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"You're the Fucking Problem" part 1 and 2 of 4

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A friend of mine, Matt posted a four-part series of rants today discussing the state of the music in our "scene" as a whole, live shows, club patron/local scenesters, DJs, musicians and the inner workings and impact they have on one another. I thought I might share these with you guys to see what your thoughts on them are. I agree with quite a few points he makes below, and I welcome your feedback and perspective.

"You're the Fucking Problem (part one of four)

by: Matt Fanale

Here's a note to every person who bitches about "not getting any good shows" in their area: What the hell have YOU done to make them happen?

We live in a time where everyone can be lazy as fuck. You don't need to pay for music or television or movies or ANYTHING if you don't want to. On top of it you can anonymously whine online about all the shit YOU DIDN'T EVEN PAY FOR and be an asshole just because you hate your life or think it's funny being a dick when you're drunk.

Guess what? You're the fucking problem.

I've done pretty much every position in this little genre, from promoting to making music to running a label and marketing CDs. I'm not "big business," but I probably know more than you. Mostly I've done it because it's fun. If I make a couple bucks here and there and know I've entertained a few people that's cool enough. I don't expect the world.

At the same time I stopped doing a lot of it because of the pure apathy I encountered. Some of it was because, at least locally, a lot of people here got married, had kids, or moved away. There wasn't much point in promoting shows when nobody really came out anymore and I lost a good chunk of money every time. The only shows I generally book now are either good friends (and then not always either, depending on what they're looking for moneywise), or...Assemblage 23. Oh, and Stromkern. I can always do well with A23 or Stromkern locally.

And that's really fucking sad.

Do I go out to every show that comes through? No, I don't, but I at LEAST help get the word out on it. What really, really, REALLY pisses me off in this scene is that we have a million ways to spread word of mouth FOR FREE and You Fuckers barely make a peep to let others know when shit is coming to town. I've heard countless times after shows "DUDE! YOU WERE IN TOWN?! I DIDN'T HEAR!!!" when I KNOW the promoter got the word out.

Is it REALLY so fucking hard to "share" upcoming events on Facebook or retweet something? Even if you're not going, is it REALLY so fucking hard? Is your reputation so important that if someone actually goes and spends the $5 cover most promoters charge and don't like the band it'll damage your friendships forever?

I see people talk about every fucking MOVIE they're going to see or the hot youtube video or a million OTHER fucking distractions out there, but these same people won't talk up when "UP AND COMING EBM BAND X" is coming to town unless they've got that band's logo tattoed on their vagina. Guess what? WE NEED SUPPORT. Guess what? MOST OF YOU DON'T EVEN PAY FOR THE MUSIC.

Seriously, what the fuck do we have to do? Our mouths aren't big enough to blow every one of you (or girl-blow you. I don't want to be sexist.) and we can only sweet talk to the point where we simply give up. I'm not saying go see a band whose music you don't like, but you have no problem blowing money on even stupider shit in your daily lives and if you check the band out on Myspace (What? Google's too hard to use for 5 seconds?) and it sounds interesting then STOP PLAYING WoW FOR A FEW HOURS AND GO TO THE SHOW.

Most fans (and I still consider you fans-- I can't judge that) are spoiled rotten these days. I'm obviously not trying to ingratiate myself to anyone here, but frankly what can anyone do to me? STEAL MY MUSIC?!?! Steal it LESS?!?

It takes 5 seconds to get the word out on a show and a few bucks to check the show out. Even if you hate the promoter don't blame the bands for that. If it's any consolation the promoter will probably STILL lose their ass, and that'll be the subject of my next rant.

Yeah. I'm gunning for ALL you assholes right now."

And now, on to part 2!

"You're the Fucking Problem (part two of four)

By: Matt Fanale

Most people who promote in any genre of movie where the main venue for the acts sells $2 bottles of High Life has very little clue on how to promote shows or clubnights. Here's a note to all promoters: Putting an event on your Facebook page and inviting your 50 friends, half of which aren't even WHERE YOU LIVE, and expecting a sell-out show is NOT promoting. Putting fliers out ONLY at the club the event will be at IS NOT PROMOTING. Complaining on your blog that nobody showed up IS NOT PROMOTING.

PROMOTING is promoting.

Okay, I've promoted probably 75-100 shows since 2001. I've been running a festival since 2002. I know How To Promote, and I know how to do it with zero budget.

It takes WORK. Just because you DJ or know a few people does not ensure that anyone will come to your gig. If people don't come it doesn't mean they don't love you or aren't your friends. You need to GIVE THEM A REASON. Whether that be a cheaper door price for coming earlier, a giveaway or some special twist, or making the show earlier if it's on a weeknight and people have to get up at the asscrack of dawn to go to their shitty jobs.

Give them a reason.

And give it to them 1000 times.

I hate to say it, but being a promoter is all about reminding people over and over again but knowing that breaking point when you're simply COMPLETELY ANNOYING. It sucks. It's frustrating. It's no fun.

But yup, it's promoting.

And if nobody shows, when it comes down to it, it's YOUR FUCKING FAULT.

If the bands you book suck, it's YOUR FAULT for booking shit. If the DJs play terrible music and people leave it's YOUR FAULT for letting them spin at all. If your sound person sucks or is always late it's YOUR FAULT for hiring them. If nobody comes out it's YOUR FAULT for not giving them a fucking reason to show.

It sucks and it's ALWAYS an uphill battle, but you decided to promote. If you decide to become a doctor and every person dies on the operating table that's YOUR FAULT too.

Do your fucking job. And if you can't do it alone get other people to help you. There's safety in numbers and getting the word out is a lot easier if there's a few of you on the job.

And STOP FUCKING WHINING about stuff and trying to guilt trip people into coming to gigs. Promoting is basically a crapshoot and I have nothing but respect for people who do it as, like I've said, I've done it plenty. I've lost literally THOUSANDS of dollars over the years promoting shows. Know the costs. Know what you can lose. Know who you can count on. Or stop promoting shows.

A bad promoter can kill all chances of ANYONE going to shows in your city. Hell, for YEARS bands in our scene wouldn't play CHICAGO (remember that town? Home of WAX TRAX!?) because there was only one good promoter there and if she passed you were FUCKED because nobody else could pull off a gig. CHICAGO!!!!

Nobody goes into promoting for the glory. Small promoters aren't generally the ones getting laid after a show for a job well done, but they are the ones that bands will remember, ESPECIALLY when they're working their way up the food chain, and will appreciate later. I know personally I will only work with certain people if I play some cities because they took a chance on me when I first started out. Maybe I didn't make a lot of money but there's an unspoken loyalty that I know I have with some people.

Do it right or don't do it at all. And learn how to do it better.

It's your fucking job."

Thoughts? Parts 3 and 4 to be posted later.

Edited by pleasurekatzen
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Matt speaks the truth - kewl guy to know and talk to.....

I totally agree with him on getting your @ss to see a show from a band (that you like)that is passing through your city...

Support them....

And big time propz for stating it is your FAULT....

Some people just don't get it..... I have been through out the U.S from the East Coast to the West Coast enjoying the Goth Industrial scene at bars / clubs / events / etc...

Yes some promoters do it damn well and i wish others would learn from them not naming names.... but damn if you do not see the mistakes you will continue FAIL and throw money away.....

I am quite sure Matt posted this RANT or something like this a year ago or something....on MYSPACE.

Glad to see it posted other places....!


P.S - when i moved to Chicago back in 2000 - i used to travel back to Detroit once a month to enjoy City Club and other clubs in Detroit than going to the clubs in Chicago...i did this for 2 years. Yes i have family in Detroit also but the scene was more alive in Detroit and there were things happening. Chicago i could not believe how boring and dull and small the clubs were(If you have been to Neo - you know what i mean and EXIT smaller dance floor you cannot dance there anymore)back in 2000 to 2003/4....

You don't know how lucky you guyz are in Detroit for having great venues / promoters / DJs / and lively scene..... :thumbsup::jamin:bow

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