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Everybody wish me luck.

I am reclaiming things from my ex-boyfirend's place today. I should have done it months ago, but I just didn't want to deal with it, and then I honestly forgot about the stuff for a while.

*sigh* I just wish my ex didn't dislike me so much now. He felt I was using him towards the end of the relationship, when that completely wasn't the situation. Ah well...

I just hope things go smoothly today...

And the worst thing was that I was going through laundry that had been chilling in our basement for a while, and I found a shirt that he gave me to cuddle with when I was at home. :tear I miss him so much sometimes....

But on the other hand, I know that he wants marraige, and I just don't see myself marrying him (I know this because when we broke up, he told me he was going to propose in April). There's too many issues in the way of us getting married, that's for sure... I don't even neccessarily want to get back with him, I just... miss him =(

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I went and got my stuff.

He was courteous... it looked like two of this fish we bought together died.

And I cried so much on the way home.

Worst thing, I had left a pillow over there, and he was sleeping with it this entire time. It smells like him... :tear

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Worst thing, I had left a pillow over there, and he was sleeping with it this entire time.  It smells like him... :tear


Oh, man... If thats not a tear catalyst, I don't know what is. I've had that one before. Time heals (almost) everything, I hope you feel better. :grouphug

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Eh, I still get all cry-ey when I smell the pillow (I'm sick, I keep doing that...)

But, I feel sort of guilty.

I actually ran into one of the guys from the RP group that I met my ex through. He was at CC on Saturday.

Turns out that the rest of the RP group hated the girl my ex dated after me. The one guy described her as a "mountain with fishnets".

I feel guilty because I'm kinda glad they all thought she was a troll, that they liked me better. But I do want him to be happy, especially since I'm the one that ended things with him... It's not like he's the one that hurt me badly... It's just, I can't help feeling glad that I'm not easily replaced.

I even think that if he and I could tweak a few things, he would be the right guy for me. Problem is, it's just not fair of me to ask him to change, or to try and crawl back to him after breaking his heart.

Bah! Why can't I go back to simpler times, when the only love I felt was unrequited, and I only had sex every six months? Oh wait, that wasn't so great either... :doh

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