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MANFAST aftermath

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I don't know where you live but katRN, Slogo, JessikaF*ckinRocks, Spook, TaysteeWonderbunny, and hopefully others are coming over to my house at 8P to eat my meat sticks and share battle scars before we watch True Blood (It's NOT fucking Twilight--Sookie will not be mocked) If you're in the MadFernHazelRoyalBerkTroyClaw area feel free to stop by. But you may want to bring meat and beer in praise of the victorious Bear Jew!


Let's face it the Bear Jew was BORN with the right to party, unlike the rest of you who have to fight for it

PS: I'm really fucking sore.

PPS Despite that, I had some crazy rough Bear Jew sex after I got home

and proclaimed once again my abiding love of Chuck Norris. (this time to my regular neighbors--because the Bear Jew cannot be contained by the confines of Brighton)

Edited by the eternal
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I don't know where you live but katRN, Slogo, JessikaF*ckinRocks, Spook, TaysteeWonderbunny, and hopefully others are coming over to my house at 8P to eat my meat sticks and share battle scars before we watch True Blood (It's NOT fucking Twilight--Sookie will not be mocked) If you're in the MadFernHazelRoyalBerkTroyClaw area feel free to stop by. But you may want to bring meat and beer in praise of the victorious Bear Jew!


Let's face it the Bear Jew was BORN with the right to party, unlike the rest of you who have to fight for it

PS: I'm really fucking sore.

PPS Despite that, I had some crazy rough Bear Jew sex after I got home

and proclaimed once again my abiding love of Chuck Norris. (this time to my regular neighbors--because the Bear Jew cannot be contained by the confines of Brighton)

Thanks Eternal, I actually totaled my car Thursday night (that's why I couldn't go to Manfest) I live in HP, though.

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I woke up screaming this morning with a massive leg cramp in my left calf. Nitrogenated beer + heat + almost no potassium = ouch. Other than that, 'twas an amazing weekend! I was even outmanned by my fiance.

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I woke up screaming this morning with a massive leg cramp in my left calf. Nitrogenated beer + heat + almost no potassium = ouch. Other than that, 'twas an amazing weekend! I was even outmanned by my fiance.

She did pick you up and carry you around like you were a pillow.

I just regret that she missed my manliest moments so she could see how, for the second year in a row

I was able to outman "Black Truck" as one mantestant called him


Black Jack was fierce this year.

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I had a really awesome time for the short period I was there. It was really awesome to see all the DGNers and chat with them all. I miss the events. :confused:

I actually really wanted to come to the TrueBlood evening at bean and eternal's house, but I ended up getting called in to work again today and worked noon-10. :X

I hope the rest of the weekend went manly!

And sorry to those DGNers I didn't get a chance to say by to.

Oh, and Chernobyl...I never got a chance to check on your house yesterday, hopefully it is all still intact, haha!

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Nathan Explosion and Silent Bob came to Manfast with The Fiary Gothmother. Nathan was embarrassed that his black shirt was in the wash and his white tshirt was not brutal enough for Manfast. Once Silent Bob came in things changed. Even among the presence of the mighty Bear Jew and Black Jack now dubbed Black Truck his mere presence spewed out manliness. He did not need to speak or wear a loin cloth or bleed or bash in Nazi skull. Silent Bob just needed some alcohol some good pot and some text books. He began to slack because we all know Silent Bob is a fat lazy slob and Jay pist him off cause he was too much of a pussy to do manfast. Oh and well Silent Bob was drunk and stoned in Silent Bob fashion. Yeah he gained a few pounds too so eating meatwhiches and bacon smores would have given him a heart attack. Still points and places dont matter to Silent Bob. He knows he is more than manly enough. lol.

I had a great time seeing you all and meeting you all. Lots of good times and memories and fun. I am suffering from this and I discovered upon taking my bath to clean the weekends man grime off a large amount of bruises and bites. Thanks Chernobyl for getting me! Happy birthday to you and me yay! :cheers::fun:



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KatRN----Thank you for mentioning Chernobyl and Pest.

beanternal was sitting there as all the cars were driving off early Sunday afternoon as Chernobyl looked out and quietly said "It's over. That went by so fast" with a wistful look in her eyes.


Not to get all schmaltzy but this DGN camping trip (as it was called in year one) was a little birthday present for Chernobyl when it started just two years ago, and NOW it's this big event with competitions, prizes, broken ribs, busted cars, and three dozen DGNers acting completely stupid and forgetting all about all the emo crap they usually bitch about.

And it's ALL due to the hard work of Pest and Chernobyl.

(that and Chuck Norris of course)

Happy Birthday Chernobyl!

And thank you for such an amazing weekend! (Now with 95% less drama!!!)*

*If you were wondering about the 5%, it was actually Chernobyl's car who nearly gave its life to the trench in the middle of the campsite, potentially grinding Manfast to a screeching halt before it even began on Friday afternoon)

But with the guiding hand of Chuck, Charlie Murphy, and the Bear Jew there was no bullshit drama between the DGNers themselves.

Put three dozen psuedo-goths in a field with knives, bats, the DNR (who checked in on us more often than worried parents of a newborn baby) and what do you get?

Just some ill-advised nakedness and a whole lot of fun

It CAN be done.

:unworthy: Chernobyl and Pest :unworthy:

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Lol, Jessikafxckinrocks. Adding the bat to the eternal's cover-up was awesome! And just a reminder to everyone else that posts pictures of either myself or the eternal - our faces need to be covered.

MANFAST was epic! I'm happy that I came in 5th out of 13 people. It was also great to see the eternal and Black Jack neck in neck for a second year in a row for MANPION.

I'm looking forward to next year's MANFAST!

Edited by bean
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