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City Club RECAP Aftermath 6/19

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Showed up about 12:30. Walked in the door and STFU was written on our hands. Made our way into the ballroom for a little dancing. I have to say DJ Pluse State and DJ Nocker killed it on the ones and twos. Thank you guys for the great music. I finally meet some of the DGNers that I have been talking to on here so that was nice. Saw Kat and chatted with her for quite a bit. Talk about a fun girl! I have been able to hear and dance to "Cuts You Up" twice in two days. *Happy dance* it was very cute that I was in the ballroom and people actually came and got me when the song came on. Everyone rocks for that.

There were some awesome costumes. Gotta give it up to HarleyQuinn and the two peeps in head to toe vynl or rubber I couldn't tell and I wasn't about to go up and ask. Russell and I won 2 cds and a $25 to showtime for most awesomeness duo for our very cool butt dance. TDB forever! Thanks D:kronstruct!

We left around 3:30 and can't wait for the next club.


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My turn. I went with StrayBullet42 and KatRN. It was nice to meet DJ Nocker,(I will watch those movies before I expire) good music going on for sure. I saw StormKnight, Prick, Void6, ScaryGuy, Osaka (beautiful as usual), Josh007, Intrinsic and finally met his beautiful girlfriend.

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@ Druella, Thank you for the kind words, to bad you didn't get to be there for my first set, but Im glad that you still had fun.

@ Kat, Nice to finally meet you. Better watch those movies ;).

I saw and spoke to several DGNers, to many to give all the shout outs in one posts, so ill make more comments as others do.

I had a great time DJing, Thanks again to Scary Guy for contacting me and giving me the opportunity. Its been to long since I last spun. Thank you to everyone who came up and made requests/ gave support. I got a lot of requests in, sorry I couldn't get all of them, I had to leave around 2:30. I will get them next time :)

Play list from last night should be up soon, I look forward to hearing the opinions.

Great job, to ALL of the Djs in BOTH rooms!

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Hahaha! I'm starting to feel like I'm becoming more and more "in the shadows" at City. :rofl:


I went up there with Nicole and we picked up Void6 on the way there.

I sat in the ballroom for the majority of both of Nocker's sets :yes I was very much impressed and wanted to dance, but it was just so...empty. :X And nerve-wrecking. So it was cool to just chill and listen.

Though the echoing ballroom is a bitch.

I couldn't even understand half the stuff the announcer said and it made the music quality sound horrible. :no

Let's see if I can recall everyone I saw/talked with:

Nocker, pRick, Riku, TheOsakaKoneko, Intrinsic, Fidget, Stormknight, Scary Guy, Void6, DJ Saint, torn_asundar, KatRN, Kat, Iris, f0rged, pleasurekatzen, Pulse State, LMLC, and I believe I saw straybullet and Druella. And I think that's everyone, lol

I feel like a creeper, for some reason. :laugh:

The night was a bit low-key for me. But I enjoyed it.

Thanks to Iris and f0rged for dancing to my Nitzer Ebb request with me when there were only 5 other people in the ballroom! :p And thanks to Nocker for playing said request.


Also, thanks to torn for giving me a ride home. :kiss


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I sat in the ballroom for the majority of both of Nocker's sets :yes I was very much impressed and wanted to dance, but it was just so...empty. :X And nerve-wrecking. So it was cool to just chill and listen.

The night was a bit low-key for me. But I enjoyed it.

Thanks to Iris and f0rged for dancing to my Nitzer Ebb request with me when there were only 5 other people in the ballroom! :p And thanks to Nocker for playing said request.


Also, thanks to torn for giving me a ride home. :kiss


Thanks for the kind words and the support.

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i made it out - had an ok time; not great, not bad, but then, i never really do have a *great* time there... (forgive me if i forget to list anyone...)

i talked to: eevee, stormknight, forged, iris, void6 (will stop up to the booth & say hey next time!), scary guy, hellion, prick, darkracer, osaka koneko (great outfit!),

i saw, but didn't manage to say hi to: 2 people i'm pretty sure were kat & katrn (both in the ballroom and the club), xillatoxic, possibly littlemissluckycunt (or someone who looked like her!?), maybe pleasurekatzen, must have seen, and not known, dj nocker as i was in the ballroom quite a lot...

to be honest, the best part of the evening was giving eevee a lift home, was a beautiful night for a ride, and she was a great passenger!

hopefully, one of these times i show up, i'll actually have a really good night...

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Thanks for the kind words and the support.

The ballroom thanks you for resonating some sick tunes through its crumbling supports and soul-sucking ceiling vents. Excellent pick there, Eevee; I enjoyed dancing to that one. Hats off to Scary Guy and Pulse too...I wish I did have one of my ten doppelgangers with me that night so I could be in two places at once.

I stayed in the ballroom with the occasional scouting trip to the dance floor till Nocker played his second micro-set. Initially, I though "ah crimminey, another massive attack of Saturday-nighters". It dwindled down after 2:00...significantly. Plus, the vibes were well within my tolerance level (Saint + Aaron = something you gotta hear for yourself).

It was an educational night, all in all: New (old) music exposure, a few delightfully enlightening conversations here and there, and a poking reminder that I need to get my hands on a certain EP (that one mix, its all ways "that one")... :wink @Katzen

Someone beat me to dragging Druella away from the ballroom when Peter Murphy came on...good teamwork, whoever all that was.

near the end, I do believe I untiled the floor in a few places when Saint threw down "Sklave" for me...that wore me out, righteously. Called it a night a little after that...I had no more dance in me, between the sensical groovy sets in the Ballroom and the occasional treat in City .

Special shout-out for Mr. Stormknight who is all ways kind enough to engage me in conversation, fickle though I am. Eevee and f0rged for those dances, and every DJ in attendance (I do believe we had just about everyone there that night).

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The ballroom thanks you for resonating some sick tunes through its crumbling supports and soul-sucking ceiling vents. Excellent pick there, Eevee; I enjoyed dancing to that one. Hats off to Scary Guy and Pulse too...I wish I did have one of my ten doppelgangers with me that night so I could be in two places at once.

I stayed in the ballroom with the occasional scouting trip to the dance floor till Nocker played his second micro-set. Initially, I though "ah crimminey, another massive attack of Saturday-nighters". It dwindled down after 2:00...significantly. Plus, the vibes were well within my tolerance level (Saint + Aaron = something you gotta hear for yourself).

It was an educational night, all in all: New (old) music exposure, a few delightfully enlightening conversations here and there, and a poking reminder that I need to get my hands on a certain EP (that one mix, its all ways "that one")... :wink @Katzen

Someone beat me to dragging Druella away from the ballroom when Peter Murphy came on...good teamwork, whoever all that was.

near the end, I do believe I untiled the floor in a few places when Saint threw down "Sklave" for me...that wore me out, righteously. Called it a night a little after that...I had no more dance in me, between the sensical groovy sets in the Ballroom and the occasional treat in City .

Special shout-out for Mr. Stormknight who is all ways kind enough to engage me in conversation, fickle though I am. Eevee and f0rged for those dances, and every DJ in attendance (I do believe we had just about everyone there that night).

Sklave = first time played, but not the last that's for sure.

Also managed to get to your Vomito Negro request.

Thanks for those. Good to see you.

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Thanks to all those who made it out. So many people I couldn't find Waldo! :laugh:

Enjoyed hearing the DJ's in the ballroom. Every time I ventured in there from the main room on a break, I heard some great tracks. Nice job Nocker, PulseState, Scary Guy and props to the collective on another successful as well as cool event.

Always fun to DJ with Hingst and it's always a great time when the other City DJ's come out on a night when they are not working just to hang out. Elektrosonik, Pleasure Kitten and Void 6 were all there. Saw too many other people to mention as is usually the case. See ya again soon.

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@ evee. Would have loved to say hi, but didn't know who you were.

@ iris. It was the wonderball pleasurekitten who came and found Russell and I in the ballroom for mr Peter

Did meet stromnight. Got to see fordge again which was nice. Talked brifely with iris. And again have to give props to all the djs and all the requests that were played. I believe that if a dj only plays the music that he/she wants to hear it's kinda bunk for the crowd. So whoo djs. Also for those of you who didn't know who I was o has the tall blonde with the shinny red short skirt and white sikkboi wifebeater.

Until next weekend!

Ps where are all the awesome photos gonna be? And please don't tell me face book as I am not on it. :)

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I believe that if a dj only plays the music that he/she wants to hear it's kinda bunk for the crowd. S

Eh yes and no in agreement (there's threads about this topic elsewhere on the board even)... the DJ's have to keep the crowd happy but at the same time they should (and often do) have enough foresight to introduce new music in a timely manner (See [X]-Rx, S.A.M., etc... in forthcomign playlist). If it weren't for that foresight the kids at City would still be dancing constantly to KMFDM's "Anarchy"... er wait ;)

Anyways, I'm the asshole DJ who told you to get down from in front of the DJ booth. Sorry about that. It really freaks the DJ's out when people do that. Didn't realize you were from out of town. Apologies...

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Prick danced and I missed it? :shock:

You've never seen him dance? I impersonate it all the time! :p

@ evee. Would have loved to say hi, but didn't know who you were.

@ iris. It was the wonderball pleasurekitten who came and found Russell and I in the ballroom for mr Peter

Did meet stromnight. Got to see fordge again which was nice. Talked brifely with iris. And again have to give props to all the djs and all the requests that were played. I believe that if a dj only plays the music that he/she wants to hear it's kinda bunk for the crowd. So whoo djs. Also for those of you who didn't know who I was o has the tall blonde with the shinny red short skirt and white sikkboi wifebeater.

Until next weekend!

Ps where are all the awesome photos gonna be? And please don't tell me face book as I am not on it. :)

As I said, I seem to be more in the shadows.

I doubt you noticed me, but just in case...I was the girl who spent a decent amount of time sitting in a chair next to the DJ booth in the ballroom. For a good while I was with a blonde. But I was wearing black fishnets, black ankle platform boots, a black skirt, belt, a black tank top, and I had my hair in an uneven bun.

And I'm also preeeetty confident that they post the pictures on FB.


Now that I think about it, my green and blue dinosaur backpack was probably the most noticeable thing about me Saturday.

And, the pics are on FB.

Edited by Eevee
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Alright Eevee I did see you *yay* crap I'm not on facebook. Guess I'm jus gonna have to go without the pics 

On the record, they currently have just a handful from that night up. I don't see any of you and your man in what they have uploaded right now.

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I went, I danced a lil, I got drunk so I don't know who the heck I talked to, and my pic on fb makes me look fat, jk, lmfao. Anyway, had a great time, though I forgot it was villains and superheroes night, so I didn't wear a costume, so sad. Though my girl did I was evil enough to just go as myself. Still figuring out if that was a compliment or an insult, oh well!! Hope to c u guys next Saturday!! Maybe I'll do more than creep in the shadows and get drunk!!!!! lmfao

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