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Most disturbing movies of all time

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Yeah.... you will want a shower after that one....

Just IMDB'd it, why would I take a shower, would I be sweaty from the great cinematic orgasm? Its by the guy who did "Funny Games" which was awesome!

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Just IMDB'd it, why would I take a shower, would I be sweaty from the great cinematic orgasm? Its by the guy who did "Funny Games" which was awesome!

Okay maybe YOU wouldn't want a shower....

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Okay maybe YOU wouldn't want a shower....

Whats that supposed to mean!?

Also, just read a review, it said if you like "Irreversible" I will like this...and I LOVED "Irreversible" I had the poster as my wallpaper on my laptop for months, lol. God I love the French...

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You are not disturbed by the same things others are.

I see, well, ima go pick up The Piano Player today if I can find it (going on break) when I get back though, since ill be bored at work. I plan on giving a FULL review of each movie on the original list you posted, since we havent really discussed the list so much as kept mentioning other movies.

be back in a bit, lol

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#10 - FREAKS [1932]- A fantastic movie in my opinion, although not disturbing in the gory/rape type of way, more of a period piece, I mean come on, its the freaking 30's. To me, this movie is a gem, because it shows 100% real horror. No make up, no huge special effects. The fact that they used REAL circus freaks is what is amazing about this movie. A movie like this is incapable of being remade (thank god) as the majority of the ailments/handicaps of the actors in the movie are no longer happening in people due to gentics/evolution/medical discoveries. The movie (along with several others on the list) was banned for a number of years. "One of us, one of us!" And yes...the ring master (Harry Earles) was a member of "The Lollipop Guild" in "The Wizard of Oz"

#09 - I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE [1978]- One of the more well known "Video Nasties" As well as one of the more infamous "rape/Revenge films. To be honest, you either appreciate the Video Nasty stuff or you think it sucks...Or at least, that is the feel I have gotten from the majority of the conversations I have had concerning them. I tend to only like a few of them, but this is one that I enjoyed. The fact that a lot of newer movies are over saturated with gore, make a lot of people look at these movies as boring. A lot of the movies on this list are period pieces, which means you have to consider the time that they were made.

#08 - EL TOPO [1970]- A great film. Although I would not put this movie on a "Most Disturbing" list, I would for sure put it on a "Wierdo Movie" list (along with a few others by this director). Alejandro Jodorowsky, one of the masters of "art house" Does great with his infamous, crazy spaghetti western. I can see why people would put some of the imagery of this movie as disturbing, but no worse than the majority of his other movies, or a lot of arthouse in general. Lots of naked children in this one. Its just weird stuff.

#07 - AUDITION [1999]- Oh...Takashi Miike...you awesome guy you! As I have said many times, I dislike the majority of Asian cinema. But if I can like one director from that side of the world, this is him. Audition is your traditional slow burner horror movie that relies on the ending. The ending is fantastic, and there are for sure some pretty freaky moments. The scene when the girl is waiting for the phone call, and the sack jumps off the ground, was chilling, in fact it is on "Bravo's top 100 scary movie moments". To be honest, the movie is a slow one, although its meant to be, SO if you can tolerate that, check it out. Although to me, not to "disturbing", just well done horror.

#06 - A CLOCKWORK ORANGE [1971] Kubrick...One of the best directors of all time. Damn near every one of his films is a classic. 2001, Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, and the treasure "A Clockwork Orange". In the crazy world this movie takes place in, I can understand why people would put this movie on a list, but mostly just because of its timelessness. The singing in the rain rape scene, the milk bar, the "therapy", all this stuff is classic! Again, this isnt a movie that relies on its brutality (aside from the one rape scene, which isnt that bad considering some other rape scenes)

#05 - THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT [1972]- I cant count the number of times that I have discussed this movie for hours on end. Another one of the "Video Nasties", this one being my favorite.Wes Craven's (director of the freddy krueger films) first movie, based of the movie "The Virgin Spring" by Ingmar Bergman, this movie was despised for a long time. Another "Rape/Revenge" movie. Younger people tend to think the movie is corny due to the music. I think the music adds to the time the movie was created, during the war. People were dying all over the place but when you turned on the radio, it was still happy corny folk music as if no one new. The fact that it was remade and the story changed was a travesty, and took away from the feel that this movie had created for itself for years.

#04 - HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER [1986]- I have only seen this movie recently, but have watched it 3 times since I got it in the mail. What a treat! This is one of those movies that actually is better due to the budget. Right from the get go, you know Henry is a bad egg, but you actually end up routing for him and hating the character of Otis even more! The haunting sound track makes me smile just hearing it! A movie loosely based on the killer "Henry Lee Lucas". And the ending gave me a huge smile on my face, watched it till the credits finished rolling, one of my current film obsessions. I want to show this movie to every one of my friends.

#03 - SALO OR THE 120 DAYS OF SODOM [1975]- This movie was almost impossible to come by until about 2 years ago when Criterion re-released it. I remember seeing it going on ebay for upwards of 200 dollars for the VHS! It is also the most disturbing movie on this list. Alot of very memorable scenes in this arthouse flick based off the book by the marquis de Sade, to many to mention. Lots of "feces" in this one, which may gross people out more than actual violence. Lots of sex as well. My favorite scene is when they are leading everyone around naked on leashes and then feeding them bread that is stuffed with nails.

#02 - IRREVERSIBLE [2002]- This movie is just incredible. If I had to make a list using the movies listed, this would be number 1, not because of it being the most disturbing, but because its the best movie on the list over all. Shot from end to beginning, one of the most intense parts happens right at the start. This was the first movie in a looong time that actually made me go "OH SHIT! OUCH" when it happened (I wont spoil it). The rape of Monica Belucci's character was intense and lasted forever. A seriously beautiful movie, even though it is incredibly brutal at some parts. Gasper Noe (the director) really hit this one home. The ending (which is actually the beginning) almost makes you want to cry.


#01 - ERASERHEAD [1977]- THE ULTIMATE MIDNIGHT MOVIE! Eraserhead, an infamous cult classic by one of the masters of weird, and one of my favorite directors, David Lynch. I would not put this movie as disturbing, although I can see why some would, some parts of that movie are for sure (the dinner party with the chicken for one, lol). I would put it in the same list as "El Topo" being a "Weirdo movie". The cries of the deformed baby in this movie gave my friend nightmares. People have debated the meaning behind this movie for a long time, to me, its just a twisted metaphor for fatherhood. Everyone should check this movie out. It shouldnt be at the top of a "most disturbing" list in my opinion, but its at the top for a lot of movies in general for me.

Feel free to discuss my opinions, and forgive my spelling, im rushed and at work, otherwise my reviews would be longer.

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Two things.

1. It's hard to describe my thoughts about you, Nocker.

On the one, you can be funny and interesting and you do like a lot of good movies.

On the other hand, and I'm sure you'll take pride in this,

you are by far the most disturbing person on this board.

---You make comments that are at times very callous towards sensitive people who anyone would know that the comments would really hurt them,


---you make light of criminal physical and sexual acts that just about anyone else would be disgusted by,

(most recently telling everyone to get over Roman Polanski's raping a youth and THEN even going so far as to applaud him for getting away with it.)

And you truly see nothing wrong with any of it.

Now you proclaim as your favorite films, the ones with the most brutal rape scenes.

Your level of apathy, misogyny and misanthropy is truly at an alarming level.

Look I know about all these sick-ass films, because a friend of mine digs em and I can't sit through them, and it worries me that he likes them so much, but he doesn't take the joy that you do, and when the movie's

over, it's over.

He has a strong moral compass toward things that happen IRL

I can only hope that your applause for rape and violence committed in cinema and real life does not provide a clear indicator of you being an unapologetic misogynistic sociopath.

2. Now me personally, I don't like rape. I don't like watching it and I don't like low budget cinemas treatment of it, especially in 70s pre-feminism films.

That said, if you're going to include callous, gory, rape-tastic films like Cannibal Holocaust, you may as well make a night of it and watch it's ugly cousin Make Them Die Slowly (aka Cannibal Ferox)

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Two things.

1. It's hard to describe my thoughts about you, Nocker.

On the one, you can be funny and interesting and you do like a lot of good movies.

On the other hand, and I'm sure you'll take pride in this,

you are by far the most disturbing person on this board.

---You make comments that are at times very callous towards sensitive people who anyone would know that the comments would really hurt them,


---you make light of criminal physical and sexual acts that just about anyone else would be disgusted by,

(most recently telling everyone to get over Roman Polanski's raping a youth and THEN even going so far as to applaud him for getting away with it.)

And you truly see nothing wrong with any of it.

Now you proclaim as your favorite films, the ones with the most brutal rape scenes.

Your level of apathy, misogyny and misanthropy is truly at an alarming level.

Look I know about all these sick-ass films, because a friend of mine digs em and I can't sit through them, and it worries me that he likes them so much, but he doesn't take the joy that you do, and when the movie's

over, it's over.

He has a strong moral compass toward things that happen IRL

I can only hope that your applause for rape and violence committed in cinema and real life does not provide a clear indicator of you being an unapologetic misogynistic sociopath.

2. Now me personally, I don't like rape. I don't like watching it and I don't like low budget cinemas treatment of it, especially in 70s pre-feminism films.

That said, if you're going to include callous, gory, rape-tastic films like Cannibal Holocaust, you may as well make a night of it and watch it's ugly cousin Make Them Die Slowly (aka Cannibal Ferox)

Ummm...ok? I dont think im a sociopath.

Listen, I never said that what Polanski did was ok. I just think the whole thing is hilarious that people only ever look at certain aspects. As per the whole rape thing, ask Eevee on my opinions of it in cinema, its alot deeper than you think as far as my thoughts on it. And wrap this one around around your head...

One of my favorite movies of 2008 was "The Bucket List"

If you really wanna talk to me about stuff do it in PM's (as the mods would say) im not going to thread jack again.

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Ummm...ok? I dont think im a sociopath.

Listen, I never said that what Polanski did was ok. I just think the whole thing is hilarious that people only ever look at certain aspects. As per the whole rape thing, ask Eevee on my opinions of it in cinema, its alot deeper than you think as far as my thoughts on it. And wrap this one around around your head...

One of my favorite movies of 2008 was "The Bucket List"

If you really wanna talk to me about stuff do it in PM's (as the mods would say) im not going to thread jack again.

Yeah, he isn't disturbed...he just has unique tastes.


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The world isn't all Disney flicks....


God I cant fucking wait to see this... its gonna be amazing..ive heard some crazy things about it....

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God I cant fucking wait to see this... its gonna be amazing..ive heard some crazy things about it....

American debut I guess was at SXSW in Austin where it got great reviews.

Seriously Americans are fucking stuck up prudes when it comes to movies, nudity, violence, etc...

I look forward to seeing this as well.

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