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Learning different languages

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I've always envied people that spoke multiple languages, just never enough to do anything about it. I'd probably go Latin or Arabic though. Latin just because I've always liked the way it sounds and Arabic because it would probably be the most useful to me since I'm in Dearborn so much.

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Are there any you want to learn? Any you have learned?

As for me...I've been having a strong interest in learn French as of the last few months.

I think it would be really cool to be able to speak it. Its so elegant.

Rosseta Stone, my uncle learned Spanish this way. he said its expensive but it only took him a year to become pretty fluent and have a full conversation...he said it is pricey however but its worth the money IF you really wanna learn a new language. and they have a large amount of different languages to choose from at that, everything from Spanish to German, to Polish, to Japanese, to Swahili


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Ive tried to learn French... but it never sticks...

Id much rather learn Japanese. I might just get Marc's girls to teach me... :thumbsup:

I suppose it'd be smart for me to learn at least some Japanese. To be able to get around Japan.

My friend Caitlin is moving there after she gets her degree. And I'll be visiting.


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I suppose it'd be smart for me to learn at least some Japanese. To be able to get around Japan.

My friend Caitlin is moving there after she gets her degree. And I'll be visiting.


Thats great! Wanna hide me in your suitcase? :thumbsup:

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We have German club on Mondays, took like...five years of it? Now other people want me to teach them. Japanese will be my third language. Between those two, I will have all of industrial and anime covered.

We have German club on Mondays, took like...five years of it? Now other people want me to teach them. Japanese will be my third language. Between those two, I will have all of industrial and anime covered.
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I took three years of Spanish in high school but can only remember the very basics from the first few months. I tried teaching myself Irish Gaelic but I couldn't get past the pronunciation. I want to learn Japanese and started teaching myself, but then I got busy with other stuff and haven't gotten back to it. I really should take some classes at the community college or something.

I hear the best time to learn another language is when you're younger than 8. Any older than that and it becomes more difficult. Once you hit your early 20s, it becomes very difficult.

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i had three years of spanish in high school. i can recognize and comprehend most of it, but can't really speak it well anymore. also speak semi-fluent german. (same thing, i understand far more than i can speak.) beyond that, i know a few basic phrases from several languages; japanese, tagalog, french, korean; but rarely use them. i've found that learning one really helps with learning more - for instance, spanish/portuguese/italian are very similar, as are french/german/english (to me).

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I used to speak German pretty well. I'm out of practice. Now I am braver about speaking it when I have been drinking, lol.

I learned a little Korean in college (Korean roommate) but I have forgotten it all.

I don't have a huge interest in Spanish, but since I am trying to get into the medical field I am thinking of taking a couple Spanish classes, just to make it easier to get a job.

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I dabble in a bit of German, Japanese, and Chinese (mandarin). I speak more spanish than anything else. Mostly due to working with mexicans in a kitchen for a long time. Can't recall a bunch off the top of my head. But I can pick out the jist of a lot of things. Still nowhere near conversation level though.

I'm having a hard time deciding whenther to go further with the german, japanese, or mandarin. I speak a (very) little of all three, but better at german. I hear trying to learn more than one at a time is unwise (particularly with asian tongues). It's hard to stay motivated just doing it by myself though. I do have rosetta stone (you can download the app and language packs cracked for free from the pirate bay) full versions, but again, hard to stay motivated alone.

I wanna learn German for the obvious music industry reasons (plus I wanna yell at people in german, that'll always be funny), Japanese for anime and my someday vacation/exodus to Japan, and Mandarin for martial arts reasons. So far from what I've seen, Chinese seems to be the most..difficult is the wrong word...maybe just the most different and alien to an english speaker. There are sounds in many pronunciations that don't exist at all in western languages.

If anyone ever wants to get together to start learning some of this stuff, I'm all in!

Also another learning tool you can get for many languages is Pimsleur. It's an audio program and while not as good as Rosetta Stone (Pimsleur tries to associate the foreign language too closely to english, which for some languages like chinese or japanese may be counter-productive in the long run if you're going for fluence. Awesome for tourist language learning though.)

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i took two years of latin, three years of french, and three years of german. the german's really the only thing that stuck, and with that, i usually need to "refresh" what i know before i attempt to write or speak it. poorly. i think it's mostly in my brains still, but needs to be shaken loose. the other two languages, well, they're gone. (i won't say "dead" - har.)

waking up my german is on my list of things i'd like to do... you know, when i find time. sigh. i'd like to be more fluent in german rather than learning a new language. well, something like swedish would be neat... but only after the german.

then maybe russian.

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I want to at least learn to read and write Japanese and Spanish, but wouldn't mind learning more languages as time goes on. Asian calligraphy is a lot of fun. I was learning bits of the two languages earlier this year, but have gotten temporarily preoccupied with learning more English.

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Rosseta Stone, my uncle learned Spanish this way. he said its expensive but it only took him a year to become pretty fluent and have a full conversation...he said it is pricey however but its worth the money IF you really wanna learn a new language. and they have a large amount of different languages to choose from at that, everything from Spanish to German, to Polish, to Japanese, to Swahili


I have considered buying Rosetta Stone.

lol I don't know how well that will work out...

Not very well, since I will already be in your suitcase.

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