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Corktown Aftermath

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I find it funny that when an event goes off without a hitch, it's hardly talked about within the confines of this place; but when there are many different issues, people start screaming to the heavens about it and simply will not stop. Amazing, simply amazing.

Yes, there were issues with the event and they have been discussed ad nauseum on this thread. It is what it is, it happened, and those involved can learn several lessons from it all. At least I had a good DJ set at the festival itself, and that set at the afterparty with Kat did the business as well. Also, seeing several friends while out and about is always a plus.

Here's to many more events in the future with more cohesion and organization. It only gets better from here. Take notice.

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I find it funny that when an event goes off without a hitch, it's hardly talked about within the confines of this place; but when there are many different issues, people start screaming to the heavens about it and simply will not stop. Amazing, simply amazing.

Yes, there were issues with the event and they have been discussed ad nauseum on this thread. It is what it is, it happened, and those involved can learn several lessons from it all. At least I had a good DJ set at the festival itself, and that set at the afterparty with Kat did the business as well. Also, seeing several friends while out and about is always a plus.

Here's to many more events in the future with more cohesion and organization. It only gets better from here. Take notice.

What he said x10.

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I find it funny that when an event goes off without a hitch, it's hardly talked about within the confines of this place; but when there are many different issues, people start screaming to the heavens about it and simply will not stop. Amazing, simply amazing.

Yes, there were issues with the event and they have been discussed ad nauseum on this thread. It is what it is, it happened, and those involved can learn several lessons from it all. At least I had a good DJ set at the festival itself, and that set at the afterparty with Kat did the business as well. Also, seeing several friends while out and about is always a plus.

Here's to many more events in the future with more cohesion and organization. It only gets better from here. Take notice.

Way to be positive with all us bitchers and whiners. ;)

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I find it funny that when an event goes off without a hitch, it's hardly talked about within the confines of this place; but when there are many different issues, people start screaming to the heavens about it and simply will not stop. Amazing, simply amazing.

Yes, there were issues with the event and they have been discussed ad nauseum on this thread. It is what it is, it happened, and those involved can learn several lessons from it all. At least I had a good DJ set at the festival itself, and that set at the afterparty with Kat did the business as well. Also, seeing several friends while out and about is always a plus.

Here's to many more events in the future with more cohesion and organization. It only gets better from here. Take notice.

Try not to take this the wrong way ;)

You got to have 3 time slots worth of playtime after everything was said and done, 1 at corktown, 1 with Dkonstruct, and 1 at the after party. Even before everything got changed you were scheduled to play longer than everyone else, which is lame. You also didnt have someone cutting into your set or get there as early as I did, as a matter of fact, if everything were to have been going on schedule, you would have been late for your set:). I have every right to bitch.

I always leave an opinion about the events I attend, its not my fault that the majority of them end up sucking, thus me leaving a negative opinion. Its usually the people running it, coupled with shitty ass turn outs due to lack of motivation from the people running it to actually promote, as well as the fact that the Detroit scene has to have a fire over there heads to get them moving.

I wont hold my breathe about the events getting better and better, although I hope they do.

Edited by DJ Nocker
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I find it funny that when an event goes off without a hitch, it's hardly talked about within the confines of this place; but when there are many different issues, people start screaming to the heavens about it and simply will not stop. Amazing, simply amazing.

Yes, there were issues with the event and they have been discussed ad nauseum on this thread. It is what it is, it happened, and those involved can learn several lessons from it all. At least I had a good DJ set at the festival itself, and that set at the afterparty with Kat did the business as well. Also, seeing several friends while out and about is always a plus.

Here's to many more events in the future with more cohesion and organization. It only gets better from here. Take notice.

Hope for the best, expect the worst. Creed of advance crisis resource management.

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I tried.

You tried so hard you forgot to call Pestilence and ask for a ride :tongue:. My car is yellow because it is a make-shift taxi!

You tried so hard you forgot to call Pestilence and ask for a ride :tongue:. My car is yellow because it is a make-shift taxi!
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Print-screened from MetroMix's webpage. The event photographer asked if she could get a shot of us, to which we obviously agreed. She then asked what band we were at which time I informed her that we were not in a band. Curious, the lady then wanted to know what we did, I replied, "We stand here and look like we're in a band." :laugh:

Then I told her that I promote for DetroitGothic.Net and she was definitely interested in what we were about. She had no idea that there was an established gothic network and took my card so that she would be able to get in on upcoming events (since taking photos of them is her job and all). Awesomes :happy:.

I will upload the photos from my camera sometime this week. At that point I will also be uploading MANFAST pictures too.

To espouse on something to do with the scene: I am disappointed that I can haul 30-40 goths out into the middle of the woods costing them money, time to pack, etc. NOT saying that MANFAST isn't an amazing event, I mean hell Pestilence and I run it so of course I would think it's boss, but you all mean to tell me you can pay that much money for an event, travel time, planning, spending the night three days in a row, buying hundreds of dollars in alcohol...and you couldn't even make it to Corktown for a FREE afternoon to support your scene? Think about it. That's complete and utter shenanigans, I am highly disappointed in our members :no:. I don't want excuses...I just want people to start showing UP!

The DJs did wonderful and I would NOT have wanted to be in poor Doc's shoes. He did an superb job and all he got was slack. Trust me, I noticed his hard work and think he did a great service to us all by putting this on. If it were to be held again you all know I'd be there (and should hope everyone else will be too!).

Print-screened from MetroMix's webpage. The event photographer asked if she could get a shot of us, to which we obviously agreed. She then asked what band we were at which time I informed her that we were not in a band. Curious, the lady then wanted to know what we did, I replied, "We stand here and look like we're in a band." :laugh:

Then I told her that I promote for DetroitGothic.Net and she was definitely interested in what we were about. She had no idea that there was an established gothic network and took my card so that she would be able to get in on upcoming events (since taking photos of them is her job and all). Awesomes :happy:.

I will upload the photos from my camera sometime this week. At that point I will also be uploading MANFAST pictures too.

To espouse on something to do with the scene: I am disappointed that I can haul 30-40 goths out into the middle of the woods costing them money, time to pack, etc. NOT saying that MANFAST isn't an amazing event, I mean hell Pestilence and I run it so of course I would think it's boss, but you all mean to tell me you can pay that much money for an event, travel time, planning, spending the night three days in a row, buying hundreds of dollars in alcohol...and you couldn't even make it to Corktown for a FREE afternoon to support your scene? Think about it. That's complete and utter shenanigans, I am highly disappointed in our members :no:. I don't want excuses...I just want people to start showing UP!

The DJs did wonderful and I would NOT have wanted to be in poor Doc's shoes. He did an superb job and all he got was slack. Trust me, I noticed his hard work and think he did a great service to us all by putting this on. If it were to be held again you all know I'd be there (and should hope everyone else will be too!).

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You tried so hard you forgot to call Pestilence and ask for a ride :tongue:. My car is yellow because it is a make-shift taxi!

I didn't think you'd want to drive that far out of the way...besides, I had to be at work by 5 and I wanted to be there for Nocker's set (which didn't go on till later, but still).

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You tried so hard you forgot to call Pestilence and ask for a ride :tongue:. My car is yellow because it is a make-shift taxi!

Darn I should have called for a ride too. It was fun taking the Chernobyl express last time to MANFAST and staying at Chateau Chernobyl and sharing a couch with black jack. :laugh:

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Just saying guys....I didnt hear a damn thing about this "festival" and it being ME...not the greatest of promotion.

never saw anything on myspace nor facebook....sorry people i don't check this everyday :p

If you want to have a successful event, go out and make people KNOW ABOUT IT.

every show we put on or participate in, I PERSONALLY hand out anywhere from 1000-3000 fliers, make myspace/facebook event adds and post/spam EVERYWHERE.

what ever happened to good old out and about promotion?

Edited by jno4shiz
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well I'm sorry things didn't turn out as well as you had hoped. If people won't show up for a freebee, it's not just the economy, it's the apathy.

At least you all got to perform at the festival you signed up for. The joke is on me, I got pwned in Jackson.

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well I'm sorry things didn't turn out as well as you had hoped. If people won't show up for a freebee, it's not just the economy, it's the apathy.

It's extremely disappointing people don't come out for a free show. Then you will get those that complain that there is nothing going on, or they don't have the cash to pay to go see a show. Grrr! I wish I could have hung out longer, but did get to enjoy it for a bit. Good company was there to be had.

At least you all got to perform at the festival you signed up for. The joke is on me, I got pwned in Jackson.

Sorry to hear that. The crowd missed out. You put on a great show! I hope to catch another one befroe too long.

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Really sad this didn't turn out as well as people thought it might... now I know why Doc is grumpy lol!

All I know is whether it sucked or not and who's fault it was or wasn't.... doesn't mean we need to start bitching at each other... I'm sure that is gonna solve a lot! I do agree that the only time I see a lot of buzz about something on here is when people want to bitch... never a positive thread about an event. And what irritates me even more is that a lot of the time it's DGN moderators that are doing most the bitching and that isn't good.

I mean don't get me wrong.... everyone has the right to bitch but I think people need to think about the ramifications of it... the after math of the bitching. Next year lets say some people get their shit together, promote it well and it goes off without a hitch.... yet no one came out because of the attitude displayed this year in this thread... that would be a shame. There's always a first time and it usually is the worse time... give these folks some credit for at least trying to promote the scene and do something besides going to CC. It looks to me that they were working against forces they couldn't change.

I think anytime moderators or DGN insiders speak about events put on to promote the scene, they need to look for any bright side and try to stay away from the negative.... it isn't fair to the folks busting their ass to get the scene out there.

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