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[06/18, Sat] DGN Aftermath

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I seen saw

Circle Dragonus - Thanks for spending the night hanging out with me you got the biggest softest boobs I'd like to titty fuck em lol

Dark Chylde - Sorry I didn't come to the after party bro I was pretty much blacked out wife told me that u invited us to a party or something but nice seeing u

Crank - I seen u with dark chylde b4 I left I don't remember seeing u that much

Black Sunday 9 - Thanks for the pitcher I was blacked out already but I drank it anyways thanks ted

Ms. M - Kind respectful as usual nice seeing u traci

Sybil - OMG IT SPEAKS!!! Glad u and wifey had good time u birds were cackling about something

kitchojen - We spoke briefly

Mstbeau & Medea - Always nice to see u mark u too Medea

Homicidal Heathen- Seen u there Rochelle with ur hubby sorry but wifey was really drunk and started kissin you. Not that u wouldn't have minded it of course.

TearSandrille - Seemed like a very nice girl little shy tho

Krazykittie1984 - Talked to you for a minute but still kool as hell(I was blacked out completely)

Medea - Sweet girl. Danced with wife.

Morbid Suicide - Only seen u for a minute as usual. I was busy with the girls.

If I missed anyone I'll edit it later.

Edited by Dollardave
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Guest Game of Chance

Went...showed up some time after midnight...danced, drank, met some random cute girl...disappeared for most of the night. All in all, as usual, a good time

DGNers I met/saw

Troy - I don't care what anybody says/thinks...you're the man...don't forget it

BlackSunday9 - yes, I am a better dancer than you...we could have a dance off though

MsMaldoror - You're right about New Order being popular at the gay bar

GothBrooks - that one girl was hot wasn't she



Sybil - Nice to see you as always sweetheart



anybody i forgot sorry...was a great time...see you next week

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Came with CirceDragonus (who rocks my world!)

Made a new friend in Kitten - hot in that skirt

Talked to:

Dollar Dave

Troy Spirl

ManicSuicide (sp?)

Sybil - such a sweetheart







If I saw you and didn't say Hi, it's because I'm a chicken shit.

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Medea - Awesome Dress, Awesome Girl, I LOVE MEDEA!!!

MasterBeau - You good looking guy you. Gotta love the bald!

Big D (Dollar Dave) - Was fun chilling with you dude.

Tearsandrille - well I took her so I prolly should have met her, she doesn't rock my world, but she sure shakes it up a bit

SlaveKitten - You sexy cuddly little cutie you

Headless(oh god can't remember the rest)/Jason - You know you love it :grin !

Sybil - She's hawt!!!

Troy - Thanx for hug. And quit over doing it at the club. :doh

Dark Chylde - My sweetheart as always.

Crank - I love dancing with you babe.

BlackSunday8 - A delight as always, one of these days I will beat you up though :woot:

Ms M - Looking lovely as usual.

MomGoth (I can't remember the name) - Virgin bringer!!! It was good to see you again.

Maniac - Looking good as always, even if ya were getting a little frisky with me on the floor, but Keith puts everyone in that state. :laughing

Oh my goodness. I'm sure there is more. If I forgot anyone I am sorry. I love you all. Just drinking a little to much, and getting in trouble with the Sheriff. Well I didn't get in trouble trouble because they love me to much. Dave thought my goose was cooked though. *Shakes head* Eh, it worked out.

I had a blast, and everyone don't tell me you'll miss me yet, I'm still here!!! Tell me you'll miss me in two weeks. :whistling

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I had a blast, and everyone don't tell me you'll miss me yet, I'm still here!!! Tell me you'll miss me in two weeks.   :whistling


I'll miss u in two weeks, but that doesn't change the fact that you have horrendous knockers that I wanna use as a pillow to sleep on.

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I sort of lurked around a bit (and danced alot) and probably came off as being stand-offish to a few people i hope i didnt offend anyone. Im just relaxing a bit at the club and making some changes. Or rather I need to start "being me" more and a bit less of the yes-man that i've been in recent months. Its a good thing for me.

Per usual in the last couple months had a good time for the first 2/3rds of the night. =)

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Guess I should change my handle since no one could pronounce it... I guess anything over 2 syllables is a bit much when yr drinking so next time just plain Hille is fine! But yo it was wonderful meeting everyone & anyone I missed speaking to I apologize... I was a bit preoccupied at times... anyway let's see, I met/saw:


Masterbeau (who looked more & more like my 1st hubby as the night went on)








Game of Chance

... I know there were others but ai well I'm shitty with names so sorry if I left you out! Really looking forward to next time! :cat:

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Went...showed up some time after midnight...danced, drank, met some random cute girl...disappeared for most of the night.  All in all, as usual, a good time

DGNers I met/saw

Troy - I don't care what anybody says/thinks...you're the man...don't forget it

BlackSunday9 - yes, I am a better dancer than you...we could have a dance off though

MsMaldoror - You're right about New Order being popular at the gay bar

GothBrooks - that one girl was hot wasn't she



Sybil - Nice to see you as always sweetheart



anybody i forgot sorry...was a great time...see you next week


(and KissTheMidget)

it was a great night for me...enough said....


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Basically talked to a few like Troy, DarkChylde, Lady Windstone, Kiss The Midget, and Crank. Basically about it. At least it was a cool night to be inside the club. Troy, when you are sober, message me on Yahoo sometime.

Edited by Troy Spiral
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Guest Game of Chance

(and KissTheMidget)

it was a great night for me...enough said....



Sorry man...yeah...your friends were cool too...we'll have to get some shots with them sometime

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I picked up Medea, since she need a lift. Grooving outfit... I think we decided it was too "happy" for 40's outfit so it's a 50's outfit... sorta.

Anyways... I donated blood earlier in the day and was not in my usual energetic mood. We left early.

New people I met:

kitchojen - Nice to finally meet... :-)

Lady_Winstone . Keep them boots on. :-P


Gothicmom and her newbie.

Game of Chance

Black Sunday



Probably others...

It was good to see MsMaldoror again..

Likewise for Sybil

CirceDragonus - Glad you enjoyed rubbing my head.. maybe sometime I'll retun the favor. :-)

Troy... was Troy... in all his drunken glory. ;-)

DD... Nice to see you and the wifey again.

Forgive me if I've forgotten anyone.

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i showed up with my virgin friend miki i had a great time awesome evening and nice and cool not to hot and stuffy dont think i can make it next week tho because of work but i'll be up soon enough

people i seen




black sunday


goth brooks


Morbid_Suicide (hugged him and got liquid spilled down my back thank u it was refreshing lol)

Circes Dragonous



those are all the names of people i saw

i cant believe ppl cant remember me *cries* i'm over it lol till next time i get off work to go i'll see everyone again and hopefully get remembered lol

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I was bad last night so all please forgive. I got drunk too fast and ended up out in the car sometime around 3am slept until the boys came out of the club and went to jason's after party. I guess it was an alright night . i just have to remember no drinking if i've taken a muscle relaxer. i did meet a few of you but i do apologize for not being more social. I'm sitting next weekend out and won't be back to sity until the little one is at her dad's so hopefully i'll see you all in a couple of weeks.

i remember talking with

msterbeau (nice to finally meet you )

circe dragonus (i think i created a monster with the virgin)

thanks to lady windstone and headless goth and morbid suicide for looking out for me and checking on me throughout the night. also the party afterwards was a nice finishing touch to the night.


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I saw quite a few people, but I wasn't feeling very well physically or socially, so I ended up leaving real early. I didn't mind all that much, I hadn't been sleeping well, so sleeping the entire weekend felt grand.

Since I spent no money this weekend, I'll probably drop by next weekend, hopefully I'll be much more social... and drunk. :p

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i lied (yea, im terrible). i ended up going, but i didnt get there til late, like about 3.

i saw troy dancing. i saw crunchy pickle. both looked rather drunk.

i think i may have noticed a few DGNers about (hey, im getting better at this!) but, of course, they didnt recognize me. i must look nothing like my avy.

of course, im so :fear that yer not even reading this anyway, so...

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and so at around 2:40am "Kathy's Song" by Apoptygma Bezerk came on and I was dancing with Tracy and I realized right there that this was one of thebest moments of my entire life.  I'm not joking.


ah, a true Maslow-ian peak experience... those rock indescribably

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