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grey hair

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I can say that I'm 34 years old, and do not have one gray hair. It's not that I don't have stress in my life, I just don't understand it. Some of my girlfriends have a full head of gray, started when they were in their twenties. I would just blame genetics, but their sisters/brothers are not in the same boat.. what gives?

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I started getting grey hair when I was 25. I don't have much of it right now, luckily. I've been dying my hair since I was 14, and I don't plan to stop anytime soon, so the grey is not a big deal.

Grey looks good on some people, and others, not so much.

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I am salting in my black pepper hair. I just wish more grey would come in the sides.

I personally would rather be grey than have unwanted hair loss (compared to voluntary baldness, which is OK in some,) any day.

Edited by StormKnight
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I actually have, like, 2 or 3 gray hairs now. I kind of think the stress from Morbid being in California caused them, because my mom and my grandma both didn't start going gray until they were in their late 40s to early 50s. My grandma is 90 and she still has salt and pepper hair, I don't know if she will ever go totally gray. I dye my hair, so the 2 or 3 I have are not a big deal.

I agree that on some people it looks attractive, and on some people it doesn't. I do think that if you have long hair and you start going gray, you should either cut it or dye it.

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Won't happen to me :peanutbutterjellytime:. Of course just saying that probably jinxed me and now I'm most certainly fucked :fear:.

Won't happen to me :peanutbutterjellytime:. Of course just saying that probably jinxed me and now I'm most certainly fucked :fear:.
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My mom went grey around mid-20's to 30's so I'll probably go around that time.

She dyes her hair. If anyone has seen my mother (which may only be LoS?), her hair is blonde but she is naturally dark brown.

I'll probably continue to dye my hair, though...until I get really old.

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  • 1 year later...

I have some, but I can't tell how many because of my natural blonde shade. I can see them easier when I'm out somewhere with better lighting. I was pulling them out for a while, but my hair is already freakishly thin and sparse, so I really can't spare any.

I'm not dying it, I'm trying to cut down on the product damage I've inflicted over my life and have "natural" hair for a change. Though I might change my tune if people start putting me at my real age (43) rather than guessing me to be in my mid-to late 20's as usually happens (which totally rocks my world, thanks for the great genes, Mom & Pop).

I went to my 25th high school reunion this past September. The overall commentary was, "Oh my God, you haven't changed. You look incredible. How do you do it? I hate you." I have gained weight but overall, compared to my greying, wrinkled classmates, I'm doing pretty fucking good. Something in these pure Polish genes I guess - my whole family is like this and I'm grateful.

Jon has been getting some in his temple area since his early 20's. At 33 now, his temples are VERY gray and he has some scattered here and there throughout the rest of his head. But he shows no sign of losing hair, so I try to reassure him it's ok (it bothers him).

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I have one gray hair in the very front, as well as about 5 white eyebrow hairs that grow in between my eyes (I hate that my eyebrows connect. its so annoying)

I love my single gray hair, on my head. Maybe more in that area will go gray and i'll have the cool gray streak lol

Honestly, of all the things that happen, when one starts to age, going gray is the one I care about the least. After all, i can just dye my hair. :)

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I know I have a few, but I've been dying my hair since I was 13, so no idea what my real color even in, michless about greys! I love grey hair on a young face, and a salt and pepper on a mid aged guy. I think it's sexy. Maybe it's the Anime. :)

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I have always loved the look of gray hair due to my family heritage...just about everyone has salt and pepper, silver gray, light silver, or in the case of my grandmother, white so white it looks bleached.

I have always wanted hair like my grandmother, but my mother won't let me bleach it. Because of society, she thinks having gray hair too soon would keep men from being interested in me, thus causing me to be single unnecessarily.

Ironically, she has no problem with me dying it purple...


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  • 3 months later...

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