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Not targeting anyone, just to get that out of the way. But I hear a lot of people bitch about twilight or true blood and talking about how they ruined vampires (I agree, they did). But are a lot of people just jumping on the wagon? How many people actually do love real vampire movies? I have had this conversation and several people simply state "Blade". I like "Blade" but there is more than that. If you like em, name some! New and Old. Because if you dig deep enough, there are still good vamp movies out there.

In no real order... Just a few

Nosferatu (1922)- Even today this movie is still creepy.

30 Days of Night (2007)- Vampires are monsters, this makes us remember.

Near Dark (1987)- (sabbat vamps all the way!) Seriously though, fantastic vampire/western (DONT BE FOOLED BY THE WESTERN PART!)

Bram Stokers "Dracula"- Words really should need to be said about the king.

Night Watch/Day Watch- Not only vamps, but they are there, and anyone who played White-Wolf should love these.

John Carpenter’s Vampires (1998)- Bunch of bad ass vamp hunters lead by james Woods...come on.

The Hunger (1983)- ...This is a goth board...right?

Your turn...

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Murnau movies in general are great for the physical symbolism (i.e. Orlock resembling a plague rat). I wrote a rather short and rushed paper on that subject.

I see a lot of movies on here that have been recommended by a dear friend of mine(Near Dark in particular). While on the subject of said friend, randomly listening to music in my car driving somewhut or another; For some strange reason, a Skeletal Family song makes him remember a rather obscure title:

Central Park Drifter (aka Graveyard Shift) (1987)

I've yet to watch this. I own it, just have to find an audience to watch it with.

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*Opens fridge, pulls out root beer and takes a sip.*

"The one thing I could never stand about living in Michigan, was all the damn satire."

The Lost Boys is dated and cheesy, but I think the writing is decent, and it has that cool debuting song 'Cry Little Sister.'

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I echo most of the above... Near Dark being my fav...

Adding to the list Shadow of the Vampire.... And The Addiction..... oh and why not Nadja is good too.

Willem Dafoe was awesome in shadow.

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Adding to the list Shadow of the Vampire....

Good one, Phee. I still refer to Stanislavski as "The Mad Russian" because of this film =P

oo, and

Låt den rätte komma in (Let the Right One In) (2008) - I rather enjoyed this Swedish vampire film. Excellent minimalistic use of CG where appropriate (that's the way its done, folks)

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Good one, Phee. I still refer to Stanislavski as "The Mad Russian" because of this film =P

oo, and

Låt den rätte komma in (Let the Right One In) (2008) - I rather enjoyed this Swedish vampire film. Excellent minimalistic use of CG where appropriate (that's the way its done, folks)

Yes, a fantastic NEW vamp movie that was over shadowed by tweenlight. To bad america is already remaking it, calling it "Let Me In"

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*pokes with stick*

I think you killed it, Nocker (the thread, that is)

They all must have Twatlight on the brains.

and what, no one makes mention of Daybreakers? Forsooth! 95.5467302% of that movie was an intellectual high for me. It follows in the traditional mythos of the vampire enacting society's "shadow" and greatest fears. I found the parallelisms between the modern state of pharmaceuticals to be quite...delectable.

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*pokes with stick*

I think you killed it, Nocker (the thread, that is)

They all must have Twatlight on the brains.

and what, no one makes mention of Daybreakers? Forsooth! 95.5467302% of that movie was an intellectual high for me. It follows in the traditional mythos of the vampire enacting society's "shadow" and greatest fears. I found the parallelisms between the modern state of pharmaceuticals to be quite...delectable.

I refused to see that movie when I guessed what "The Cure" was. That was dumb...

Another Great Vamp flick "From Dusk Till Dawn"

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Låt den rätte komma in (Let the Right One In) (2008) - I rather enjoyed this Swedish vampire film. Excellent minimalistic use of CG where appropriate (that's the way its done, folks)

Isn't that the one you've been trying to get me to watch, Nocker?

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Well the listed films are of course awesome! I also like dracula 2000 wes craven put a different twist to it making out drac was traitor Judas..

The underworld series was ok. Kate Beckinsale is hot.

Lost boyz fan here too the new one sucked ass!

I am a huge Ann Rice fan so naturally I also enjoyed the films. Albeit Queen of the damned was a hack job and as a loyal fan of the book I was disgusted in the film adaption tho it is what it is. the characters were stylish and the soundtrack was decent. I just had hoped they didnt screw things up. Like for one Marius being Lestats sire. the love story with Lestat and Jesse which never existed and Akashas death and leaving out her world wide campaign to destroy men. I could go on and on but I wont lol

Even though I love vampires I never seen much of true blood or vampire diaries. I didnt even get into Buffy. I guess these big tv franchises or sitcoms whatever dnot really interest me much.

Brams Dracula will always be a beloved favourite.

I have read and seen twilight I dont HATE it but I dont particularly like it. I thought I would give it a chance. Anything vampire related I usually do. I gave the tv shows I mentioned a look. they just never grabbed my attention. The funny thing I laugh about with the Twilight series is this whole team edward and jacob shit. I mean most these fans all know who wins in the end and so why pick the losing team? tho I guess its just a fan based thing. Its just dumb when u sit in the movie theatre and girls yell NOOO! or cry cause the guy whos not getting the girl gets shafted ya know. Also the sparkling thing just lame and the fact these vampire practically break apart like stone. Theres barely any blood and guts or gore. So a little blood seen when someone human gets hurt but the wolves and vamps no blood. I was hoping in Eclipse with these big battles to see some fucking shit getting ripped up and instead vampires being smashed and torn apart like rock and caught on fire. No guts no glory I say. Oh and they dont have fangs! Its all about the fangs baby!

theres way worse vamp films out there. Heck I cant even remember the names of a few I seen. They were pretty lame. One was more about a girl with a psychological disorder reinsfield or something and she victimized her friend in the mental hospital and her shrink. Went as far as putting his poodle in a food blender which was sick and drinking it with chunks of poodle and hair in the pitcher In the end he ends up locked in her moms basement with a valve in his neck and her mom sticks a dtraw in him like a juice box for her daughter to fee on him. Weird. Another bad one was half the time 2 lesbian chicks one being a vampire having sex half the time and was shot documentary style. Was supposed to be based on a true story or some weird shit.

I seen the vampires assistant. More of a kids films. Well it was based off pre teen teen books so that was to be expected. It had a couple fun moments.

But when it comes right down to it the classics will be the best. Not much of a blade fan. Any film where vampires are beastly and ugly not into either. I always been more attracted to the sexy elegant side. A master of seduction and with alot of class and mystery. So thats one reason I probly am more of a Ann Rice fan.


just after a snack so sexy

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30 Days of Night (2007)- Vampires are monsters, this makes us remember.


Bram Stokers "Dracula"- Words really should need to be said about the king.


A couple of comments regarding these: 30 Days of Night was a crappy film based on a fantastic comic series that was great more because of the art of Ben Templesmith than because of the writing (although Steve Niles's writing is not all that shabby). I would have preferred an animated film in the style of Templesmith than that movie.

Bram Stoker's Dracula was an ok book that when I first read it, I found rather dull. The film (old Bela Lugosi one) was rather quite good, and I actually liked the Coppola version, but mostly because Renfield was played by Tom Waits.

No one mentioned Buffy? Either the series or the movie? For shame. glad someone beat me to "Let the Right One In" (with the original title no less) and the Tarantino/Rodriguez team up for "From Dusk til Dawn." The sequels were kind of stupid but the original was just fantastic.

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I agree with most of the films here. I can't believe how many posts it took before interview was on here. WTF? Also "Kindred the Embrace" was awesome! But then again I did RPG'd about vamps. I enjoyed the blade movies. I liked the twihard books and only saw the first movie. errrr yes that is all

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Rockula. It's probably one of the worst movies ever, yet it's so campy that you just have to love it. They spend the whole movie setting up a really lame pun at the end so of course it's my style. The music is awful, yet catchy and you'll have it stuck in your head all day. Oh, and Toni Basil has a major role and does all the choreography. Definitely worth getting a group of friends together for a goofy movie night.
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