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Most disturbing movies of all time

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Everyone I know that has watched 'Requiem for a Dream' seems to feel its a disturbing movie. I can understand why they think so, but i don't exactly agree... I'm sure the uncut/uncensored version would be much more disturbing though.

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I think other than Salo, it's a pretty light weight list. Here are some movies that will blow your mind:

August Underground's Mordum (you were warned) I have yet to see anything this hardcore messed up! This movie for a while was thought to be just a myth, banned in many countries

Caligula (Malcolm Mcdowel is wonderful in this)

Nekromantik I and II (all you necro lovers, this is for you)

Der Todeskinter (Film Threat does it again with violence)

Blood Sucking Freaks (you will never look at a game of darts the same again)

Psychos in Love (a love story about a serial killer couple who hate grapes, no you don't understand how much they hate grapes, you really don't...)

that's all for now:)

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Everyone I know that has watched 'Requiem for a Dream' seems to feel its a disturbing movie. I can understand why they think so, but i don't exactly agree... I'm sure the uncut/uncensored version would be much more disturbing though.

I once read that it was controversial because it glorified drug use (however the fuck it does that I'll never know) But on the unrated version Jennifer Connolly and some other chick go "ass to ass" with a double sided dildo for drug money. I must say, the most disturbing image from that scene is where they're lubing up this big, black double-donger that looks like it could hold tennis balls

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Everyone I know that has watched 'Requiem for a Dream' seems to feel its a disturbing movie. I can understand why they think so, but i don't exactly agree... I'm sure the uncut/uncensored version would be much more disturbing though.

Lol I was gunna say that. I thought it's a disturbing movie mostly because I used to be a heroin addict. I can't watch that movie anymore. Fucks with my head.

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I think other than Salo, it's a pretty light weight list. Here are some movies that will blow your mind:

August Underground's Mordum (you were warned) I have yet to see anything this hardcore messed up! This movie for a while was thought to be just a myth, banned in many countries

Caligula (Malcolm Mcdowel is wonderful in this)

Nekromantik I and II (all you necro lovers, this is for you)

Der Todeskinter (Film Threat does it again with violence)

Blood Sucking Freaks (you will never look at a game of darts the same again)

Psychos in Love (a love story about a serial killer couple who hate grapes, no you don't understand how much they hate grapes, you really don't...)

that's all for now:)

You listed some good movies, but seriously, the august underground stuff fucking sucked, they were made by a bunch of clown kids and made terribly... I was really disapointed in these as there is a lot of hype around them.

As for the list, there are some good ones, but just because something is weird (el topo/eraserhead) doesnt mean its disturbing

As for the OP...define "Disturbing"...

...and I hate Requiem for a Dream, its not as good as people say, at all.

EDIT- lol...I own all the movies on the list.

Edited by DJ Nocker
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I once read that it was controversial because it glorified drug use (however the fuck it does that I'll never know) But on the unrated version Jennifer Connolly and some other chick go "ass to ass" with a double sided dildo for drug money. I must say, the most disturbing image from that scene is where they're lubing up this big, black double-donger that looks like it could hold tennis balls

Well, I'll be damned. i guess the dvd i have is the unrated version then, i had always thought there was an even nastier version of it... but it is kind of hard to top that for a realistic nasty f'ed up ways a movie can end.

i agree with Soulrev too, i can't really dig the movie that much anymore for certain reasons, not that i ever really 'dug' that movie but i just can't get into watching it anymore, especially the part where that guys arm is all rotten from shootin' in it... uhhg, i've seen sh!t like that in real life and it makes my skin crawl either way. I guess opinions on what is twisted and disturbing depend somewhat on the life experiences of the person whose opinion it is. Like how I don't seem to find bloody mutilations, gore, murder, and corpses all that disturbing, but then again something like the veins in someones arm turning black and slowly rotting from the inside from shootin dope... oh, i find that fairly sickening. It was actually that movie that inspired me to never ever ever use a needle and thats why i keep it in my movie collection still.

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I find the Twilight movies disturbing. Why, you say...because everywhere you go there's a poster, or an advert, or a candybar, or a Happymeal, or a Facebook book page, or a YouTube vid, hell I bet there's Twilight underwear.....and THAT'S DISTURBING!

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The August Underground movies were completely stupid and nothing shocking about them really. Well actually the shocking thing is how bad they really are. After watching them you sit and think WTF I wasted a couple hours watching this crap.

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The August Underground movies were completely stupid and nothing shocking about them really. Well actually the shocking thing is how bad they really are. After watching them you sit and think WTF I wasted a couple hours watching this crap.

I agree 100%. Im so glad I wasnt fooled by the hype and opted out of spending 45 bucks on each of them. My girlfriends brother is into alot of obscure horror (like me) and he knew a movie rental place that actually carried them. He told me they were crap but I should see them just to get it out of the way and stop wondering about them. We had a marathon (me my girlfriend and her brother) and watched them all...it was lame :(. Ridiculous.

Some movies a lot of people find "disturbing" that were not on the list...

Cannibal Holocaust

Martyrs (its not...its beautiful...)


Philosophy of a Knife

Men Behind The Sun

The "Guinea Pig" movies

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down in Cincinnati or should I say east out in the country there was a weird video shop were my friends and I used to rent all these cult movies all the time for laughs. I agree, most of them are crap. I still get a good laugh out of many though.

Cannibal Holocaust was fun, if you haven't seen the making of it, this is even more entertaining. Red neck zombies and the Brides of Countess Recula are also pretty fun. The Brides of Countess Recula is a vampire porn I stumbled across a long time ago,quite funny. In the movie, they have this goth club that reminds me of some twisted version of the Lab. They had this guy singing onstage like London After Midnight with a small keyboard while girls were dancing in front of the cheap stage screaming for him. I will have to show the film sometime at one of the clubs in the background during one of our events. It is quite funny with gothic midgets, screaming religious fanatics, and vampires that lay vampire eggs that hatch and become vampire sluts. And for those of you who remember Brian Necro; there was a guy in the movie who looks just like him. It would be fun to get people together to watch many of these movies. Making B movies or movies like some of the ones listed above must be a lot of fun!

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Me and Eevee, along with a few friends, attempted to watch "Redneck Zombies" while drinking one night. Im not a huge fan of "Troma" stuff (minus Toxic Avenger, those are gold) but it was fun. I still really want to see "Mermaid in a Manhole" which is one of the "Guinea Pig installments.

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My friends wife told me that "Life Is Hot in Cracktown" made her leave the house that was playing it, it really upset her...although she is not to good with violence in general, so I dunno if I can take her word for it.

She told me to watch it because there is lots of rape, lol...funny the reasons people rec movies to me...

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My friends wife told me that "Life Is Hot in Cracktown" made her leave the house that was playing it, it really upset her...although she is not to good with violence in general, so I dunno if I can take her word for it.

She told me to watch it because there is lots of rape, lol...funny the reasons people rec movies to me...

We know what you like in your movies, lol

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