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Do I have the whodawhatta?

Unfortunately, I do not.  I use what I have. Although it would not be too difficult to get the text colors to look right - that is assuming that you can use standard gifs for the buttons.  Btw, I pulled up the address for the button from properties and just used an image editor.  That much took less than 5 minutes for all the colors combined.

Moot for now :smiling:

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Yes, of course, I just meant for in the meantime sort of thing.  Until the DGN skin is final it wouldn't hurt to have some extra branding.

Dont take this as antagonsim. Im just curious do you think people are activly changing their skins around? As far as i can tell from the few that i talked to privately none of them seemed to even be aware that there ever WAS a feature to change skins.

(the "default" skin is set on the admin side, which is now "DGN Standard" the only way anyone would even see that IBP default thing now is if they purposely switched to it)

I'd have already slapped that DGN banner up there if it was easier. You have to cut & paste a few different sections of code to get it to look right. The IPB default skin is just there at this point for conversation sake almost.

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i change my skins around. ;) and personally tho it is not very "goth" i do like the lighter back ground and darker font. it is just easier on *my* eyes. i do like the dark backgrounds with the right colored fonts but personally i hate black backgrounds with white or light grey font. i have a very very hard time looking at it. i like the black with purple or blue though ... i have had people tell me though that that is hard for THEM to read. and what is hard for me to read is easy for them.

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Dont take this as antagonsim.

None taken whatsoever!

Im just curious do you think people are activly changing their skins around?  As far as i can tell from the few that i talked to privately none of them seemed to even be aware that there ever WAS a feature to change skins.

I have it set to 'default skin' right now. It's easier to read until you're done tweaking the DGN Standard skin. :)

(the "default" skin is set on the admin side,  which is now "DGN Standard" the only way anyone would even see that IBP default thing now is if they purposely switched to it)

Yup, I definitely change it.

I'd have already slapped that DGN banner up there if it was easier.  You have to cut & paste a few different sections of code to get it to look right.  The IPB default skin is just there at this point for conversation sake almost.


That's ok, I wasn't sure if it was hard to change or not. Seeing as how some people do change

Please don't take the default skin away anytime soon! It's a good reference point until you get the DGN Standard scheme squared away. In fact, offering more skins down the road would be nice...

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i change my skins around. ;) and personally tho it is not very "goth" i do like the lighter back ground and darker font. it is just easier on *my* eyes. i do like the dark backgrounds with the right colored fonts but personally i hate black backgrounds with white or light grey font. i have a very very hard time looking at it. i like the black with purple or blue though ... i have had people tell me though that that is hard for THEM to read. and what is hard for me to read is easy for them.

Hrmm. I might have to make a seprate post about this at some point. I could make a sligthly alternate version of the DGN standard skin with different color text. (this is differnt than taking the time to setup whole new skins , which is not on the near term event horizion)

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....Please don't take the default skin away anytime soon!  It's a good reference point until you get the DGN Standard scheme squared away.  In fact, offering more skins down the road would be nice...

Skin options are probably a near-certianty eventually, as i think its a "neat feature" but extreemly low on the priority list atm and a focus im trying to avoid as it could litterally derail other higher priority stuff for weeks. Im trying to stay focused (and keep others focused as well) on the "get the thing launched, and promoted". Alternate skins , seems to be something that is sort of a sideline, unlikely to lead DGN closer to a launch, nor do i think "skin options" will be much of a draw for new or recurring posters, at least not as much as direct promotion and/or other new "content" would.

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Critter you mean the =single posts= as in... this post im typing right now? They have their own "unread" indicators? The person-by-person posts? Holy shit, if they do i must have been blind to it for 3+ years. =goes to look at the old board=

>comes backgasping

Yep they do. I had no idea. I guess i just sort of assume that the individual posts i havent read where going to be the last few on the bottom of the thread and it never occured to me that i'd need an indicator to tell me which posts i had and hadn't read. (and hell if i read the same post twice, if it was longer than a sentence or two id realize right away if i'd read it or not...)

Well ill put this one on my to-do list. Cant say it'll happen fast , but it'll happen eventually. Im not sure how to prioritize this one as i didnt even know it was a feature.

There is a related feature, that didnt exist on ezboard which is "skip to first unread" that is, if the thread has multiple pages, you'll see on the title a little grey series of boxes (like on the title of this thread) if you click on that, it automaticly skips to the page with the first unread post in that thread.

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Well ill put this one on my to-do list.   Cant say it'll happen fast , but it'll happen eventually.   Im not sure how to prioritize this one as i didnt even know it was a feature.


Much appreciated. I know about the page# boxes, but I sorely miss the little grey triangles. :wink :

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I posted about this in the Invision support forums, and was told there is no "standard" way to enable individual post "unread" icons. Its do-able via some code-hacking, which, is going to be awhile. It still will eventually come, just wanted to let you guys know i =tried= to bang this one out fast, but it will take more time than i can comit to it right now. Its still on my to-do list as above.

Much appreciated. I know about the page# boxes, but I sorely miss the little grey triangles.  :wink :

Theres also, on the opposite side of the post titles (opposite from the page number boxes) another box icon, which automaticly moves you to the first unread post.

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I've been poking about in the settings and such and can't see anything myself. . . . . Is there a way to have any threads with new posts move to the top? I can see that X forum has new posts in it because of the brighter coloured folder. Ok. So I go to that forum and I don't see anything on the first page that's a new post. Sometimes, I have to go to the second page of thread listings to find the new post. To me, this is somewhat annoying as there are some threads that I don't participate in and currently it's the only activity in those forums.

Also, I'm finding that sometimes, after clicking "Mark all forums read", it still shows that there are new posts even though no one has been or is on the board at that time. What's up? Do I have to manually visit each and every individual thread?

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I've been poking about in the settings and such and can't see anything myself. . . . . Is there a way to have any threads with new posts move to the top?  I can see that X forum has new posts in it because of the brighter coloured folder. Ok.  So I go to that forum and I don't see anything on the first page that's a new post.  Sometimes, I have to go to the second page of thread listings to find the new post.  To me, this is somewhat annoying as there are some threads that I don't participate in and currently it's the only activity in those forums.

Im not a master of all the ins and outs of how things work "as default" with Invision yet but, Topics , with new posts, automaticly go to the top dont they? The only ones that would look "new" even though they were old, would be unread topics, that you didnt read, in a previous session (and therefore they didnt get marked as read the first time)

There are lots of ways to order your message listing , but i dont think "move all new to the top" is one of them, basicly because all new topics, be default move to the top. Although "unread" topics arent nessisarly "new" topics.

If you click "mark all read" , then only the new posts will trigger an unread icon, and those posts, will then move to the top of the topic. Maybe im just confused as to whats being asked.

Also, I'm finding that sometimes, after clicking "Mark all forums read", it still shows that there are new posts even though no one has been or is on the board at that time.  What's up?  Do I have to manually visit each and every individual thread?

Can you duplicate this? I've not noticed it as yet, but ill keep an eye out.

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After reading your post above, Troy, I did a test post in a thread that had moved much down the page. Onyx's "hi" post to be specific.

I posted a response. Her entire thread moved to the top of this forum, but the purple folder icon hasn't gone bright - it's still dim as if there aren't any new posts there...

Hmmm. At least for me. Let me ask someone if it's gone bright for them... might be different for the person who MADE the post than for another member who has't read it yet.

Back soon with an update...

O.k. - there appears to be a slight glitch going on. Don't know if it's just something happening right now/today, 'cause I can't recall it happening before.

I put a new post in two older threads that had gone quite far down the page. One by Onyx, one by Dyno. Both moved to the top of the threads in this forum. But the purple folder that appears next to the title stayed dim instead of being bright to indicate a new post has been made.

Checked with someone else who's online and they said it's dim for them too.

So, unless this is a momentary glitch, threads with new posts ARE going to the top of the page, but the folder isn't going bright to indicate a new post in that thread.

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