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anybody selling any cool guns


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my finances are in a transitional state so I'm not looking to buy but guns are still cool so tell me what your holding son

Is it what you like or something you fell into like owning a ford

you got it by sircumstance?

or did you pick it out your self

what do you think its worth

what technical knowledge do you praise it for

Whats you caliber :fear

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Mosin Nagant.. WWII Russian Carbine rifle.. Accurate and will take down a bear (literally). 7.62 x 54 mm rimmed cartridges.. Basically a big brother round to what the AK-47 uses. Throw a scope on it and you have a very reliable sniper rifle.

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no guns. i'm anti firearm (as far as UK is concerned, no need here except in agriculture)

but heyho. soon govt is banning the sale anything that could be mistaking a real firearm.

looks like i'll give up my toy guns and take up clay pidgeon shooting wit a firearm since thats still legal...


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no guns. i'm anti firearm (as far as UK is concerned, no need here except in agriculture)

but heyho.  soon govt is banning the sale anything that could be mistaking a real firearm.

looks like i'll give up my toy guns and take up clay pidgeon shooting wit a firearm since thats still legal...



Yeah, I want to trade our right to bare arms for what they have in London...last i was in London i noticed everyone was wearing black, everywhere i went and i thought it was cool but then when i got back to where i was staying (my friend Andrea's flat in Balham) and we put on the television there was like orgy porn on regular access chanels. Not that I'm a big porno person, but just that people there dress in black and walk around acting very proper all day like English people do in London and then go home and watch filthy sex on television is like the hottests thing ever. That i can use and use everyday, this gun thing is useless to me...

-or if not that then no speed limits like on the Audobon!

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Swansea, wow! No, I realize you are in Wales, it's just that you're still UK, as London is and i know you've been to London... but yeah i know you all dislike Londoners, everyone does in the UK outside of London it seems. For that matter, i noticed that whenever an Englishman would walk into a room in Wales where English was being spoken, previously, the conversation quickly changed languages to Welsh.


What's with all of those road signs in Wales that say "!BADGERS!" ? Are there really Badgers there or is this a Welsh word for something else?

Oh and send Ms Zeta-Jones my best and tell her i miss her.

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i dont know zeta, but know people who did.

i dont speak welsh myself i prefer english. we all speak it, and were all of the same blood. its only a bloody line on the map. but we do get our idiots who i consider racists to be blunt. file under sexism and striking/threatening a woman under my level of contempt.

will try and learn welsh though. it is usefull in local gov. and other places of power

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Oh, i assumed, didn't I? It's just that i saw Welsh so much when I was there, it tended to be first on the road signs and it was on the radio so i thought surely you'd speak Wlesh, as well. I wondered actually if when i posted about that song last week if i should have said that it was sung in English...would have been proper to do so.

Getting back to what was being said, obviously you have many advantages to the life of a Londoner, living in Wales. Wales was my favorite part of Great Britain.

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Mosin Nagant.. WWII Russian Carbine rifle.. Accurate and will take down a bear (literally). 7.62 x 54 mm rimmed cartridges.. Basically a big brother round to what the AK-47 uses. Throw a scope on it and you have a very reliable sniper rifle.


I have one and am looking for a dragonov semi automatic sniper rifle uses same amo with an undetecable ifer red scope as standard issue :fear

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no guns. i'm anti firearm (as far as UK is concerned, no need here except in agriculture)

but heyho.  soon govt is banning the sale anything that could be mistaking a real firearm.

looks like i'll give up my toy guns and take up clay pidgeon shooting wit a firearm since thats still legal...



ever see how that movie 28 days later ended.wiyh american jets flying by and almost everyone died.compare that to the ending of night of the living dead

witch ended with a drunken red neck bon fire and a hot cup of coffe from some fun loving armed americans

a hard lesson to learn when zombies attack then you'll change your tune. :fear

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Gibraltar has excellent gun and knife shows and good prices.


thanks I have a couple brothers that worked ther for years so Iv'e allways had the inside connect there.I love goin to the shows and looking at all the different people

the regulars,The arabs, the gang banger types with all the jewlry,tables covered with ak's crowds of arabs waving fists of money screathing in different languages.

Then theirs my favorite the strangest of folk the white people who smell like the woods with gray hiar and beards they never travel together and the seem to be having a in depth conversation with themselves.allways looking of into the distance mummbling to no one imparticular. of course theres some military some

law enforcemeant.lots of right wing N.R.A. types.I like to talk politics with them the most becouse there most passionate about it.Of course who could forget about the hunters.

never see any goth types though.every horror movie I see (i seen most of them)i ask myself could an ak-47 save you. the anser is most likley yes since it can shoot through a brick wall at 100 yards every time.100 yards is a football feild.

and it can do it 30 times in a row. :fear

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the anser is most likley yes since it can shoot through a brick wall at 100 yards every time.100 yards is a football feild.

and it can do it 30 times in a row. :fear


possibly, but it's still an inaccurate weapon. i'll take an m16 over an ak any day. I <3 my .223 rounds.

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Yah I love it there too. Going to get my first knife 'play' knife. They have a table where the knives are perfect for that more decorative and not as sharp and heavy and long bladed. I love knife play though.

As far as guns goes....If I were in the wild I would want an equalizer. I don't have bear teeth and claws. If I were in the City jungle I still want an equalizer. I am petite, vulnerable....female and kinda cute. My house has had 3 attempted break ins. One time someone tried to get my kids to come outside. Yah, I believe in guns.

thanks I have a couple brothers that worked ther for years so Iv'e allways had the inside connect there.I love goin to the shows and looking at all the different people

the regulars,The arabs, the gang banger types with all the jewlry,tables covered with ak's crowds of arabs waving fists of money screathing in different languages.

Then theirs my favorite the strangest of folk the white people who smell like the woods with gray hiar and beards they never travel together and the seem to be having a in depth conversation with themselves.allways looking of into the distance mummbling to no one imparticular. of course theres some military some

law enforcemeant.lots of right wing N.R.A. types.I like to talk politics with them the most becouse there most passionate about it.Of course who could forget about the hunters.

    never see any goth types though.every horror movie I see (i seen most of them)i ask myself could an ak-47 save you. the anser is most likley yes since it can shoot through a brick wall at 100 yards every time.100 yards is a football feild.

and it can do it 30 times in a row. :fear

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possibly, but it's still an inaccurate weapon.  i'll take an m16 over an ak any day.  I <3 my .223 rounds.


:fear It really doesn't start to lose accuracy till 3oo tards of course there is more drop, but supperior penetration is worth the sacrifice. how often are you shooting over 100 tards any way?

were talking horror movie stuff to. A little 223 wont do much agianst a crowd of crazed people in a confined area like an alley.

It really is a personel preference. I have a better understanding of the AK. I would feel unsafe holding an M-16. what if I want to kill whatever is in an armored car. An AK will shoot through the bullet proof glass every time. Iv'e tested it and I know a 223 or 5.56 will not. It's rear to have penetration with those rounds.

I'll be playing the punisher and die a lot cause I have a p@ssy m-16 instead of my AK. It feels like it's going to brake like a ford.like a little toy accuracy is allways good but the value is decreased as range shortens. This gun can kill way larger animals :fear

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thought 28 days later had a tornado GR7 in the end?


:fear what kind of gun is that? a british design with the reciever in the stock so the barrel can be longer in the stock? Is it their standard issue. Accurate at 600 yards? What do you know? :fear

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tornado GR7 is a ground attack jet. swing winged with twin rols royce jet engines




as to that gin... RSAF L85A1 and RSAF/H&K L85A2. standard issue, basicly an AR18 in a bullpup form. its had some issues due to bad design in the A1. but the A2 is somewhjat improved (rotation of flashider, new cocking lever that works as a shell deflector) and the internals have been modified to take the more powerfull british issued 5.56.

its not goot a good reliability reputation, requires a lot of cleaning but is very accurate


i dont find thw magazine placement aukward or reloads any slower than if i were using one of my armalite based AEG's




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Yeah, I want to trade our right to bare arms for what they have in London

Are you crazy? We don't have the 2nd amendment so we can hunt, protect our homes or shoot clay pigeons. We have that right in the off chance that we get a tyrannical government. With guns, we the people can rise up and remove a tyrannical government from power. Why are so many people so willing to trade away the true power of the people?

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:fear hay,Headwreck

thanks for the info

exactly the stuff i was looking for I appreciate that.

you seem well informed almost edjucated or something

your definetly a value to this forum.

I'm doing mt best to fight oppresive tyreny in a legal fashion guns are a last resort

final solution type political tool

depends on how hard they play ball with you. There is to much to think your not volnerable. every one has those ties that bind so do I.

on the same hand know the consquence of what strings you sever.

information is the era of warfare we face. who knows what about who?

not who has the superior force. It's who can control that force. Not allways are you unarmed just couse there is no gun. find the weakness that exihbits itself as the most influencial on your enemies behavior.FEAR, LUST, ANGER, GREED, SYMPATHY. Find the one that is strongest and that weapon will not fail you. Of course it wont stop bullets but the mind pulling the trigger

It's called gohjo gieko 5 weaknesses :fear

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:fear politics is funny cause it's a kind of watered down war with out fighting.

At least thats my fight. I'm still my opponents neighbor win or lose there is little hate between us. but we battle for power for control.Him for monetary gain.

Me for the people I live with. I cant get sewed for slander so it makes it difficult. I don't have the proof. But everyone who lives here they know so it goes unspoken. :fear

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:fear It really doesn't start to lose accuracy till 3oo tards of course there is more drop, but supperior penetration is worth the sacrifice.  how often are you shooting over 100 tards any way?

were talking horror movie stuff to.  A little 223 wont do much agianst a crowd of crazed people in a confined area like an alley.

i'd have to disagree, with the smaller/lighter 223 rounds, you can carry more ammo on you, that plus the fact that a 223 round does far more internal damage @ short range than an AK would give you a far better chance at clearing numerous people in a confined area.

It really is a personel preference. I have a better understanding of the AK.  I would feel unsafe holding an M-16.  what if I want to kill whatever is in an armored car. An AK will shoot through the bullet proof glass every time.  Iv'e  tested it and I know a 223 or 5.56 will not.  It's rear to have penetration with those rounds.

I'll be playing the punisher and die a lot cause I have a p@ssy m-16 instead of my AK.  It feels like it's going to brake like a ford.like a little toy accuracy is allways good but the value is decreased as range shortens.  This gun can kill way larger animals  :fear


on the contrary, the value of the m16 rises as range decreases. an m16 is far more easy to fire, less recoil, and needs less aim correction when fired rapidly in single, 3 rnd burst, or auto. on the other hand, with the AK, you better hit what your aiming at within the first 2-3 rounds, or your aim will be so far off as to be useless without wasting precious time to re-aim.

i would assume you've already seen these:


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i have no exp with anything real.

once shot an FN MAG but thats it. aside from .22 cadet GP bolt action rifles.

as to the bill

it is now in commitie stage, finalising oct 25th.

were trying to sort up a national body to help loby, maybe if we get an exemption to the new bill we can continue this and get a rep on a national sporting council

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