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medical marijuana fest at Silverdome

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When are the cops gonna learn Most potheads arnt Dangerious we are just simply to laid back to move to do anything violent. lol why dont pontiac go concentrate on real crimes for once maybe pontiac wouldent look like a ghetto if they did.

On another note I know these conventions have been sprining up and I have yet to go to one. I am looking into getting my caregiver card as I am a CNA already, so I will do my best to go to this one for any needed information :yes

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Therein...lies a problem...that's not REAL...read a book...I recommend:

The Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs: 1968 edition

Even includes aspirin for some reason...


You do know I was kidding..... if you don't I am sorry.

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When are the cops gonna learn Most potheads arnt Dangerious we are just simply to laid back to move to do anything violent. lol why dont pontiac go concentrate on real crimes for once maybe pontiac wouldent look like a ghetto if they did.

On another note I know these conventions have been sprining up and I have yet to go to one. I am looking into getting my caregiver card as I am a CNA already, so I will do my best to go to this one for any needed information :yes

Medical Marijuana users are not pot heads, they are people in pain. Most are cancer patients that use MM along with their pain pill regiments. By calling them pot heads, you are helping promote the stigma against Medical Marijuana.

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Medical Marijuana users are not pot heads, they are people in pain. Most are cancer patients that use MM along with their pain pill regiments. By calling them pot heads, you are helping promote the stigma against Medical Marijuana.

Do you have numbers for that? I am mostly curious...

...because, well, I am knowing a bit about this, & there's a HUGE list of shite you can get the prescription for...HUGE...& they are adding to it all the time...so, I have a hard time biting on that, "MOST"...many, for sure...but, most denotes a 55% at least, right?

BUT...the sentiment stands supported...

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Do you have numbers for that? I am mostly curious...

...because, well, I am knowing a bit about this, & there's a HUGE list of shite you can get the prescription for...HUGE...& they are adding to it all the time...so, I have a hard time biting on that, "MOST"...many, for sure...but, most denotes a 55% at least, right?

BUT...the sentiment stands supported...

Unfortunately I don't have the numbers, I'm just going by what my dad's caregiver told me.

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