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NO U WILL NOT C ME @ WORK, I'M OFF THURSDAY AND FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!! I asked Gina can she work for me Sunday, left her a note, hopefully she says yes.

And ur kidding! That lil ol'lady woulda made my day! :thumbsup:

Yeah, some of our patients are pretty kick, and can be very surprising once you get to talking to them. I had one younger guy that was totally into Kemetism a few months ago. He was great to talk to until he kept asking to see my ankh tat, which is not in a place appropriate to show patients. Ha. See ya tomorrow night.

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Well if we put an age limit on being goth then we would have to put an age limit on being a "thug", "gangbanger," etc...

I know so many of them who are "keeping it real" well into their golden years. If they can still rep their sets with gray hair and liver spots than so can we:)

Aside from that we are who we are. Labeling is for spectator's to do, not us to do to ourselves. I am given shit at work by co-workers for wearing mostly black and keeping my hair black, but I don't care. I don't walk around in life and call myself goth but other's do.

Edited by kat
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Age limit?? For looking a certain way??


I would hate to hear what this person would say about ME :shock:

Yeah.. I'm 33 and this is what Me head looks like, on a DAILY basis...


Granted, I wear a head wrap at work.. But just to cover the front ;)

Oh, & the comment Goths being "nerds hiding under layers of black"... Ummmm, that's what they have pretty much ALWAYS been.

So I say... Fuck that age-ist bullshit!! Whether it be against the youngins, or us "old" folks :p

I give you a FUCKING HUGE HIGH FIVE girl! Exactly my feelings! I enjoy who I am and I dont care if I got a job or not I am proud and I will be myself and fuck what other people think and say! I will survive and I will be myself no matter what. I will have my hair how I want, my piercings, my tattoos and my style. Its who I am and if I have to be fake or pretend to be what society deems whatever to work and live then it makes me feel suffocated fake and depressed. I dont mean to say those who do work jobs and cannot always look goth are fakers posers and what not just I myself would feel fake if i did that. Just wanna make certain no one misunderstands me. Anyways I give props to those who are actually on this site because they actually enjoy being in the goth scene and being a goth. It dont matter how old you are. In England i seen 90 yr olds in the scene wearing elaborate period victorian clothing. I dont need to get into what goth is and the history of it. Thing is love it enjoy it and be a part of the community or hate it and find somewhere where you belong better. No matter what thing your into now days there will be hypocrites, fakes, posers, wannabes and people who judge or label us. there will always be stereotypes and always be someone who dont like something or someone for one reason or another. Me I am not perfect I cant stand how certain cliques act and what they are into but I am also so laid back and dont really care much anyways because i keep to myself, mind my own business and focus on the things that make me happy. If it dont make me happy i dont wanna think about it unless I have to.

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There is no age limit to being yourself,I really don't consider myself part of the scene anymore for quite some time

and I don't dress up anymore either,unless it's Halloween,or NYE.

I am just myself and will stay being myself.I refuse to be a fake(sheeple/conformist)

I'll stick with my certain friends music and such.why I only go to CC,I go to hangout with close friends and that's it.

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I think you may have missed the point in that other topic....

It wasnt really anything to do with age, per se. It was mostly "here's the appalling trend I see in the latest Goth kid generation". I could be wrong though.

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I think you may have missed the point in that other topic....

It wasnt really anything to do with age, per se. It was mostly "here's the appalling trend I see in the latest Goth kid generation". I could be wrong though.

No, I didn't miss the point at all. Just some things said in said topic, brought this topic to the forefront of my mind. So I thought I'd share my feelings and c what others think as well.

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