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Thought, since I had a question and/or suggestion, that other people may too. So I'm starting a thread to handle those :D


Question: the personal photo option under the control panel, what is it for and why is it off?

Suggestion: is there any way to turn off the automatic quoting that happens when you reply to a post?

*Goes off to kick the tires some more*

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Any new info on the transferring of out post counts from our EZBoard accounts?

For now im going to have to say no. Maybe i might revisit it later. Opens up to many doors and questions to answer.

Question: the personal photo option under the control panel, what is it for and why is it off?

Its theoritcally differentiating between your "Avatar" (the main "personal photo" that shows up on each post) and a second "profile picture" that is only shown in your profile. Its turned off right now just because thats the default setting and i havent turned it on. Just as an aside, I like to encourage people to use "personal photos" as their avatars and this secondary "personal photo" might tend to lead people to belive its expected that they have a icon-image-other thing rather than a photo as their "avatar" and then their picture seprate. Not something i've given much thought/time to until just this moment though, to many other things to iron out atm.

is there any way to turn off the automatic quoting that happens when you reply to a post?

To further what jarod was saying, you only get the automatic quoting when you actually it the Reply "Quote" button, the regular Add Reply at the top and bottom of the post work as normal.

Hrmm, wonder if thats something that will become commonly confused. Might have to look into changing that in the future if it becomes common.

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Underneath the Quote and Reply buttons you'll see two more options: FastReply and AddReply.  Try those out, too.  They're neat.


To further what jarod was saying, you only get the automatic quoting when you actually it the  Reply "Quote" button, the  regular Add Reply at the top and bottom of the post work as normal.


Originally, I thought the button that says "Quote" would be to create a reply with a quote to this item, but this is a toggle feature. You can actually activate "Quote" on every post in a thread and that post will be quoted once you hit "Add Reply"

The " " Reply " button on each post is the only button that defaults to quoting specifically that post.

Yes, I was confused too.

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Most all of the graphics / colors / other will be in a state of flux for awhile. I've been working on it pretty much every day and its a lot of work, a lot more than you'd think. The current buttons are just "placeholders", i've changed them a few times, just for the hell of it but all the "stock buttons" that i like have white backgrounds and there is no GDK for anything other than the blue buttons, so i just havent spent the time to make and/or hunt down some more apropriate ones as yet. Nearly everything is editable (given enough hours of headaches) with Invision, which is a good thing but its not particulary "easy". You cant edit it in a tradtional HTML editor without potentially fucking things up, and the admin control panel is a bit slow to use, and there are litterally 100s of "objects" to edit,

Many of which have odd cascading effects, change one object in spot A, and magicly it screws up an object in spot X37, despite the tradtional rules of CSS and HTML. =D

Thanks for pointing out the color of the preview text , drew, as i rarely use it and probably wouldnt have noticed it for awhile. Now to figure out how to edit it without also editing some other text location accidentally =D

Marblez do you have the GDK for the buttons? You can edit the background color of the buttons without losing the shading or the color of the text graphics. I've been putting off " the buttons issue" as i've got so many other things to do. Im looking to make either black buttons or darker purple (like the title bar on the forums right now) Im a bit afraid of the purple butons turning out too pastel and looking like something from Hello Kitty.

If you dont have the GDK ill email it to you (its a bit large to post as a file on the board)... assuming you have photoshop or other .psd editor. If not it would be to much of a headache to edit the colors of the buttons without changing the colors/shading of the text manually without the GDK.


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One suggestion: for the IPB Default Skin you should replace the Invision Power Board banner/graphic with the Detroitgothic.net banner.


yeah i agree with that. that is the one i am using the ipb default skin. the light color of the font on the dark kills my eyes so i am sticking to the light background with the dark font but want to see the dgn logo too ;)

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Marblez do you have the GDK for the buttons? 


Do I have the whodawhatta?

assuming you have photoshop or other .psd editor.


Unfortunately, I do not. I use what I have. Although it would not be too difficult to get the text colors to look right - that is assuming that you can use standard gifs for the buttons. Btw, I pulled up the address for the button from properties and just used an image editor. That much took less than 5 minutes for all the colors combined.

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New icons are MUCH better. :D

Also the loss of the light blue bar will not cause any tears from me :)

class "checkbox" still appears to have a color style of black, which makes the text below the fast reply box unreadable. :) Just an FYI

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Does IPB allow you to make your own graphics? as in: buttons, bars, etc.? That offer to have my friend make some graphics for the board still stands.. We can make this place a bit "gothier"..

You can make custom skins for invision(which is what your looking at when you see the current board , a "custom skin") , which then can be uploaded to the board via the XTML invision skin format. Making skins (if they are largely different than the IPB white background / blue text default) can be a full time job. I've probalby spent 40 hours at least on this current one (but have been learning as i go)

Examples of premade skins:


In terms of DGN , the idea is to get the site "launch ready" and then start focusing on the key concerns the first three of which are 1. promotion 2. promotion and 3. promotion. :happy:

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