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Dracula Dead and loving it! I dunno I think it was hillarious! Leslie Neilson is always a hoot so his dracula spoof was funny enough.I just love when he says

"Reinfield you asshole!!!" when he bursts into flames cause renfield totally bathes him in sunlight!


Blood the last vampire i did see it and i watched the anime series. The action was good and I am pretty sure it followed closely to the animated version. tho anyone who actually watched the series might think wtf cause it saya is very different from the cute innocent little girl she was portrayed as in the series. Its more about the past saya when she was hardcore and knew who she was completely and what her objectives were.

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A couple of comments regarding these: 30 Days of Night was a crappy film based on a fantastic comic series that was great more because of the art of Ben Templesmith than because of the writing (although Steve Niles's writing is not all that shabby). I would have preferred an animated film in the style of Templesmith than that movie.

Bram Stoker's Dracula was an ok book that when I first read it, I found rather dull. The film (old Bela Lugosi one) was rather quite good, and I actually liked the Coppola version, but mostly because Renfield was played by Tom Waits.

No one mentioned Buffy? Either the series or the movie? For shame. glad someone beat me to "Let the Right One In" (with the original title no less) and the Tarantino/Rodriguez team up for "From Dusk til Dawn." The sequels were kind of stupid but the original was just fantastic.

I agree, the 30 days of night comic was waaaay better. But for a newer vamp movie, it was refreshing to see vamps displayed as the monsters that they are.

And no one mentioned buffy because it sucks...

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I agree, the 30 days of night comic was waaaay better. But for a newer vamp movie, it was refreshing to see vamps displayed as the monsters that they are.

And no one mentioned buffy because it sucks...

Buffy.... the movie? The show?

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Ok, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there, being the Joss Whedon fan that I am, Buffy was a hell of a good series. the movie was a tad lame, I'll agree on that much.

Ahhhh, see that is why we disagree, I dislike almost everything Whedon touches. To each there own though :).

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I liked the second BLADE movie the most.... the one that Del Toro directed.

I also have to give props to any vamp movie with Christopher Lee in it.

I absolutely love Del Toro's work. Pretty much a fan of everything of his I've seen.

I've only seen one Hammer Horror with Christopher Lee as Dracula and Peter Cushing. It was highly enjoyable.

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Queen of the Damned

Underworld (HOW COULD NOONE HAVE THAT LISTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Dark Shadows (Old t.v. series)


Port Charles (yes, it was a soap opera, but i DO NOT CARE it had vampires, thats all that counts)

Dracula 2000

Btw, I HATED 30 Days of Night, there was soooooooooooooo much more they could have done with that movie.

Many more but can't think of the names right now, too damn sleepy. But I could name books for days. Are we naming books too?

Dark Hunters, Blood Song, Necroscope, The Neteru/Vampire Huntress, Anita Blake, Rachel Morgan/The Hollows, Don't Kill the Messenger, The Darkyn Series, The Carpathians, Immortals After Dark, St. Germaine Series, True Blood (yes, it was a book series first, but the show IS MUCH BETTER), The Argeneau Series, Blood Brothers, Black Dagger Brotherhood, Riley Jenson Series, just to name a few....

I love vampires *sighs* :animier: LMFAO

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Queen of the Damned

Underworld (HOW COULD NOONE HAVE THAT LISTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Dark Shadows (Old t.v. series)


Port Charles (yes, it was a soap opera, but i DO NOT CARE it had vampires, thats all that counts)

Dracula 2000

Btw, I HATED 30 Days of Night, there was soooooooooooooo much more they could have done with that movie.

Many more but can't think of the names right now, too damn sleepy. But I could name books for days. Are we naming books too?

Dark Hunters, Blood Song, Necroscope, The Neteru/Vampire Huntress, Anita Blake, Rachel Morgan/The Hollows, Don't Kill the Messenger, The Darkyn Series, The Carpathians, Immortals After Dark, St. Germaine Series, True Blood (yes, it was a book series first, but the show IS MUCH BETTER), The Argeneau Series, Blood Brothers, Black Dagger Brotherhood, Riley Jenson Series, just to name a few....

I love vampires *sighs* :animier: LMFAO

Lot of hate for "30 days" and lot of love for "queen of the damned"...interesting.

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I very much liked 30 days of night...

Vamp movies I didn't like?

Queen of The Damned

The Lost Boys

Embrace of the Vampire (Okay I liked it because Alyssa Milano is pretty and naked in it... but I hated it as a film).

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I very much liked 30 days of night...

Vamp movies I didn't like?

Queen of The Damned

The Lost Boys

Embrace of the Vampire (Okay I liked it because Alyssa Milano is pretty and naked in it... but I hated it as a film).

I will admit to being a "Lost Boys" fan.

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Lost Boys came out a week before Near Dark in the theaters.... and basically destroyed it.

Well TBH I dont think it was just The Lost Boys that made the movie fail, it was because people were scared of the "western" idea. Although im sure Lost Boys did steal thunder. I like them both, and I like near dark more.

Has anyone seen "A Perfect Creature"? that one was ok. Kinda steam punky (although only a bit).

I recently picked up "Thirst" as well, by the director of "Old Boy". I was told its good by a fairly reliable source, hope it doesnt let me down. Although it is Asian so it wont be outstanding either way...

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I will have to check some of em out

I figure that "The Vengeance Trilogy" was alright, so ill try "Thirst". That and I got it for a great deal...


Stardust (I knoooow im a sucker for fantasy)

I Sell The Dead

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow


all for 20 bucks :)

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