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what's your favorite apocalypse?

Simon Bar Sinister

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I can't create polls, so I have to do it like this: how would you like to see civilization go out?


worldwide plague (non-zombie)?

war with hostile artificial intelligence?

comet/asteroid impact?

hostile alien invasion? although even a non-hostile contact could end it for us.

...or something else? what would that something else be?

I vote impact.

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soooo hard to decide!

I'm gonna be a lil wishy washy here - if we are talking all theory, I have a great love for zombies. You can shoot em in the head (so fun!)

Of course if we were talking reality, the catastrophic comet impact would be the easiest death likely.

I have to admit though, I would be fascinated to witness alien contact just because I bet it would be the most interesting, terrifying event ever.

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Personally.... I would not want to live or die through any....

But in theory, I am thinking something cosmic and quantum related, like some of the theories on how "Dark Energy" will eventually destroy the entire universe is, IMO just an amazing way for things to "end" in a universal sense.

Or maybe death by Dalek...

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I have to go with the zombies. I mean, since we're all fucked anyway, and the extinction of the whole human race would most likely be something terrible instead of dying peacefully in our sleep.. why not have the dead come back. At least this way, we can take a fighter's ending. Also.. I want this to happen so I can run over to my ex's place just in time to witness her being chased down the street and scream, "SEE I TOLD YOU SO!"

But the most likely thing to happen.. the cosmos. No I don't think 2012 is the end of days, yes I do think it's very possible something might happen then, polar shift, whatever.. maybe it's already gradually happening. The Mayan calander has been known for it's accuracy (and some blunders) so I really don't think their 2012 idea was just thrown in there for shits and giggles.

heh.. maybe the polar shift will happen, and for some crazy chain reaction, it will end in a zombie infestation?

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  • 4 weeks later...

i would have to say zombies.

simply because i don't want my entire lifetime of training for the zombie apocalypse to be in vein. i told everyone those hours and hours of watching zombie movies was 'preparedness'.

Edited by LoTek
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I think something creative might be cool... like out of nowhere....

Like, the earth just stops turning....

That is a great one, Phee.

I know that when it does go down, it will be some shit that no Science Fiction writer could dare to dream.

I also like the zombie think but I don't want to fucking get my brains eaten.

However, I think something in relation to oil may play a role in our extinction.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd have fun in a Zombie apocalypse..... until my car either ran out of gas or I broke something after running over so many.

I'm actually kind of partial to the apocalypse mentioned in "Tooth and Nail"... we run out of gas. Think about the shit-storm that that really would cause.

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