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Martyrs Remake!?!?!?!?

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Im so sad..."Martyrs" the shocking French horror by director Pascal Laugier (and one of my favorite movies of all time, even though its a very recent film) is potentially being remade by Producer of "Twilight" Wyck Godfrey... He is considering "Kristen Stewart" (Bella from Twilight) for the lead role... I am at a loss for descriptive words to say how sad this makes me.

The only thing that could redeem this for me is knowing that Kristen Stewart would be getting the crap kicked out of her in the film, but he plans on dramatically decreasing the shock value for the American audience...This blows

I hope this is just a cruel joke for horror fans...


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Im so sad..."Martyrs" the shocking French horror by director Pascal Laugier (and one of my favorite movies of all time, even though its a very recent film) is potentially being remade by Producer of "Twilight" Wyck Godfrey... He is considering "Kristen Stewart" (Bella from Twilight) for the lead role... I am at a loss for descriptive words to say how sad this makes me.

The only thing that could redeem this for me is knowing that Kristen Stewart would be getting the crap kicked out of her in the film, but he plans on dramatically decreasing the shock value for the American audience...This blows

I hope this is just a cruel joke for horror fans...


2 things, 1) why is Kristen Stewart's name in quotes the first time you mention her name? Do you mean it ironically or are you quoting from another source? That other source might not be a bad thing to reference too so we can judge for ourselves if it is baseless or not, unless you're hearing this from a friend of a friend, in which case, a little more skepticism may be in order. 2) if the film had garnered enough popularity, it will probably get a Hollywood remake, but not necessarily. It has to be green-lit first and just because the producer did the "Twilight" series doesn't mean that it will be. There have been remakes that are decent, even good, they are rare, and this one is probably not one of them, but you never know. I hate to make judgments before seeing it. That even includes the much rumored "Evil Dead" remake that floats around from time to time. Personally, I could live without it, but if it happens, I would go see it to see if it is truly horrible or not.

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2 things, 1) why is Kristen Stewart's name in quotes the first time you mention her name? Do you mean it ironically or are you quoting from another source? That other source might not be a bad thing to reference too so we can judge for ourselves if it is baseless or not, unless you're hearing this from a friend of a friend, in which case, a little more skepticism may be in order. 2) if the film had garnered enough popularity, it will probably get a Hollywood remake, but not necessarily. It has to be green-lit first and just because the producer did the "Twilight" series doesn't mean that it will be. There have been remakes that are decent, even good, they are rare, and this one is probably not one of them, but you never know. I hate to make judgments before seeing it. That even includes the much rumored "Evil Dead" remake that floats around from time to time. Personally, I could live without it, but if it happens, I would go see it to see if it is truly horrible or not.

Its probably my favorite movie and its on IMDB in production to come out 2013. It wont be a good remake, trust me. If you have seen the original (not sure if you have or not), maybe you would understand. Although you are the only person that has replied so im guessing you have seen it?

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Its probably my favorite movie and its on IMDB in production to come out 2013. It wont be a good remake, trust me. If you have seen the original (not sure if you have or not), maybe you would understand. Although you are the only person that has replied so im guessing you have seen it?

Sadly not yet, though I may have to go out of my way and do so. It's just that I have heard the complaint about movie remakes in the past, people being directly opposed to them because "obviously" they won't be any good. You may be right, it may very well suck, but I hate to make a statement about how horrible a movie is going to be without having seen it. It's just like the remake of Friday the 13th, a friend of mine who is a big fan of the franchise was horrified, not just by the fact that it was being remade, but also by the fact that the producers chose an actor and not a stuntman to play the main villain. His position, ultimately was that it wasn't bad. Granted, I prefer remakes that do something interesting with the original (like the movies mentioned in another thread, the "Man with no name" trilogy, or the Magnificent Seven), but sometimes a standard remake can be decent. Like I said, I haven't yet seen the original, and I get that a film that is a favorite, especially one that is your all time favorite, is not one that you want to see remade. I feel the same way every time I hear about the Evil Dead remake that is constantly rumored to be happening or going to happen, or whatever, and I feel the same way about the remake that is currently happening based on "Let the Right One In" which I am pretty certain will suck, but I can not be certain, and I don't want to be making statements about things I haven't seen yet(unless they are directed by Uwe Boll, then all bets are off :D).

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Sadly not yet, though I may have to go out of my way and do so. It's just that I have heard the complaint about movie remakes in the past, people being directly opposed to them because "obviously" they won't be any good. You may be right, it may very well suck, but I hate to make a statement about how horrible a movie is going to be without having seen it. It's just like the remake of Friday the 13th, a friend of mine who is a big fan of the franchise was horrified, not just by the fact that it was being remade, but also by the fact that the producers chose an actor and not a stuntman to play the main villain. His position, ultimately was that it wasn't bad. Granted, I prefer remakes that do something interesting with the original (like the movies mentioned in another thread, the "Man with no name" trilogy, or the Magnificent Seven), but sometimes a standard remake can be decent. Like I said, I haven't yet seen the original, and I get that a film that is a favorite, especially one that is your all time favorite, is not one that you want to see remade. I feel the same way every time I hear about the Evil Dead remake that is constantly rumored to be happening or going to happen, or whatever, and I feel the same way about the remake that is currently happening based on "Let the Right One In" which I am pretty certain will suck, but I can not be certain, and I don't want to be making statements about things I haven't seen yet(unless they are directed by Uwe Boll, then all bets are off :D).

You should see it...

IMO, there is nothing that can be done to that movie to improve it. Which is why I know its going to stink, especially since they already stated it would be dulled down for American audiences...

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You should see it...

IMO, there is nothing that can be done to that movie to improve it. Which is why I know its going to stink, especially since they already stated it would be dulled down for American audiences...

yeah, that is the problem. When it is basically stated from the outset that it is going to be made to suck, you can't really expect it not to. And considering it's from the producers of the twilight series (http://skepchick.org/blog/2010/07/reclipse-yes-the-shit-still-sucks/comment-page-1/#comment-106928 really great review of the current movie here, Maria's review of the first book and movie spawned one of the longest running comment threads on the site, until Rebecca (the head skepchick) decided to take on the Juggalo nation.), I already wouldn't have high hopes for it. Not that the producer necessarily can only make garbage, he might one day make something good, it just seems that this won't be it. And I will be going out of my way to see this film, as soon as I get the chance too.

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yeah, that is the problem. When it is basically stated from the outset that it is going to be made to suck, you can't really expect it not to. And considering it's from the producers of the twilight series (http://skepchick.org/blog/2010/07/reclipse-yes-the-shit-still-sucks/comment-page-1/#comment-106928 really great review of the current movie here, Maria's review of the first book and movie spawned one of the longest running comment threads on the site, until Rebecca (the head skepchick) decided to take on the Juggalo nation.), I already wouldn't have high hopes for it. Not that the producer necessarily can only make garbage, he might one day make something good, it just seems that this won't be it. And I will be going out of my way to see this film, as soon as I get the chance too.

The movie is very easy to find, you can get it at best buy for crying out loud

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Most movies are easy enough to find, it's just finding the time to get a-hold and watch them. I should really consider getting a netflix account. I seem to watch more stuff on my browser than through downloads and physical media combined.

Besides that, it has been a long while since I've last been to Best Buy.

Edited by killyosaur
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I saw Martyrs about a year ago! So effin good! I still have the Rue Morgue issue with it as the cover-piece where I first heard about it. The ending leaves a bit to be desired, but the rest was downright excellent!

Now why a film that is less than 5 years old would be remade is beyond me. The graphic nature is what makes the film. the imagery makes you feel and understand in the long run what the experiment is about. Toning down this would take away from the outcome greatly. I will make sure everyone I know that likes and can handle a graphic flick sees this before it is tarnished by a remake.

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  • 1 month later...

This makes me sad on so many levels.

Being a jaded horror fan, i thought i could no longer be shocked, that i had seen it all. i was soooo wrong. Martyrs left me speechless, and horrified, and wounded me deep inside my brain. i loved every second of it.

the first reel, i thought 'Ooooh, so it's THIS kind of movie', only to be sucker punched in my apathy. then i thought "oh, OK, i see where it's going now" only to yet again be ninja kicked in my contempt. then with the final reel, as i sat slack jawed and probably a little hard, the movie ended with a brain shattering climax that i have not seen in far...FAR too long.

i. loved. this. film.

the ending was spectacular. i will not spoil it for anyone, but my equally jaded wife and i discussed it for days. they didn't spoon feed you anything, they left a lot up in the air, and it dealt with enough transcendance and death and life and spirituality and sadism that we STILL talk about it. we've shown it to all of our friends and they all had pretty much the same response.

the thought of them tampering with this film, of 'dumbing it down for americans' is so blasphemous, so horrifying that it makes me want to hunt down those responsible.

they are doing the same thing to Let The Right One In.

i understand the argument that 'all remakes suck' as being pretentious and a little reactionary. but the truth is, it's true. as a film student, i view film as ART, not commerce...too many hollywood studios disagree. when they remake a foreign film for american audiences that are too lazy and/or stupid to read subtitles, they inevitable wring every ounce of originality and suspense from the film in favor of SHOCK VALUE and whatever else is popular in america at the time.

do yourself a favor and skip the remakes. every time you give those greedy, money hungry bastards your dollars, it encourages them to make more. to rape more perfect films with not art in mind, but the almighty dollar.

they are already talking about remaking Argento...(gasp)...whats next, they're going to remake Umbrellas of Chernoburg with the Glee cast? Band of Outsiders with Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston?

stop the madness people. learn to read. enjoy foreign films.

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