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MANFAST aftermath

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Good times had by all!(If not you were at the wrong event!)All i know is that i feel fucking fantastic Er...mantastic yes that's the word. I love yous guys. Next year I will be more prepared with my pranks, aquatic assault gear, and will be competing (Do bear jews like water?).

Also where is the video, and has my ass been edited out of it yet?

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YOU ALL ROCKED SO HARD! Tim was still drunk the entire ride home, Ricky had to drive.

For the second year in a row The Eternal WON MANFAST! zomfg! And ALSO Black Jack (like last year) won second! The Fairy Gothmother was a very close THIRD!

Everyone post your points, manly acts, stories, ETC!!!!

I will do the same tomorrow (with pictures and video) when I'm at a computer I can work on.

Thank you all for coming out and making my birthday truely epic and enjoying all of the hard work Pestilence and I put forth to organize it :respect:

YOU ALL ROCKED SO HARD! Tim was still drunk the entire ride home, Ricky had to drive.

For the second year in a row The Eternal WON MANFAST! zomfg! And ALSO Black Jack (like last year) won second! The Fairy Gothmother was a very close THIRD!

Everyone post your points, manly acts, stories, ETC!!!!

I will do the same tomorrow (with pictures and video) when I'm at a computer I can work on.

Thank you all for coming out and making my birthday truely epic and enjoying all of the hard work Pestilence and I put forth to organize it :respect:

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Although I do not wish to rain on the parade, I have to post this:

some time Friday evening, my sister misplaced a silver skull ring. It was last seen in my car and I hope it did not fall out in Howell. If anyone has seen it, please get in contact with me immediately. It is irreplaceable, as it was hand-forged by her father.

Also, if anyone knows what ever happened to the pint bottle I was drinking out of on the first day, do likewise.

Appreciation to all, I enjoyed meeting and re-meeting all of you chaps and chapsticks.


Edited by Iris
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Yikes...the competition must not have been very fierce if "The Bear Jew" won...as "Inglorious Bastards" was a terrible movie. lol...

I agree, it was terribly awesome. One of Quentin's most well orchestrated :happy:.

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I had Manlier things to do.

Manlier? Weren't you in Chicago? I call shenanigans, Chicago is one of the least manly place in America and yes, I took both San Francisco and Ferndale into consideration also :tongue:.

Manlier? Weren't you in Chicago? I call shenanigans, Chicago is one of the least manly place in America and yes, I took both San Francisco and Ferndale into consideration also :tongue:.
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Manlier? Weren't you in Chicago? I call shenanigans, Chicago is one of the least manly place in America and yes, I took both San Francisco and Ferndale into consideration also :tongue:.

First off, No, Inglorious Bastards was garbage.

Second, I was SUPPOSED to be in Chicago. Buuuuuut on the way there, I was rear ended, ruining my car and forcing me to cancel my trip and turn around. I was not at fault though, so that makes me feel a little better I guess. I spent the weekend drunk at my apartment, lol.

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Maybe if YOU were rear ended, that would have been manly, as I've always said It takes a real man to take it up the ass (which I suppose disqualifies me, but I digress)

But since it was only your car, I already outmanned you in the beginning of the weekend by flying over a ditch like the Genaral Lee at 50mph in a four-banger minivan.


And then I redifined the term "rear ending a car" when I slid down the windshield of Tzura and Nightgaunts ride in a loincloth after running up it straight to the roof like it was an escalator.

And then Fairy Gothmother outmanned you by downing 5 shots of Jager in 12 seconds before passing out under the stars on her tentless air mattress.

Hell, even Junefun, a Mantator (Man Spectator), outmanned you by drinking everyone under the table ALL weekend long.

I could mention when Timata dragged Raev over six feet amd then nearly cracked all his ribs


When I closed a chair on Black Jack, splitting his finger open as blood splashed all over my wife beater and dog tags,

in both cases simply in pursuit of winning the most ridiculous game of musical chairs you've ever seen,

BUT then I'd just be rubbing it in.


But no you sitting in your apt all weekend nursing a bottle of Bud.

That's umm, real manly, I bet.


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Maybe if YOU were rear ended, that would have been manly, as I've always said It takes a real man to take it up the ass (which I suppose disqualifies me, but I digress)

But since it was only your car, I already outmanned you in the beginning of the weekend by flying over a ditch like the Genaral Lee at 50mph in a four-banger minivan.


And then I redifined the term "rear ending a car" when I slid down the windshield of Tzura and Nightgaunts ride in a loincloth after running up it straight to the roof like it was an escalator.

And then Fairy Gothmother outmanned you by downing 5 shots of Jager in 12 seconds before passing out under the stars on her tentless air mattress.

Hell, even Junefun, a Mantator (Man Spectator), outmanned you by drinking everyone under the table ALL weekend long.

I could mention when Timata dragged Raev over six feet amd then nearly cracked all his ribs


When I closed a chair on Black Jack, splitting his finger open as blood splashed all over my wife beater and dog tags,

in both cases simply in pursuit of winning the most ridiculous game of musical chairs you've ever seen,

BUT then I'd just be rubbing it in.


But no you sitting in your apt all weekend nursing a bottle of Bud.

That's umm, real manly, I bet.


Not that im proud of it...but Im sure I could drink the majority of you under the table. Although im seriously debating on trying to quit drinking, as I do it was to often...

Im glad everyone had fun though


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Not that im proud of it...but Im sure I could drink the majority of you under the table. Although im seriously debating on trying to quit drinking, as I do it was to often...

Im glad everyone had fun though


PBR lol. Damn that stuff gives me headaches when I drink a lot. That and Coors Light. Gimme Labatt Blue! :D

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You are taking this way too seriously. We were all there to have fun, and in the end, it seems as though no one besides you has felt the need to talk about what they could have done, or try and take away from what other people did do.

Each MANTESTANT earned their points, and each MANTESTANT participated as much or as little as he or she wanted.

The whole thing kind of makes you look like a sore loser, and 3rd place is nothing to complain about, especially with that being your first MANFAST. :)

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You are taking this way too seriously. We were all there to have fun, and in the end, it seems as though no one besides you has felt the need to talk about what they could have done, or try and take away from what other people did do.

Each MANTESTANT earned their points, and each MANTESTANT participated as much or as little as he or she wanted.

The whole thing kind of makes you look like a sore loser, and 3rd place is nothing to complain about, especially with that being your first MANFAST. :)

errrrr k. well never mind then it was all light hearted banter not at all am I taking away from anyones glory. :unworthy: mighty wasabi eater. I came had fun met new people and I just suck at finding the right words and way to express myself as humorously as everyone else. Maybe I over anaylise things when I talk and type and try too hard to be careful which backfires. :confused: Can I get away with the exscuse Im drunk? I havnt stopped drinking since MANFAST (I know this will raise a few eyebrows) um yeah Im not an alcoholic or becoming one just Im weak willed with the sauce and theres been a party here since I got home so Im talking out my ass haha! Plus my birthday cake had black icing and it looked like I ate death and he necrotized my insides and what came out the other end looked like the insides of a long dead corpse. ROFL That was random. Well I best stop typing or Im gonna continue saying stupid things. Blargy snargle worf

Edited by the_fairy_gothmother
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