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a new poll for a private social goth club


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So, we have found a place to host events, a goth night, movies, etc. It is a large warehouse owned by one of our Collective people in the Hamtramik area off of 94. We of course do not have a liquor license but were thinking of having this place as a private social club of sorts. It would have to be a bring your own alcohol or we would supply some things. However, we couldn't sell booze at the club. It would be a very private club, by invite only probably. The building has great parking, you could smoke, we would have a killer sound system, lights, bathrooms, several small rooms for um... whatever, we would also have security, live entertainment, and more. It is large enough to host Hellbound or any other event that we might want to do. Because the Collective would be putting up resources and because the place needs some work done to it, we would request something like a $4. "donation" when you came to the place. We call the place "the Bunker". It's about 12,000 square feet. We could do music/video/film shoots here and even turn the place into a haunted house. The place needs some work though which we are in the process of figuring out. In any event, we were thinking of opening this up to people within the scene that we know. We were thinking maybe once a month parties at first. We could probably be ready with this by July 31st. What day should we have it on during the week? What do you think about the idea of a private club? To ensure it's privacy, we would have some rules of course so we don't get into trouble with the police and also to keep the assholes that start trouble out of the loop. But we wanted to create just a kick ass club environment for all of you. Maybe in time, we could afford the liquor license and turn it into a regular running club. What are your thoughts about this? Is it something we should set up? Feedback please and if you are interested I would need you to email me in private so as to give you a invitation.

thanks for your support as always

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I think this an excellent idea! Just what the DGNers seem to be wanting, through posts on looking for new places to go on Saturdays...or just in general. I'm not sure on a day, though...I would say Fridays, though that would interfere a bit with those who wish to attend City on those nights. Either way.

I hope this works out well!


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Good luck with it (not being sarcastic).

But making it private? that doesnt make much sense. The scene is small enough as it is.

More details are needed I guess, but if its a prvate thing, I think the day of the week will be irrelevant.

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I have been told by many that if you make something like this happen it should be as a private social club because we wouldn't have a liquor license. I'm not worried about numbers, I'm worried about us violating a law or having the police fine us for something. In Detroit, we have enough friends and networking in the area that would bring in the people in this music scene. The scene is actually bigger than you realize. The problem these days is that many people just don't want to go out to places like CC anymore for various reasons. When I lived in Cincinnati, there was a private club of sorts called the Clubhouse. It was awesome, legendary, one of the coolest clubs I've ever seen. It's discretion added to the enjoyment of the club. With something like this Nocker, I can do more to please this local scene. At CC, I'm limited on what we can do with events. In short, if we have control of the environment, we can create something that will be pleasing to the majority here on this board and in the metro area. Over the past 10 years, I've studied this local scene, watch it grow, decline, watch groups come and go. But with the Collective, we have the resources and manpower to do something for the locals. That's all I ever wanted to do. When I first came to Detroit, the crew down at the Lab welcomed me in and helped me get through some rough times. And even though that small time frame down at the Lab in the early 2000's fell into a now sewage hole, at the time, it was a very cool place. DJ's like yourself and others have tried to put on good shows and encourage people to go out. But the venues we have in this city are disappointing to many. This building has so much potential. Keeping it private also helps us cut down on the frat types or people who are just looking for trouble. If it turns out to be a good thing, the local goth community has a new haunt were their opinions actually matter. Keeping it private also helps us with the smoking ban. It will simply be a social club for goth friendly types, a sort of Ascension UK, Lab, CC, Necto place all rolled into one. I'm tired of dealing with moody managers who steal money from local talent, tired of being raped by bars that don't really care about you or me but liquor sales. The Collective's purpose is to provide the best in entertainment for all of you. And if we can make more money doing it, we can put on bigger and better shows. I would very much like to throw a big Halloween bash and be able to pay for Cruxshadows and Faith and the Muse or other acts of that caliber. I'm asking for all of your help. We can make a lot of things happen by working together, showing support, etc. In the past year, we have added over 100 members to the Collective. We now have a Ohio chapter president who is helping us to merge the Ohio scene in with what we're doing. In this place we can do the following: hold regular parties, concerts local and national, Hellbound or other fetish related events, art exhibitions, Rocky Horror Picture show or some theatrical like events, a Haunted House for charity or to support something in our local scene, promoting local businesses like Noir Leather and Showtime, etc. If this doesn't work out, I'm looking into renting or buying a building in Detroit to do this. In other words, it's gonna happen sooner or later. But I want people's input to make it the best for as many as possible. Strength in numbers, that's what we say.

Sorry so long, I'm off my soapbox now:)

more feedback is appreciated

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Hell Im in..... it sounds great. we have all talked about starting a new club in the castle building across from city club.... you all know we've all had that idea.. LOL I would make a large grand opening at first and let people know its there, then from there take it to invites or even charge for a pass for them to show when they come and let the pass allow them to bring a +1 or +2 guests to build a rep. I would sell a 3 month pass for lets say 15 bux? if your only gonna hold it once a month type thing at first.

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I have been told by many that if you make something like this happen it should be as a private social club because we wouldn't have a liquor license. I'm not worried about numbers, I'm worried about us violating a law or having the police fine us for something. In Detroit, we have enough friends and networking in the area that would bring in the people in this music scene. The scene is actually bigger than you realize. The problem these days is that many people just don't want to go out to places like CC anymore for various reasons. When I lived in Cincinnati, there was a private club of sorts called the Clubhouse. It was awesome, legendary, one of the coolest clubs I've ever seen. It's discretion added to the enjoyment of the club. With something like this Nocker, I can do more to please this local scene. At CC, I'm limited on what we can do with events. In short, if we have control of the environment, we can create something that will be pleasing to the majority here on this board and in the metro area. Over the past 10 years, I've studied this local scene, watch it grow, decline, watch groups come and go. But with the Collective, we have the resources and manpower to do something for the locals. That's all I ever wanted to do. When I first came to Detroit, the crew down at the Lab welcomed me in and helped me get through some rough times. And even though that small time frame down at the Lab in the early 2000's fell into a now sewage hole, at the time, it was a very cool place. DJ's like yourself and others have tried to put on good shows and encourage people to go out. But the venues we have in this city are disappointing to many. This building has so much potential. Keeping it private also helps us cut down on the frat types or people who are just looking for trouble. If it turns out to be a good thing, the local goth community has a new haunt were their opinions actually matter. Keeping it private also helps us with the smoking ban. It will simply be a social club for goth friendly types, a sort of Ascension UK, Lab, CC, Necto place all rolled into one. I'm tired of dealing with moody managers who steal money from local talent, tired of being raped by bars that don't really care about you or me but liquor sales. The Collective's purpose is to provide the best in entertainment for all of you. And if we can make more money doing it, we can put on bigger and better shows. I would very much like to throw a big Halloween bash and be able to pay for Cruxshadows and Faith and the Muse or other acts of that caliber. I'm asking for all of your help. We can make a lot of things happen by working together, showing support, etc. In the past year, we have added over 100 members to the Collective. We now have a Ohio chapter president who is helping us to merge the Ohio scene in with what we're doing. In this place we can do the following: hold regular parties, concerts local and national, Hellbound or other fetish related events, art exhibitions, Rocky Horror Picture show or some theatrical like events, a Haunted House for charity or to support something in our local scene, promoting local businesses like Noir Leather and Showtime, etc. If this doesn't work out, I'm looking into renting or buying a building in Detroit to do this. In other words, it's gonna happen sooner or later. But I want people's input to make it the best for as many as possible. Strength in numbers, that's what we say.

Sorry so long, I'm off my soapbox now:)

more feedback is appreciated

Nah...the scene is pretty small (At least the goth scene)... Although like I said, I hope it works out for you. What type of crowd are you trying to pull BTW? Goth kids or EBM folks? both are cool IMO, I just know that usually they dont go well together.

My posts might seem sarcastic but I dont mean them to be, im being genuine. If there is one thing I have learned, its that you cant please people in Detroit. I know that in my opinion, having it be private and not be at a legit bar with bring your own booze and all that, is way to cloak and dagger for me. I cant risk getting in any trouble and I would feel uncomfortable. Hell, I am worried about going to a "Something Cold" event for the same reason, and im supposed to guest DJ there soon... especially if you are going to let people that are under 21 in (which I dunno if you would or not, but making something 21+ will affect your turn out as well, believe it or not).If it works out, awesome. If things actually get in motion, im sure I will give it a go at least once.

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Nah...the scene is pretty small (At least the goth scene)... Although like I said, I hope it works out for you. What type of crowd are you trying to pull BTW? Goth kids or EBM folks? both are cool IMO, I just know that usually they dont go well together.

My posts might seem sarcastic but I dont mean them to be, im being genuine. If there is one thing I have learned, its that you cant please people in Detroit. I know that in my opinion, having it be private and not be at a legit bar with bring your own booze and all that, is way to cloak and dagger for me. I cant risk getting in any trouble and I would feel uncomfortable. Hell, I am worried about going to a "Something Cold" event for the same reason, and im supposed to guest DJ there soon... especially if you are going to let people that are under 21 in (which I dunno if you would or not, but making something 21+ will affect your turn out as well, believe it or not).If it works out, awesome. If things actually get in motion, im sure I will give it a go at least once.

You know where I stand on these endeavours, Nocker, though I do wish them the best of luck.

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I would go if it wasn't super illegal (would it be?). Chernobyl ain't goin' back to jail, nothefuckway.

I would go if it wasn't super illegal (would it be?). Chernobyl ain't goin' back to jail, nothefuckway.
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I will do everything I can of course to keep the place legal and make sure that we don't get anyone into trouble. This will take some time to put all this together but we're working on it for everyone. Thank you all for your support of what we try to do and I'll see you soon!

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Legal or not I'm down. Just take care not to bring weed or anything because you know they are going to mess with people (The cops).Also make sure security is tight, because all it will take is one person to get shot or something and you will be closed down forever.

But hells yeah i'm down.

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I like the sound of this totally underground and exclusive. Maybe add a slot in a door and make people give a password lol. Joking. Seriously I really do love the sound of this and I would love to be part of it all! Can I be on the decorating and art committee? Well I dont know if you got any committees but yes this idea sounds fantastic and a perfect haven for The Fairy Gothmother. I think it would be cool to have themed dance floors/rooms/stages since as someone mentioned not everyone enjoys the same aspects or music of the scene. Me Im not a fussy bugger I like em all and Im not really some elitist stuck up and not calling anyone else that. I am all about enjoying myself, being with people with similar interests, no drama, good music, atmosphere networking and getting my name out for my artistic endeavors and make new friends. This place makes me think of the vampire club in Queen of the damned. which by the way a vampire themed room/area would be amazing. I know I ramble on about silly things. I live in a fantasy land driven by my own childish dreams and fantasies! :domo

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This sounds like a swell idea, and it being private by invitation only at first would probably build a loyal core audience that would keep coming back. Being there by private invite would give someone a feeling of having a personal connection to the place, and thats all good... you want to make the place something that stands out against what else is out there.

It sounds cool.

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If you make it, they will come lol. I miss the underground atmosphere of the Ascension UK. Having an underground feel might make me feel like I did when I first came around the scene in the 90s. Its worth a shot.

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