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Poll for Oct. 30th at CC


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*sigh* let me say this once and for all to get the records straight.

I HAVE NOTHING BAD TO SAY ABOUT THE COLLECTIVE OR THE FETISH SCENE! (I know they are not one in the same but they were both referenced in this thread).

I have done nothing but appreciate EVERY opportunity that The Collective has given me for DJing, both at Resist and in the ballroom. All I said for the ballroom was the truth, its an echo chamber(it is, thats a fact, not bashing) and needs a lot of work in order to get a good sound. I would LOVE to be a part of that goth lounge idea, I would spin old school batcave and new lo-fi goth all in one night and have a blast. I have always loved showing the Detroit scen about goth/deathrock music.

I know The Collective is trying to help the scene, what I am trying to do is give my feedback from what I have experienced. What im saying is that unless it is a live band, other events really mess up the flow for the dance floor, which is what the DJ's care about. The Bikini Bash thing would have been cool if it were just bikini's with maybe a horror punk/psychobilly music theme, spinning stuff like "The Cramps" and "The Horrorpops". The slip and slide thing would make dancing a little difficult, would you not agree?

Im sorry if people cant understand my opinion, im trying to help and ive already lost an opportunity for trying to do that. I hope people can forgive me and give me another shot behind the decks.

Sorry to hear about that, Nocker.

I'm not gonna pry into things but I will say that it's their loss in cutting you loose. You helped bring something different to which has otherwise been the "same old, same old". Only hope that if they ever do have anything going with the ballroom you will still be included.

This scene, I swear...

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Sorry to hear about that, Nocker.

I'm not gonna pry into things but I will say that it's their loss in cutting you loose. You helped bring something different to which has otherwise been the "same old, same old". Only hope that if they ever do have anything going with the ballroom you will still be included.

This scene, I swear...

I second that.

Nocker is a great DJ, they don't know why they're missing.

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coming soon:

CC will have bi- monthly events (that is every other Saturday) in the Ballroom. It will be an Old School Goth/retro/Dark wave kinda thing. There will be 2 DJ's that will rotate on a regular basis. My goal is too keep people dancing in the Ballroom as much as possible and build it up. I will be posting a contest for the DJ's a challenge of sorts that will go on for a while. Whichever DJ draws in the largest crowds and keeps people dancing will be paid a bonus $50-100 every 3 months. So we will have newer music in the main CC dance area and Old stuff in the Ballroom for those that prefer oldies. I will be buying a separate sound system to host these regular events. When we have our last Saturday of the month, we may or may not feature 1-2 bands. the idea is that the more people we get to come out for the Saturdays, the more money we will have for better national acts and our local bands. There will be no fetish events planned in the Ballroom at this time. It will simply be set up as an old school gothic lounge with minimal lighting and possible videos and or black and white horror movie clips. The bigger the event gets, the more I will be able to do with it under CC management. We are not allowed to open up the other bar at this time. We will have a street team of 5 people that will be posting new C fliers up around the metro area. We will probably back off a bit on the themes and just do something a little extra for things like Halloween, New Years, and Valentine's day. The cost on those Saturday's will be $5. The Bi-monthly thing may become a weekly event if enough people participate. In short, we simply want to bring in a bigger crowd. I will let you know as soon as we figure out what bands we will be bringing in for Oct. 30th. As of today, we are working on choosing from the following acts: Faith and the Muse, Bella Morte, Alien Sex Fiend, 45 Grave, and afew others... Locally, D:Konstruct, and "definitely" Servitor Sanctum 7. Here are some events that have already been set up for CC this fall:

Sept. 4th: LESTAT with Filament 38 and Function 13. DJ's Pleasurekitten, myself, and Scary Guy will be spinning for that in the Ballroom. This is a Dark productions/Collective event

Sept. 10th Scary Guy's and Saint's B-day party with a possible CD release performance by D:Konstruct depending on on whether or not our CD's come back from the factory. Yes the album is finally done!

Sept. 25th will be probably the kick off date of the old school night. DJ's Pulse State and Aaron Hingst (sorry if I misspelled any names here) No bands as of yet for this Sept. show. If interested, contact me asap in private.

Oct. 11th Old School Night haven't picked the DJ's yet

Oct. 30th Devil's night Halloween party with Bands TBA

Nov. 13th Old School night DJ's TBA

Nov. 27th Old School night Dj's TBA. Collective 1 year anniversary party. We are talking about feeding the people that come out for this event with a few bands TBA.

This will also be a benefit night to raise money for the homeless in Detroit. We will be taking donations and buying food, organizing a caravan of people to deliver food around the Metro area details forthcoming.

Nothing set for December yet other than the Old school nights probably on the 4th and 18th and probably a big New Year's bash.

That's all I know:) I hope that you will come out and support our DJ's and keep what we are trying to do a positive thing for all.

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coming soon:

CC will have bi- monthly events (that is every other Saturday) in the Ballroom. It will be an Old School Goth/retro/Dark wave kinda thing. There will be 2 DJ's that will rotate on a regular basis. My goal is too keep people dancing in the Ballroom as much as possible and build it up. I will be posting a contest for the DJ's a challenge of sorts that will go on for a while. Whichever DJ draws in the largest crowds and keeps people dancing will be paid a bonus $50-100 every 3 months. So we will have newer music in the main CC dance area and Old stuff in the Ballroom for those that prefer oldies. I will be buying a separate sound system to host these regular events. When we have our last Saturday of the month, we may or may not feature 1-2 bands. the idea is that the more people we get to come out for the Saturdays, the more money we will have for better national acts and our local bands. There will be no fetish events planned in the Ballroom at this time. It will simply be set up as an old school gothic lounge with minimal lighting and possible videos and or black and white horror movie clips. The bigger the event gets, the more I will be able to do with it under CC management. We are not allowed to open up the other bar at this time. We will have a street team of 5 people that will be posting new C fliers up around the metro area. We will probably back off a bit on the themes and just do something a little extra for things like Halloween, New Years, and Valentine's day. The cost on those Saturday's will be $5. The Bi-monthly thing may become a weekly event if enough people participate. In short, we simply want to bring in a bigger crowd. I will let you know as soon as we figure out what bands we will be bringing in for Oct. 30th. As of today, we are working on choosing from the following acts: Faith and the Muse, Bella Morte, Alien Sex Fiend, 45 Grave, and afew others... Locally, D:Konstruct, and "definitely" Servitor Sanctum 7. Here are some events that have already been set up for CC this fall:

Sept. 4th: LESTAT with Filament 38 and Function 13. DJ's Pleasurekitten, myself, and Scary Guy will be spinning for that in the Ballroom. This is a Dark productions/Collective event

Sept. 10th Scary Guy's and Saint's B-day party with a possible CD release performance by D:Konstruct depending on on whether or not our CD's come back from the factory. Yes the album is finally done!

Sept. 25th will be probably the kick off date of the old school night. DJ's Pulse State and Aaron Hingst (sorry if I misspelled any names here) No bands as of yet for this Sept. show. If interested, contact me asap in private.

Oct. 11th Old School Night haven't picked the DJ's yet

Oct. 30th Devil's night Halloween party with Bands TBA

Nov. 13th Old School night DJ's TBA

Nov. 27th Old School night Dj's TBA. Collective 1 year anniversary party. We are talking about feeding the people that come out for this event with a few bands TBA.

This will also be a benefit night to raise money for the homeless in Detroit. We will be taking donations and buying food, organizing a caravan of people to deliver food around the Metro area details forthcoming.

Nothing set for December yet other than the Old school nights probably on the 4th and 18th and probably a big New Year's bash.

That's all I know:) I hope that you will come out and support our DJ's and keep what we are trying to do a positive thing for all.

hmm...sounds exactly like what we did in the front room for dead-line, Hope I can be a part of this "contest" totally my element. But im guessing I wont be able to...

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Can I haz your manbabies Saint?

Honestly, as a patron attending a club - if the music sucks cock I am out. I don't care one way or another about the theme nights.

As for the fetish stuff, it's overdone. Bad.

Do something different. Original. Not more of the same. Not more mindless partying. Not more "omg I look soo good in this" stuff that is turning the entire genre into a mire of boring.

One or two good bands with some fresh music that doesn't sound like it's been programed via Atari, well that would cause me to have a joygasm! Sometimes, less is more.

Thank You, this is exactly how I feel too. (well except the having manbabies part:)

What I personally noticed at CC this past Saturday is that the young, raver crowd is taking over more and more, which is just not my thing nor has it or will it ever be. I see most of the regular's appeared to be hanging in the lounge/bar area where I noticed the music was more to my personal liking, well most of it.

I cannot wait for the new ballroom events to begin. Maybe then I won't have to worry about getting knocked into by someone in a hello kitty backpack or whatever it is.

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Thank You, this is exactly how I feel too. (well except the having manbabies part:)

What I personally noticed at CC this past Saturday is that the young, raver crowd is taking over more and more, which is just not my thing nor has it or will it ever be. I see most of the regular's appeared to be hanging in the lounge/bar area where I noticed the music was more to my personal liking, well most of it.

I cannot wait for the new ballroom events to begin. Maybe then I won't have to worry about getting knocked into by someone in a hello kitty backpack or whatever it is.

I haven't noticed too many ravers. There's always been a few at City. And there's usually the same 3 or 4.

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I haven't noticed too many ravers. There's always been a few at City. And there's usually the same 3 or 4.

too me, half the club lately look like raver's but I am a bit old school as goth to me is the crowd CC drew in back in 1998/1999 and I am sure years before that too. When I started going back than, the St. Andrew's crowed would pile in after 2am and that was the start of the raver or whatever they were into, infestation. They didn't come because of the music they came cause everything else was closed. That was the start of the whole fashion show bullshit too, I swear back when I went to CC noone came up to each other and stated "oh how cute you are" that shit was like prohibited, or an unwritten rule, it was not about being cute. Now it is, all the damn cutesy shit, and pretty flower's everyone wears. That is not goth.

Edited by kat
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too me, half the club lately look like raver's but I am a bit old school as goth to me is the crowd CC drew in back in 1998/1999 and I am sure years before that too. When I started going back than, the St. Andrew's crowed would pile in after 2am and that was the start of the raver or whatever they were into, infestation. They didn't come because of the music they came cause everything else was closed. That was the start of the whole fashion show bullshit too, I swear back when I went to CC noone came up to each other and stated "oh how cute you are" that shit was like prohibited, or an unwritten rule, it was not about being cute. Now it is, all the damn cutesy shit, and pretty flower's everyone wears. That is not goth.


And City hasn't been "goth" for a while. Not with constant douches coming in and random others who aren't goth coming in. Its just how it is, though. I doubt there's anyway to change it.

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Here's my opinion.... I think we need to step back and lay off the ego juice for a few seconds. I'd hate to see someones hard drive fry and more music have to be stolen because all is lost and their traktor is gone!

Here's is what I know.... I know that the collective events have brought 100 to 200 more people into CC on the nights they took place compared to normal CC nights... that's a plus. I know that even though I agree to a point of the fetish thing being overplayed... its the really shitty amateur crap that is bad. Done right, with the right music, leaving a lot to the imagination and well rehearsed... fetish nights are normally good. I also know that my fetish nights I put on, on my nights I ran attracted more DGN and CC goers than any other night we had. Suspensions and fire acts took a close second. Just because there are 3 or 4 people vocal about "not" liking it doesn't mean that is the majority opinion. There's a reason why fetish nights attract more folks. (I just can't stand the fetish groups that think beating the hell out of someone is fetish and exciting)

I think the themed nights have done well and people seem to have liked them to the point they are always asking when is the next one? What are the collective going to do next. So keeping it themed works and is good for everyone... no one said you had to stick to it and participate... do or don't.. it's you're choice.

I'm not exactly sure what the "DJ's" have to worry about at CC except whether or not the next track they play is going to crowd or empty the floor. I do know the Collective has to sit on both sides of the isle of fun VS business. We have to make it fun so everyone will come back VS we have to think about profit and attendance or we wont have a venue for you to come back too. It's a hard balancing act.

I think some amount of respect needs to be given to the Collective considering they are trying to unite this scene (which it is deeply divided) and bring attention to this scene which goes under-appreciated most of the time. I have seen more than enough... people bitching and cutting them down and not really giving them a chance. These people are out there promoting the crap out of what they do and drawing attention... more than what I have seen in my 15 years in and around this (Detroit) "scene".

My rant here is about more than this thread... I'm seriously tired of hearing the bitching all over, on these threads, at clubs and in real life from people that don't do anything but show up... and complain. I mean if it's really that bad... throw on that white Izod and plaid shorts and go to the other side. In the mean time... let us have our fun... and you're all invited.

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And City hasn't been "goth" for a while. Not with constant douches coming in and random others who aren't goth coming in. Its just how it is, though. I doubt there's anyway to change it.

You don't have to be offended. I don't care that much about what people do at City. I have the right to state my opinion and make a comparison based on how CC used to be and how it is now. Yes, I realize it is not goth, I see that but It was at one point. I would like to see that again. That's all I am saying, as far as the flower's comment goes that was just sarcasm.

In regards to everyone getting upset on this subject, there really is no need for anyone to get like that when a person states their opinion. If you like the idea of the ballroom then go, if you don't then stay in the main area. Simple.

Edited by kat
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You don't have to get offended, I don't care that much about what people do at City. I have the right to state my opinion and make a comparison based on how CC used to be and how it is now. Yes, I realize it is not goth, I see that but It was at one point. I would like to see that again. That's all I am saying, as far as the flower's comment goes that was just sarcasm.

In regards to everyone getting upset on this subject, there really is no need for anyone to get like that when other's state their opinions. If you like the idea of the ballroom then go, if you don't then stay in the main area. Simple.

lol what I'd like to see is ravers with their glow sticks stuck to the wall by 12 inch spikes to provide us light!

And that might make it a bit Goth! (Just a hint that I don't like the little raver kids all that much)

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lol what I'd like to see is ravers with their glow sticks stuck to the wall by 12 inch spikes to provide us light!

And that might make it a bit Goth! (Just a hint that I don't like the little raver kids all that much)

not to much light thoe some of us are still kinda goth and like to keep our pale skin tones :p

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It would appear that I goofed up some of the dates listed above. I will send a new schedule as soon as I speak to Sybil. We will kick off the old school night for sure on Sept. 25th. I need to fix a few things though in Oct. because there are three Sat. events that month instead of two.

I will post the corrected version within the week.


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You don't have to be offended. I don't care that much about what people do at City. I have the right to state my opinion and make a comparison based on how CC used to be and how it is now. Yes, I realize it is not goth, I see that but It was at one point. I would like to see that again. That's all I am saying, as far as the flower's comment goes that was just sarcasm.

In regards to everyone getting upset on this subject, there really is no need for anyone to get like that when a person states their opinion. If you like the idea of the ballroom then go, if you don't then stay in the main area. Simple.

Sorry, I've been a bit testy lately.

But I figured with certain people pulling others into a spot light to get in arguments over idiotic things, it probably got to me a little.

I'm leaving this thread for a while, though. Only pisses me off. Hope everything is figured out.

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